Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Palace Guard

How might the process of liberation be achieved?
"Could the below happen?  Read and decide for yourself!"

The following is not presented as fiction but rather an outline presented in the form of a story as to how the now occupied Confederate States of America will likely be liberated and the legitimate offices in its government filled through national elections arranged for that purpose.  The Confederates Stated Armed Forces began its demise with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia on 9 April 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia.  Afterward those, which had not already done so began to either surrender or, disband their armies.

The difference between victory and defeat often goes beyond the odds in numbers and firepower. Spirit de Corps is often reflected in the music an Army chooses to sing as it marches off the war or in the manner in which soldiers will rally around their flag and defend it to the death against enemy a capture.  It is no historic coincidence that the critical moment comes when the national flag or unit banner is surrendered.

The essence or cohesion of any military command is sometimes described as a bond like unto a brotherhood, which forges what would otherwise be a scattered group of individuals into a single entity.  The extraordinary heroism of a military command having what is normally called ‘Spirit de Corps’ can be exemplified when the overwhelming odds favor of an enemy, yet even when faced with possible annihilation, they will more often then not, turn defeat into victory.  General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson inspired not only command cohesion but also devotion and ‘Spirit de Corps’ among his troops.

Had General Jackson lived and marched his army into Gettysburg approximately two months after the date of his death, the Confederates would have been victorious.  General Robert E. Lee and his invincible army would have marched into Washington DC opposed only by green garrison troops and compelled the surrender of Abraham Lincoln and his Armies.  This friends and neighbors is ‘Spirit de Corps. Jackson was a Commander who so inspired his men, that he became a legend even in his own time.

Our forefathers having given their last full measure of devotion for the victory and independence of the Confederate States of America have not necessarily been denied an answer to their prayers, by the passing of years.  When the time has fully come, God will answer their prayers as well as our own in the wisdom of His Divine Providence.   I am convinced, as is others among our numbers; that time draws nearer with every passing hour, wherein we shall once more see our Lord intervene into the affairs of men and nations.  The Almighty God will again demonstrate that He alone rules over the ultimate course history will take.

There have been magnificent comebacks of nations, which fell under occupation and their Armed Forces disbanded, whether or not the Confederate States and its Armed Forces is added to that list, is for each of us to decide by our deeds, more so then our rhetoric.  How you might ask could the Confederate States Armed Forces be reborn in modern times and do so lawfully and peacefully?  Well, there are those among our who have legal training and even more who have a little common sense, but suffice it to say, it can be done.  But it will certainly require a lot of imagination, determination and persistence.

The story is told in the Holy Scriptures, of how ancient Israel under Kind Saul, fell under occupation by the Philistines.  The treaty forged at the time of their surrender, provided that Israel could not have an army, that only the Palace Guard could be armed.  The topic came under discussion one day when Little David was called before King Saul and his Ministers.  Little David had proposed driving these heathen Philistines from their land, when David was reminded of the terms of the treaty.  Yes answered David, but the treaty doesn’t limit the number of the King's Armed Guards!

Our equivalent in modern times of the Palace Guard, would not be the Secret Service, which guards the President of the United States, but rather the State Police, but another agency would be the Auxiliary.  Many official agencies, which are armed and have extensive training, have Auxiliaries, among these would be the Auxiliary State Police, Auxiliary Sheriff Deputies, etc.  Auxiliary Commands normally are unpaid and are not subject to activation, either by the Federals or the State, but serve in a voluntary status pending an emergency.

It is possible to form an Auxiliary Command, attached to some ‘Official Police Agency’ and train them as a ‘S.W.A.T. Team’ having the equivalent of Special Forces training, and arrangements could be even made to pay them, during times of training or when they are serving in conjunction with the regular their Police Agency.  Given the flourishing of so many gangs in many of our modern cities, such a team could be justified; now read this idea in conjunction with the brilliant idea passed along to King Saul, as regarding how to deal with the Philistines.

It doesn’t take much imagination and there are many ideas that would work in reconstituting the Confederate States Armed Forces.  This little piece of wisdom may well provide the answer; we have State Police as well as Sheriff’s Deputies and they are armed; there doesn’t seem to be a limit on how many Armed State Police or Sheriff’s Deputies a State may employ.   Should Confederates return to power in large enough numbers, where we control the State Legislature and Governorship of at least a single State, hopefully more; well you get the idea?

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things." {Joel 2:20}

