Monday, January 15, 2018

Boys Leadership

The purpose of this article is to call for the eventual establishment, at the right time, of an organization whose mission would be to train and develop our Confederate Boys into Christian Gentlemen, Warriors, Scholars and Leaders. Men such as Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall’ Jackson are excellent role models, but there are others! Under the rule of the Yankee Empire it has become politically incorrect to even consider that boys should grow up to become our primary leaders. In our time, television commercials, situation comedies and movies love to show women dominating over men, with females being the heroes or more correctly the heroines.

Where males, like the females, are cast as the heroes of the 21st century, they are normally portrayed as perverse, vulgar and profane! The doctor, the scholar the warrior will more then likely will be portrayed as a woman, and males playing these roles are quickly fading into historic revisionism. In summation today’s roll models are destructive of the family, society, state and nation, leading our people further into a degenerate pit of self-destruction.

In proposing a Boys Leadership Fraternity, there is no suggestion here as to race, those who inject race, whatever the extreme, are doing so against the principles of freedom and equality. If one is against a white’s only organization, how is this different then one that is all black? I am speaking here of training up our boys in the way they should go, and both extremes of the race issue must be left to history, once the liberation takes place, there is no other viable option. The issue must be returned to 'we the people' since government is inept!

After the liberation of the Confederate States of America becomes a matter of history, it will be time to change that situation, and rise up boys who will become Christian men of honor and integrity. Men having a high sense of responsibility and morality, being committed to their communities, states and the nation, and most of all the family, as described in the Holy Scriptures. Upon these principles we can and must restore our Confederate Society and Nation, to where they will seek always to please the Almighty God.
Such an organization for boys must be founded and operated upon the highest standards of truth, morality and faith, while at the same time; the men they become must be contrite and humble before their creator. The time has not yet come to build a Boys Organization such as suggested here, but it is not to early to prepare the ground and to plant the seeds, whereby those seeds may grow to maturity, once we are a free and independent nation.

The issue before us is not whether we are attempting to create a Theocracy, for we are not, but rather "Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord;..." {Psalms 33:12}. Everything that can be done, should be done, in order to ensure that we "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." {Proverbs 22:6

The purpose of this article is to call for the eventual establishment, at the right time, of an organization whose mission would be to train and develop our Confederate Boys into Christian Gentlemen, Warriors, Scholars and Leaders. Men such as Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall’ Jackson are excellent role models, but there are others! Under the rule of the Yankee Empire it has become politically incorrect to even consider that boys should grow up to become our primary leaders. In our time, television commercials, situation comedies and movies love to show women dominating over men, with females being the heroes or more correctly the heroines.

Where males, like the females, are cast as the heroes of the 21st century, they are normally portrayed as perverse, vulgar and profane! The doctor, the scholar the warrior will more then likely will be portrayed as a woman, and males playing these roles are quickly fading into historic revisionism. In summation today’s roll models are destructive of the family, society, state and nation, leading our people further into a degenerate pit of self-destruction.

In proposing a Boys Leadership Fraternity, there is no suggestion here as to race, those who inject race, whatever the extreme, are doing so against the principles of freedom and equality. If one is against a white’s only organization, how is this different then one that is all black? I am speaking here of training up our boys in the way they should go, and both extremes of the race issue must be left to history, once the liberation takes place, there is no other viable option. The issue must be returned to 'we the people' since government is inept!

After the liberation of the Confederate States of America becomes a matter of history, it will be time to change that situation, and rise up boys who will become Christian men of honor and integrity. Men having a high sense of responsibility and morality, being committed to their communities, states and the nation, and most of all the family, as described in the Holy Scriptures. Upon these principles we can and must restore our Confederate Society and Nation, to where they will seek always to please the Almighty God.
Such an organization for boys must be founded and operated upon the highest standards of truth, morality and faith, while at the same time; the men they become must be contrite and humble before their creator. The time has not yet come to build a Boys Organization such as suggested here, but it is not to early to prepare the ground and to plant the seeds, whereby those seeds may grow to maturity, once we are a free and independent nation.

The issue before us is not whether we are attempting to create a Theocracy, for we are not, but rather "Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord;..." {Psalms 33:12}. Everything that can be done, should be done, in order to ensure that we "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." {Proverbs 22:6}.
God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. Our Men in Gray are not a side topic nor an issue to be avoided, but rather the centerpiece of all that it means to be Confederate and Southern. It is of paramount importance that we stay the course and finish the work, as the posterity of those who fought against overwhelming numbers and firepower, for the sake of liberty and national independence. General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson himself believed the Confederacy held a special calling from the Almighty God, it is for us to fulfill that calling.

