Monday, January 22, 2018

A Moment of Glory

The pendulum of passing history occasionally pauses and brands an event, as if it were frozen in time. George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown and Stonewall Jackson at the Battle of First Manassas, stand immortalized for all the ages yet to come. Moments when men stood against tyranny and won! Like a huge oak tree standing strong against the wind, these fleeing episodes become milestones of our heritage and culture. As if upon a mountain surveying the rolling valleys spread to the far ends of the horizon we of our generation look back upon our history in awe. For we stand on the shoulders of giants, thereby the view seems so inspiring. Yet the day arrives, when we must come down from the mountain. That special moment of glory, becomes ours to fulfill, and the heroes will be from among our own numbers.

But who will ride before us, and lead 'this so great a people?' "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30). But what do we, when the giants are on the opposing side, and we stand with our meager forces? Across the valley, high upon the mountain stands Goliath of Gath, whose heights is six cubits and a span (9 ft 6 in). His armor weighs more then most men. Behind him stands all the legions of the Philistine Armies. We have only a little shepherd boy, come into our camp as a messenger, carrying food supplies. As Goliath approaches, our small force flees before him. Yet it took our little shepherd boy, to ask the right question. "...Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the Living God?" (I Samuel 17:27). And David spoke to his brethren, now standing in fear, before these assembled hordes across the valley; "What have I now done? Is there not a cause?" (verse 26). King Saul, himself seeking for answers, as to how to subdue this colossus of a man, and the armies of the Philistines; sent for little David. Notice he didn't send for the mighty men, nor those who walk the halls of power, but a little shepherd boy. "And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine." (verse 31). The spectacle would have been amazing; just a ruddy little boy, who would take on a task, that struck fear into hearts of the mightiest warriors in King Saul's army.

Now what did Little David choose as weapons against this giant, but "five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had....his sling was in his hand, and he drew near the Philistine." (verse 40). The similarity today, would be a Southern Country Boy with only a 22 gage hunting rifle, good for hunting rabbits, against a modern fully equipped battle tank. The computerized tank having lazer guided shells and night vision. Capable of striking targets at the far reaches of the horizons, and surrounded by the combined armies of the Yankee Empire. Then imagine if you will, this young Southern Boy walking across the battlefield with his trusty 22, surveying the situation, looking for a weakness in their armor. Our Little Southern Boy, shells, shoes and all, weighing maybe 100 pounds. Yet with the boldness of a warrior he cries out; "Who are these pagan yankeeites, that they would defy the armies of the living God?" The giant David faced, like our modern yankeeities would laugh, at such a ruddy youth. A moment of glory, was frozen in time! A small shepherd boy, with only a sling, and making use of but one of his five smooth stones, brought down the Philistine Giant, nearly four times his weight.

Little David ask of King Saul, so long ago; "Is there not a cause?" So I ask today; Do we not have a cause? Is it not still just and honourable? My fellow brethren; Confederates, Northern Confederates, Southerners, Southrons, Allies and Friends. I have faith in the Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, as did our forefathers and foremothers. This faith was expressed in the preamble of our own Confederate States Constitution, where it says "...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God..." Words drafted at the foundations of this Confederacy. The passing years under occupation and subjugation have not lessoned 'The Cause' nor the urgency of an untimate Southern Victory. The leaders and heroes we seek, are they not already among us? Awaiting for a moment and a time, wherein they will step out from the crowd, "...make up the hedge, and stand in the gap..." It is my faith and conviction, that an hour has been marked on the calendar of the Divine Providence of Almighty God. An hour yet to come, when the pendulum of history will once again pause, and freeze a moment in the memory of our people. A Moment of Glory!

Perhaps we might join together in prayer, each in our own way, and in our own place; "Our precious Lord and Heavenly Master. We come before you in thanksgiving, for all those blessings bestowed upon the Southern People; our history, heritage and culture. All those things needful for life and health. For those men and women of honour, honesty, integrity and nobility, which in your grace and mercy, you have sent among us. We come before you O Lord, humbly seeking, that you would quicken the day, wherein that special moment of glory, will once again be manifest. That we might build upon this land, a society and a nation, which will be worthy of thy good graces. A day wherein our people will be free and independent of occupation, subjugation and cultural cleansing. Be it so our O Lord, when our just and honourable cause shall be vindicated, beginning with 'A Moment of Glory.'

"Amen and Amen!"

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