Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Return to Paradise

Could the Old South be reborn in the modern context of our times?

The Ole South has been depicted in all the negative ways possible, but to me, it was a moment in time, when paradise was in full blume.

If there is any piece of wisdom to be gleaned from history it is this: There are those who simply follow the trend, and then there are those who shape the course of history. It is not always the scholarly, the great and the mighty which step forward when others procrastinate in complacency and compromise. Often it is the humble and the common man who sees the need, accepts the responsibility and takes firm action.

The issue before us is to understand the identity and definition of the Old South and the Confederacy and to ask ourselves; are we truly seeking its rebirth in the modern context of our times or are we merely on a nostalgic look backward. It may be that many among our numbers are imaging an ‘Old South’ and a ‘Confederacy’ which never has and never will exist in the real world. We Confederates and Southerners of this modern area have become so adapted to a cultural and a way of life which is alien to the history, heritage, culture and nation to which we strive to revive. The former was overwhelmingly influence by Christianity, the later by 'Secular Humanism' and paganism. The purpose here is not to define for you, but to simply ask the critical question, that each might answer for themselves.
How many among our numbers truly understand and comprehend the price demanded of those who would restore the Old South and the Confederacy, in the modern context of our times? How many truly understand and comprehend the meaning of the Old South and the Confederacy, in the modern context of our times and what it would actually be like? Never in the history of peoples and nations has there been such a persistent nostalgia such as exists regarding the Old South and the Confederacy. Yet while the means is presently available to make it happen, there exists so few who are prepared to pay the price required in order to help make it happen. At the very moment when victory stands at the door, is it possible that Confederates and Southerners will simply allow the opportunity to slip away and die on the vine of passing history?
Since the surrender of our Confederate Armies in the year 1865, followed by the occupation and subjugation of our beloved Southland, the legend of the Old South and of the Confederacy has persisted, like unto a memory of a paradise lost, buried deep within the heart of our people. A romantic time of Christian Confederate Gentlemen Warriors and their ladies fair, of plantation homes, cotton fields, trees bending low their branches and song birds. The Old South is perceived in our memory as a time when duty, honor, self reliance, polite courtesies and mannerisms were common place, as was Christianity itself. In essence if ever there was any truth in the phrase ‘paradise lost’ it certainly lies in our collective memory of the Old South and of the Confederacy.
We look back at a time when the Old South was in full bloom and the legend was a reality rather then fiction, yet too many of our adversaries look solely upon the institution of slavery as it then existed, while failing to see the splendor, glory and majesty which lay just beyond their prejudicial views. Slavery was an institution of its own time which was fostered by bankers and merchants of the north who profited greatly from the transport and sale of African Negroes into slavery, while the South purchased them and made use of their labors. Those who hate all things Confederate and Southern should look back at their own ancestral involvement in the slave trade. Otherwise allow the institution of slavery to remain in the past where it properly belongs; modern day Confederates and Southerners should cease apologizing for slavery, as well as their history, heritage, culture and nationhood.
We present day Confederates and Southerners are so busy being at ease in a gilded cage, while continuing on a lost course to nowhere, we are unable to comprehend the simple truths of the matter. The Old South and the Confederacy can be restored in the modern context of our times; however it is our lack of will power and determination which prevents it from taking place. We are filled with excuses ranging from illegal immigrants to sprawling metropolises and tend to lay the blame upon ‘those people’ as General Robert E. Lee liked to call them. When in truth we need only look in the mirror at the culprit who is at fault for preventing what would amount to a ‘Return to Paradise!’ Our cities have become sprawling, overcrowded mega-metropolises, gobbling up our valuable farm lands and forests, merely for the sake of providing suburban homes for Yankees, Carpetbaggers and Illegal Immigrants.
Rather then spewing out a constant barrage of complaints and repetitions of news-bits which fall like crumbs from the Yankee Master’s table, we might spend our time and rhetoric on a strategy for the liberation of the Confederate States of America. After which we can undue the damage caused by nearly a century and a half of living under the rule of a hostile and socialist foreign power. We speak of the attacks upon our heritage like unto a child complaining about a neighbor boy stealing his candy, with little serious thought to altering the condition of our occupation. Should we concentrate our efforts upon liberating our nation, we would then control our own destiny; our history, heritage, culture and nationhood could be taught in our schools. A new generation of true Confederates and Southerners would then arise and repossess the land of our forefathers and foremothers.
The reconstituting of society would then become a matter of our possessing the willpower to make it happen! Illegal immigrants could be round up and given a firm but diplomatic and humane return to their own nations. Those who are confirmed Yankees and Carpetbaggers would no doubt be heading north rather then choosing to live under in the Confederacy; those who refuse can be kindly invited to return home. The American Civil Liberties Union, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the likes could be declared to be Civil Terrorists and disbanded, their members given a choice; a prison plantation home or leave the country. Modern technology has provided the means by which we can remove large section of our sprawling cities, peal up the concrete and pavement and finally restore the land itself.
These restoration projects could be financed through reparations for the years under occupation, either by levying fees against our occupation forces or after the liberation, a confiscation of federal monies or property left behind by their fleeing agents and bureaucrats. We would be in the process of creating a multitude of jobs for our people and plenty of land upon which to restore the Old South in the modern context of our times. Minus the Federal Court System usurping unto themselves powers never granted, the individual States will regain the sovereignty necessary to govern over all domestic affairs within their own borders. The dominance of the extreme liberal mass media can be brought under control through the return of all legal jurisdictions over the media to the various States, who may in turn require them to adhere to local standards as well as ceasing monopolistic practices or loose their licenses.
The issuance of broadcast frequencies can be debated in a free and independent Confederate States of America, but the license to broadcast would likely be return to the States. The Confederate States Monetary System can be restored to a solid gold and silver backed system through fees (not tariffs) levied upon all imports whereby a fixed percentage will be laid aside in support the monetary system. In this manner the Confederate Dollar will grow in value against other currencies; a growth which will attract foreign investments in the Confederacy like a vacuum. The agricultural product which will become king in a reconstituted Old South of modern times may not be Cotton, but Aquaculture, where ships from around the world take on valuable sea food products, in order to feed their growing populations. Additionally many endangered species can be replenished in this manner!
It would likely require an entire generation to completely restore our homeland to where it is the modern equivalent of the Old South and becomes in reality a restored paradise, but it can only happen if we stop whining and go to work. The question however must be asked; do our people or any portion of them truly want to restore our history, heritage, culture and nationhood to dominance in our own homeland? Do they really wish to see a liberated and restored Confederacy, a return to honor, honesty, majesty and splendor or are they too attached to the "Rap and Hip Hop Culture" and its unisex fashions? Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake, it will require sacrifice in order to restore a paradise lost and it shall never happen if our intent is to transfer an immoral Yankee Culture into an independent Confederacy. Such an exchange would only constitute duplicity!
Our men and women dress the way they do because a half dozen corporate giants dominate the clothing market and spend billions in order to insure we will buy only their particular products; we shall therefore require Confederate designers, manufactures, distributors and marketers. Our airlines, automobile makers as well as other industries must be owned and operated by Confederates Citizens or else we can never hope to make sufficient gains in the market place or in our society. This means making it more expensive to import the products we need rather then to manufacture them here at home; it means our manufacturing facilities cannot be foreign owned if we hope to achieve the results we require. It may indeed be necessary, even desirable; to restructure the corporate charters system of the Confedereacy so as to encourage loyalty to the Confederate States of America.
What will you as an individual Confederate and Southerner settle for? Have you ever dreamed that somehow the honor, majesty, glory and splendor that were the Old South and the Confederacy has returned again in the modern context of our times? Does your dream consist of merely preserving our present day rendition of what constitutes being Confederate and Southern? A kind of forgery and an imitation of the original, without the substance, the principle and the mannerisms! As for myself I am a senior citizen and will manage rather nicely for the time remaining to me upon this earth! However if restoring the Old South and the Confederacy means anything, it would mean being weary of men and women dressing alike and of guessing whether the individual just ahead is a man or women, and that too is an essential ingredient if the Old South is to be reborn, even in the modern context of our times.
In far too many cases we as a people hunger and thirst for a return to a paradise lost, without taking with us the very essentials which would truly make it happen. Those who imagine a restored Old South in the modern context of our times as permitting abortion, where men and women live together or have children outside of marriage, then you are not speaking of a paradise? If a restored Old South and the Confederacy of your dreams consist of men and women dressing in our modern day unisex fashions, then this is not the Confederacy or the Old South? The very concept of a society such as is being referred to here, in practice, would indeed be a paradise or else the closest mankind can ever achieve this side of heaven itself. However it requires a changed mindset based upon the principles which made the Old South and the Confederacy the stuff of which legends are made.
Those who are accustomed to living in a moral sewer may indeed find the Old South and the Confederacy as restored in our times, to be a hard adjustment to make. If freedom to you is the equivalent of a ‘free for all’ then you are by definition looking for the Yankee Empire by a different name, while displaying Confederate flags and symbols. If removing the concrete, steel and pavement of our occupation forces, then restoring the Southland and its cities is perceived as too difficult a task, perhaps you may feel more comfortable living in this present society with no morals whatsoever, its high crime rate and growing prison population. Honor, duty, splendor and grace require blood, sweat, labor and tears if they are to take place. We collectively as a people as well as individuals must decide what it is that we really want, for it is very possible the price may be greater then many of us are prepare to pay.
I don’t know about others but my dreams are not of a paradise lost, but a paradise reborn and certainly not a Confederate duplication of the Yankee Empire; mine is rather of a reborn Confederacy which is the envy of the entire world, where our men and women dress like ladies and gentlemen, having a changed attitude rather then merely being a carry over from the days of occupation. I’d like a society where crime is a rare occurrence and police work is the most boring job in town for this very reason. The society of my prayers is where illegal immigration as well as religions hostile to our society has been eliminated. A nation in which honor, honesty, integrity, morality and a sense of duty prevail because the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scripture and prayer have been restored as the foundation of our society, as well as our educational system.
There are many advantages to living in a liberated and restored Old South and the Confederacy as herein described; let us review a few of them. Our women and children will be able to walk the streets, day or night and do so in safety; a feat which the modern women’s liberationists can never hope to achieve. Money now spent on criminal justice can be used for other critical needs! Those things which are Confederate and Southern, including our history, heritage, culture and nationhood will be common place as will be our flags and symbols. The Confederate States Armed Forces as well as those of the individual States will never be used as world policemen nor go to war accept as a result of a ‘Declaration of War’ or threat of imminent attack upon the Confederacy. The United Nations will not be permitted to exercise their presence or authority within the borders of the Confederate States of America.

 Let us therefore reengage the struggle, gain the victory which was denied to our forefathers and foremothers, then rise up a generation which will have never experienced the occupation of their homeland. Let a new generation of females be born in whom the term Southern Belle is a living reality rather then a legend from another time. Let our boys attend schools which will teach them the ways of the Christian Confederate Gentlemen Warrior, that our people may never again see another occupation of our beloved Confederacy. Then we shall see a new class of leaders rise up, able to lead ‘this so great a people’ with honesty, integrity and responsibility, springing forth from an abiding faith in the Almighty God in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, the Holy Scripture and prayer. There shall then be a new golden age in the Southland where legends are living flesh rather then merely granite or marble.
"Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place. If victorious, we will have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for." --- General Robert E. Lee.

.The principles laid down in this quotation are as essential today as they were to our forefathers and foremothers; if victory is to be achieved it requires each and every one of us to be actively carrying out his or her duties. A return to paradise can happen, however present conditions leads one to question whether our people have the will power or the determination with which to make it happen. Ultimately victory begins within each and every one of us. as we decide whether or not to commit ourselves whole heartedly to the cause of a liberated and reborn Old South and the Confederate States of America. A return to paradise!
God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "We Seek to Achieve the National, Political, Social and Economic independence of the Confederate States of America by all lawful, peaceful and honorable means. We believe the Confederate States of America should be liberated and restored under the Confederate States Constitution. That national Confederate States elections should be arranged in order to fill the now valid but vacant seat in the Confederate States Government."

