Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Confederate Knight

Vision or Imagination; what do you think?
November 1996

 The below descrdibes a vision, which as indicated above, I experienced a good number of years ago; one can only imagine what the true significance it means.

While standing on the back porch of my home on a pleasant evening I began to pray, nothing of critical importance rather more of a discussion with the Almighty God. It is not unusual for me to gaze heaven ward at such times, particular when the sky is relatively clear as it was on this occasion, save for a few scattered patches of clouds. I've never claimed the mantle of a prophet nor is any claim made as to the meaning of what I saw that evening. While looking heaven ward the following vision appeared to me! It is not for me to place some special meaning to this vision, therefore others are welcome to decide for themselves if they believe I did in fact see something and if so, what it may have been and what they believe it may mean.

There was a knight clad in silver-gray armor, riding upon a great white stallion; the stallion was also wearing amour. The knight's helmet bore on top large gold-feathered plums, which were full and flowing back into the wind about eighteen inches or more. The riders wore a helmet and the face visor was closed so his it was not possible to make identification. The knightly rider held in his right hand the shield of a warrior, shaped on the bottom with a slight point and double concaved shape on the top. The shield had on its full face the emblem of the Confederate Battle flag. Except that between the upper arms of Saint Andrews Cross was a modern rendition of white Celtic Christian Cross.
In the knight's left hand he held the sword of a Confederate Commanding General, it was very fancy, obviously designed and made with great care and excellence. The sword was of extraordinary craftsmanship and appeared to be made of the purist of gold! The warrior's left hand was turned ever so slightly so the letters 'C.S.A.' could emblazon on the hand shield of the sword could be clearly seen. The horse in the vision reared upon his hind legs and the knight's sword pointed skyward at approximately twenty degrees. His overall countenance was as a cavalryman in the charge position. His sword glowed like the glory of heaven itself while a stream of lightening and fire extended heaven ward from the tip of his sword; the fire or lightening was constant and terrible in its intensity.

The stallion was large, exceedingly strong, and flawless and of spotless white, his legs reared high as very muscle in the horse’s body flexed with great power. The horse wore a breastplate as part of his armor, smooth and wrapping about him across the front and extending to both sides. The horse's armor like the knight's own armor was of a silver gray, and written in large old English lettering was the words 'Deo Vindice.' The knight’s armor was unlike any I'd ever seen so excellent was its craftsmanship, and it almost appearing to be form fitting while moving with the rider as he moved.

The knight rode as if out of a cloud, pausing before me about the level of the tree tops. He appeared bold, fierce, and noble and as one who had appeared on the scene in order to take command. The horse and rider rode down out of the sky but did not actually touch the ground, gesturing and looking down at me. The appearance of the horse’s eyes was like looking through the glass of an old coal furnace door, full of fire. My emotions ran deep and my distinct impression was the Almighty God himself in Christ Jesus, has here to take full command of our Confederate Armies. Symbolizing that he himself would move the course of history in favor of a Confederate victory and the vindication of our just and honorable cause.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "I tried all in my power to avert this war. I saw it coming, for twelve years I worked night and day to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle, unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for Independence, and that, or extermination." --- Jefferson Davis

