Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Patriiot Guard

A ceremonial Honor Guard

The topic of discussion of this web page is the modern Confederate Cause having a serious need of showmanship, presently there is no overt means of attracting the general population into our numbers. There are many ways to achieve these ends: person-to-person recruiting, advertising, printed material and online Internet Sites are but a few.

The ability to entertain the masses through showmanship is critical, in this case it involves creating a Confederate Military Cadet style Precision Drill Team. Such a team should be fielded as a full squadron, numbering approximately 144 to 175 members!

The Confederate Patriot Guard could be called by any number of names, that is not a priority, and the organization should be a sovereign entity. None-the-less the long-term strategy is to draw the public’s attention, then gain their support through an entertaining performance.

Confederate Patriot Guard by any name would become the foundation for reclaiming our Military Institutions of Higher Learning, as well as an advocate for establishing a national Confederate Military Institute.
The pictures above depicting the Virginia Military Institute is presented as a reminder, this was the same institution where General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson was once a Professor. Those people through their tyrannical judicial decisions removed the last vestiges of patriotism toward the Old South and the Confederate States of America.

We as a people must devote ourselves to not only liberating the Confederacy from occupation, subjugation and cultural genocide, but also restoring the Citadel of South Carolina and the Virginia Military Institute to their former status as a place to educate and train men as Southern and Confederate Leaders.

We can begin by creating a Confederate Patriot Guard; men who are prepared to go the extra mile, train, drill and even purchase their own unique uniforms if necessary. While this challenge, if accepted, would be extremely difficult and hard work, it is within our capability.

The Confederate Patriot Guard, if created, must be every bit as professional in appearance, conduct and appearance as any Military Cadet attending the Citadel, Virginia Military Academy or the U.S. Military Academy for that matter.

However, what is required is to find approximately 300 men possessing self-discipline as well as a sense of honor, pride and patriotism toward the Confederate States of America. It also requires a will to win, strong determination and no let up until victory has been achieved!

The process of obtaining suitable uniforms can be resolved; there are many agencies which produce exceptional uniforms, which can be purchased at a reasonable price and altered by a professional tailor, hopefully a believer in the Confederate Cause.

Someone with initiative and imagination can surely find a suitable uniform already in production, suitable for this purpose. The other option would be to come up with the money to design and produce a professional looking cadet style uniform, but his is unnecessary.

However, success does require a little wisdom and a searching employed in the right places! Given the numbers involved, which would be approximately 300 uniforms, it is well within reason to come up with a uniform as good as any now in use by Military Cadets.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. It is for us to take the moral high ground and reconstitute those long gray lines in such a manner, so as to cause the world to stand in awe. It is for us to build into the Confederate Legion itself, the concept of Christianity, Family, Confederacy and Honor. We must become more then merely a band of ‘good ole boys’ out for a protest or parade, but rather become professional in appearance and military demeanor. We must teach, train and educate our Legionnaires in such a way, that ‘we the people’ will see in them within their numbers, the finest qualities of the past, present and future of the Ole South and of the Confederacy.

