Friday, January 19, 2018

The Confederate Dilemma

The topic here is unity, the unity of all those who believe in and advocate the Confederate Cause, including all things Confederate and Southern.  It does not include what any particular organization, group, entity or whatever you call yourselves, choose to believe.  It is not about the policies, principles or agenda or any faction of the Confederate Cause.  If you read the following and leave with anything but unity, you have misread the meaning and purpose of this article.

There is one item, which I’ve considered pro and con for a very long time, that is how to put fire in the Confederate Cause and rally our people in mass.   Since our movement is divided into at least a couple of dozen organizations, maybe more!   This is not intended as a criticism toward any particular organization, but merely taking note of life in the real world.

Nonetheless, this division has prevented a true dynamic, unifying leadership to arise, but there is a way around this dilemma.   It involves the same solution needed in another problem, that of drawing widespread attention to the Confederate Cause, so as to attract large numbers of our people into openly supporting the cause.

That solution is in locating a real fire-eater, but such a person must be an individual that is not a member of any of our organizations and who will remain in that status.   It would be of little value to simply name someone, whom one of us says is a fire-eater, unless that person has proven that they can in fact deliver the goods.

Being a Confederate Fire-eater in the modern sense of the word, means being a true believer in the Confederate Cause, in our history, heritage, culture and most importantly in our nation, the Confederate States of America.   He must have that unique talent and ability to attract a crowd, speak with an aggressive boldness regarding our cause, while at the same time be able to dominate the headlines.

This means any potential candidate for the position of the Confederate Cause Fire-eater, must be all over the news and for a prolonged period of time, if necessary.   The attention he attracts is essential to reaching the masses and gaining their support for the liberation of the Confederate States of America, and the re-activation of its 1861 Constitution.

It is my feeling that such a person does in fact exist, but would not simply go forward and carryout such a fire-eating campaign on his own, since he would naturally be going about his life, as nearly 300 millions other people are also doing.   However, I am convinced, if such a person were located, he would need only a nudge to convince him to step into the public limelight.

Ideally such a person would be someone, who does not have any glitches in his background, no clashes with the law, however minor, that could come back to discredit him.   We are all aware of the type of glitches referred to here, and they all deal with moral failures as well violations of the law, even if these failures have never been uncovered.   The kind of failures the mass media loves to exploit!

Finally a Confederate Fire-eater must himself be on fire; otherwise he certainly could never set our people on fire!   He must be bold, beyond anything we have a right to expect of anyone.   We’ve all known someone who tends to get the attention and attract a crowd, but his person must be able to do so at will and on an enormous nationwide, worldwide scale.
There is a critical issue to consider in locating and activating a Confederate Fire-eater, as described in this article!   If any organization recruits this person into any phase of its programs, no matter how justified they may feel, they are destroying his effectiveness.

The temptation will be overwhelming, and it is likely that at least one, and maybe more of our Confederate Organization, will feel compelled to take advantage for their own gain; this they must avoid, since what is at stake is the ultimate victory for the Confederate Cause.

Those who don’t consider themselves an actual organization should substitute another word, such as group, fellowship or whatever is appropriate.  The issue is this, the Confederate Cause is sorely divided, while at the very hour in our Confederate history, where it is most urgent that we be unified; each of these separate entities all believe, theirs is the acceptation.

It is not the intent of this author, to become engrossed in the claims made by any particular organization, group, fellowship or entity within the Confederate Cause.  It is my intention here to simply point out a very serious problem, as well as a workable resolution, for the sake of victory for the Confederate Cause.

Our organizations, groups, fellowships and other entities would remain, but for the sake of the collective cause, they would do so with the understanding that each entity is secondary, to the overall unity of the Confederate Cause.   Victory for the Cause is the priority, and unity provides the needed strength in numbers!

It must surely be obvious, that no entity will ever attract sufficient numbers in and of itself, which will allow them to dominate or lead the Confederate Cause to victory.   The day must therefore come, wherein all who love and support the Confederate Cause, must comprehend and yes, yield to certain priorities.

These priorities require our first loyalties to be toward the Confederate Cause itself, and thereby an eventual single Confederate wide leadership.  The option to the unity principle discussed here, is in effect a second surrender as well as an eventual extinction for everything Confederate and Southern.If everyone who reads this article where to look around themselves at people they know or with whom they have communications, the person we need may not be far away.   Given such a person, things would begin to improve dramatically for the Confederate Cause.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder parts stoward utmost sea, and his stick shall come up, and his lill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things." {Joel 2:20}

