Saturday, January 20, 2018

On Bended Knees

Honored Memories of Our Heritage

"A personal testimony"

 "The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert it's self, though it may be at another time and in another form." --- President Jefferson Davis

Back in the early 1990's my family and I visited a Confederate Graveyard; there on bended knees, and in tears, I ask. "Oh Lord, why could not these brave and honorable men, have won our war? They had built upon this land, one of the most God Fearing and noble societies and nations, ever to exist upon this earth! Its leaders were the finest to be found anywhere. Why Oh Lord could not they have seen the victory, and the vindication of our just cause?" Upon my return home my prayer were answered in a dream, wherein I was shown in no uncertain terms that our Lord is not suspended in time. That the victory was not denied them, it was only from our advantage point delayed. While we here in our time, see 144 years having passed since the surrender of our Confederate Armies. The Almighty God sees the entire span of time, past, present and future before him!

In the realms of glory a year is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Therefore 144 years is no time at all in the long span of history. The prayers of our Warriors of the Confederacy, delivered unto him in blood, sweat, and tears, in agony, often ending in death, has been combined with our own, and may well be answered in our time. That time to which Jefferson Davis referred, and we know so well, that "The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form." How many times I ask within myself: What did you mean Mr. President, when you used the phrase ‘another form?’

When the present modern day Confederate Political Cultural Movement was born and began to grow, I knew precisely of which our beloved president spoke. Another time to President Davis was the distant future; another form was the process and procedures, the method by which the Confederate States of America would rise again. Our Confederate Armies having been compelled to surrender had been overwhelmed by far superior numbers and force. We today need not nor must not surrender our history, heritage, culture, traditions and certainly not our faith. We have been in a state of retreat, for low these 144 years. We shall not surrender our nation, the Confederate States of America!

In that prayer of so many years ago, I also stated "When Oh Lord, when will we turn and fight? When will we renew the battle for those unalienable rights which you endowed?" In Columbia South Carolina and in Montgomery Alabama, we began the process and with a glorious victory in both cases. We turned on our opposition, mustered our forces and fought back! But for a moment, I thought I saw a return of those days of honor, glory and splendor. The road is long, the coming battles will be many and here we stand, like unto David and Goliath. On this occasion as in the Holy Scripture, "the giant looses!" This time we go out before the enemy with the whole armor of the Living God. The heathen Philistines of our time are not invincible they have their weaknesses. Our troops can be rallied in massive numbers! This time, by Grace and Divine Providence of Almighty God, we will be victorious and we will see the vindication of our just and honorable cause.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” {Matthew 6:24}.

