Monday, January 15, 2018

Confederate Legion

If we have the fortitude and persistence to reconstitute those long gray lines of 'Men in Gray' we will have proven to the vast majority of our people that we are prepared finish the work and liberate the Confederate States of America from occupation. We may continue to honor our forefathers by constructing ever larger monuments of granite or else can build a living monuments in the form of extended columns so numerous the sound of their heals clicking on the pavement in pass and review will be like unto rolling claps of thunder on the horizons of history. We can strive to gain their undivided attention with rhetoric, speeches, protests and rallies or we shall let them know in no uncertain terms; we have returned.

Our beloved late President Jefferson Davis is quoted 16 years after the wars end as saying; "The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena." It is not our purpose to gather together a few scattered good ole boys and proclaim a premature victory nor do we desire a few hundred who show up when the spirit moves. Rather we strive to build a professional 'Confederate Ceremonial Honor Guard' sufficient in numbers whereby we shall bring an entirely new meaning to the phrase 'million man march.' All those who may read these words are hereby informed; lawful, peaceful and honorable methods shall be used in carrying our mission and purpose.

We therefore appeal to the justice of Almighty God in behalf our just and honorable cause that we might create a spectacle of 'Men in Gray' of such proportions it will alter the course of future history. If there be a lost cause then let it be the cause of those who aggressively invaded, conquered and subjugated our people and nation. Let the cause of 'those people' be lost, who have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes in the pursuit of their victory against the Confederate States of America. On that glorious day a new birth of freedom shall arise from the flames and ashes of that great and terrible war; a freedom enjoyed by both of our peoples and nations forever.
Those who believe in the unalienable rights endowed by Almighty God in creation as well as all things Confederate and Southern, regardless of your home of residence, the linage of your ancestry or the political cultural views they once held, join with us today. Our struggle did not end with the surrender of our Confederate Armies, but has simply been enlarged and broadened into the political cultural battle field. Let us therefore be found worthy of the good graces and mercy of Almighty God that our just and honorable cause might be vindicated. We shall in due course of time create a spectacle of such size and magnitude; it will gain the undivided attention of everyone concerned.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. We honor all things Confederate and Southern, including our history, heritage, culture and nationhood; however while we study the times in which our honorable forefathers and foremothers lived, we look to the future that we might help make history, rather then merely look back with a sense of loss at what might have been. We are heirs to a glorious past, of the kind in which legends are made, however they are gone and we are here; it is now time for us to devote ourselves to the task before us. Our principles come from the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scripture and prayer, along with the examples of those who have gone before us; these serve as a guiding light and strength to help us build a future for our posterity.

