Saturday, August 18, 2018

Confederate Army Returns

Could this happen in modern times?

How could a modern Confederate Army remain a secret and unknown, yet develop into a powerful army? This is a very serious question, so allow me to say what little can be said. But before we begin it must be realized at age 77 I am not likely to create an army, nor am I advocating the creation of an army. Time and circumstances will make that decision one way or the other, if it must be made!

 Cluck to enlarge

"... As time passes the present tranquil mood will change, until those who we reject as radically militant will step forward into prominence. A leader will arise among this segment of our people who will attract other leaders, and these men together will choose a totally different course, from among the three options previously mentioned: The military option. A large modern rendition of the Confederate States Army will arise,..."

All this is like a great what if, but in any case we are not speaking here of a militia, rather a top professional army. The question ask of me was, "How could a modern Confederate Army remain a secret and unknown, yet develop into a powerful army?" It must be totally understood, military secrets are the most fleeing of all secrets, this one would fall into a similar category. Still I am not about to say more then what should be said!

One might liken the problem to a story I once heard about very rich lady who owned an extremely valuable gem, a most beautiful diamond to be sure. If she hid it in the family safe, in due course of time safe crackers would find the safe, break in and steal the gem. The lady considered every option: a shoe box, under her pillow, you name it, but nothing seemed a viable option. So she mounted the gem as the center piece on her crystal chandelier. Which hung in the foyer of her large home!

Despite every effort on the part of friend and foe alike, no one could figure out what the lady did with her gem. Well, it's called hiding our treasured item in plain site! I won't reveal how an army would do such a thing, out of fear that should it ever become necessary, it would already be widely known, thus the tactic would be worthless.

But I will say this: I have made it crystal clear as to how it would be done on one of my websites, and only one person in all the land has ever came close to 'translating the message.' If I might use that term? Even this fine gentleman never completely figured out what he was looking at, nor the secret as to how to hide a modern Confederate Army in plain site. Every one having attempted to do so, is shall we say 'failing to see the forest for the sake of the trees.' The other portion of the secret has to do with creating a diversion, in other words causing the tiger to chase his own tail.

Lastly the issue of how such an army could prove victorious? Let me use an example! Suppose we all lived in a factious country called the United Kingdom of Tyrantis, thus as a result of force of arms we have all become citizens of this despotic kingdom. In essence we need to look at the basics of war. Making the enemy die for his country, while we live for ours: That is simplistic but when strategies are drafted, in our case, this must be considered.

We would be outnumbered and out gunned in this kingdom, the technology of the enemy far superior to any thing we would have. Therefore we must make their technology work for us and against them! Additionally, such an army must be able to appear and disappear at will. In effect 'never confront superior force' without the tactics to overcome that force on one's own terms. But like a hunter tracking a pray, take the time to plot, pick the time and circumstances for the attack, do so with devastating speed and deadliness, under conditions favorable to a successful mission. Such a scenario does not necessarily imply fair weather!

Our forefathers lived in a time when large armies confronted each other on the open field of battle. A factious Confederate Army living in the United Kingdom of Tyrantis, could not afford these tactics. In short, new and different tactics must be employed, which would make each and every one of our troops worth 1,000 of theirs, even after considering their training and technology.

This much can be said, they will have all manor of technology, including heat censors, radar detection and night vision. Making it near impossible to hide from them, but it is possible to turn their possession of this technology against them. So think hard first, then plan a strategy! Plus a means is necessary to ensure that every member of the army is loyal, and will keep it's secrets, and this too is possible. I will say no more on the subject!!! In the meantime we can achieve victory by lawful, peaceful and honorable means, if more of our people would become activists!

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "We Seek to Achieve the National, Political, Social and Economic independence of the Confederate States of America by all lawful, peaceful and honorable means. We believe the Confederate States of America should be liberated and restored under the Confederate States Constitution. That national Confederate States elections should be arranged in order to fill the now valid but vacant seat in the Confederate States Government.

