Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Siege of Fire Base Alpha
The below story is not mine but is passed on just as told to me by a man I will simply refer to as 'Big Jake Johnson' whom I met during the late 1990's; it is for the reader to decide whether it is the truth or just another wild tale. But knowing the original author as I do, there is no doubt in my mind it really did happen. Those who believe it is a true story are left with the question; what really happened at Fire Base Alpha and what happened to the men involved? In addition, we are also left facing a possible miracle; that somehow a company of Confederate Soldiers fought in Vietnam. On the other hand, those who disbelieve this story are in effect saying, a Black New York Yankee and a Vietnam Veteran would lie about their war experiences, however given the context of the story, I find that very difficult to swallow in any case.
The day was sunny; the wife had went the day before to visit her sister in Pensacola Florida so I headed east toward Destin out of Fort Walton Beach, stopping at a popular greasy spoon. Taking a booth in the rear, I ordered a fat roll and coffee. The place, as usual was crowded, this early in the morning. Seating being scarce, I was approached by a large barrel chest black gentleman. May I share your table sir, he asks? Certainly, have a seat! He joined me and ordered a breakfast of eggs and ham! We began with small talk, nothing serious, and then he spoke up, since after introducing ourselves we were soon at ease.
I've seen you around from time to time; you from Destin; No, Fort Walton Beach, I said! "I couldn’t help noticing your ball cap with the big rebel flag!" Thinking I was about to get jumped all over by a huge black man about my flag, I kept silent. He seeing my discomfort gave a big smile! Don't worry; it isn’t about a flag protest. The subject of the NAACP flag boycott in South Carolina was all over the news. If you’re not in any hurry, I'd like to tell you a story. Please do, I indicated! My name is Willie Black, he said; I am a Vietnam Veteran. In the late sixties I was part of a company of men operating out of Da Nang.
On this particular day we were dropped off by choppers at the edge of the jungle somewhere in the general direction of the Cambodian and the North Vietnamese border. We were to attempt an interception of supplies heading down the Ho Chi Minh trail. Our mission turned out to be about as effective as shooting fleas with a howitzer, which moves a lot of dirt but in the process very few fleas manager to get killed! After patrolling for a couple days, we ran into a nest of Vietcong! A bloody hatchet job it was; heavy losses on both sides! Somehow I found myself separated from my company and covered with shrapnel wounds, loosing blood and getting weaker by the moment. Hiding in the brush and moving only in short cautious advances, I soon totally lost my way.
I must have roamed in a daze for what seemed like an eternity but I recon it wasn't more then few days. Death stalking me with every step that I took; there was no way I'd get out of this jungle alive, I figured. If I could only make it to our own lines, wherever that was! By this time I had no idea which way I was going, or where to find my company. The occasional chatter of automatic weapons fire in the distance told me that Charlie wasn't very far behind. My eyes were looking through sweat, mud and blood, seeing only a daze. Then I came upon what seemed like a clearing, so I scanned the area! I wasn't about to go charging across an open field, but I seem to have no other option. I needed help desperately, or I'd die out here!
Maybe my hope lay across that open space, I thought? Then as I came to the edge of the jungle and took a better look across the clearing, I couldn't believe my eyes. This was totally out of time and place! A firebase, built like a fortress out of dirt bags, rock and anything else the terrain had to offer. High overhead flew the Confederate Battle Flag! I started across the field, hope against hope that I wouldn't get shot after coming this far. Then I heard a commotion inside the firebase, as two soldiers started toward me, slinging their rifles over their back, then I knew I was home free. Then and there I thought to myself, I don't care what ole Abe Lincoln says, that Confederate Battle Flag was the prettiest sight I ever did see.
I never questioned what it was doing in a clearing, in the jungles of Vietnam, flying over a firebase. I'd have kissed it with my last breath! Inside I found the place manned with about three-dozen troops, all Southern white boys, and they sounded like it too. Those white Southern boys worked desperately to patch me up and feed me until it would be safe for a chopper to lift me out. About half a day later, it was getting on toward dark with approximately two hours to go until sunset. When suddenly movement was spotted along the edge of the jungle perimeter and it appeared as though Charlie was attacking; I wasn't about to rest on the ground while the enemy came over those barricades.
Weak or not, I intended to join the firing line even though I looked like an Oreo cookie, sandwiched between all those white folks. In any case I figured this was no beauty contest out here! None-the-less, the place was a bloody killing field until well after sunset and long into the night, with only a pause about mid-night after which Charlie came at the walls one more time. Come morning that field out there reminded me more of the stories I'd heard about the Battle of Gettysburg then Vietnam, covered as it was by all those bodies. Once and a while during a lull in the fighting, I'd look up at that big bright red Rebel Flag and its Saint Andrews Cross. What would Ole Jefferson Davis have to say about this situation? Strange thoughts for a dark black man from the big apple!
After a couple days the fighting let up and Charlie retreated into the jungle. About the third day a chopper came in and airlifted me out! Since that day I've searched for those Southern white boys and their bright red Rebel Flag. I've never found them and I even sought information from the army, but received nothing but official denials as to the existence of a jungle fortress known as Fire Base Alpha, or of three dozen Soldiers and a chopper that brought me out. I figure they were either Confederate Soldiers, which came back from the dead, or angles from the realms of glory. But whoever or whatever they were, in a small clearing in the jungles of Vietnam, three-dozen red neck Southern white boys and one dark black Yankee from New York fought off the demons of hell. While every single moment we were staring into the face of death!
Mr. Buckner he said, my number came due that day and it was my time to die, but under the Starry Cross of Saint Andrew over thirty years ago, death passed me by. I wish that all those protesters against Confederate Symbols could have spent one day with me, at a place called Fire Base Alpha. Tell all those Southerners out there to keep the flag flying! I thought to myself either this is the biggest whopper I've ever heard or Willie had experienced a miracle. Willie seeing the look in my eyes and having his back toward the crowd, began to opened his buttoned up shirt and then pulled up one trouser leg to the knee.
Willie bore the shrapnel wound scares of battle all right and he looked like something out of a horror movie. Willie soon got up to leave and I wanted to know more about this man, but he indicated he had to leave. Giving me a firm handshake, he made one more statement before departing. "You Southern white folks have already paid your dues, don't let them hassle you!" Stand your ground! Willie slowly made his way to the cashier paying both our tabs in the process, and then headed out the door. I never saw Willie again!
God save the Confederacy
The Palace Guard
How might the process of liberation be achieved?
"Could the below happen? Read and decide for yourself!"
"Could the below happen? Read and decide for yourself!"
The following is not presented as fiction but rather an outline presented in the form of a story as to how the now occupied Confederate States of America will likely be liberated and the legitimate offices in its government filled through national elections arranged for that purpose. The Confederates Stated Armed Forces began its demise with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia on 9 April 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia. Afterward those, which had not already done so began to either surrender or, disband their armies.
The difference between victory and defeat often goes beyond the odds in numbers and firepower. Spirit de Corps is often reflected in the music an Army chooses to sing as it marches off the war or in the manner in which soldiers will rally around their flag and defend it to the death against enemy a capture. It is no historic coincidence that the critical moment comes when the national flag or unit banner is surrendered.
The essence or cohesion of any military command is sometimes described as a bond like unto a brotherhood, which forges what would otherwise be a scattered group of individuals into a single entity. The extraordinary heroism of a military command having what is normally called ‘Spirit de Corps’ can be exemplified when the overwhelming odds favor of an enemy, yet even when faced with possible annihilation, they will more often then not, turn defeat into victory. General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson inspired not only command cohesion but also devotion and ‘Spirit de Corps’ among his troops.
Had General Jackson lived and marched his army into Gettysburg approximately two months after the date of his death, the Confederates would have been victorious. General Robert E. Lee and his invincible army would have marched into Washington DC opposed only by green garrison troops and compelled the surrender of Abraham Lincoln and his Armies. This friends and neighbors is ‘Spirit de Corps. Jackson was a Commander who so inspired his men, that he became a legend even in his own time.
Our forefathers having given their last full measure of devotion for the victory and independence of the Confederate States of America have not necessarily been denied an answer to their prayers, by the passing of years. When the time has fully come, God will answer their prayers as well as our own in the wisdom of His Divine Providence. I am convinced, as is others among our numbers; that time draws nearer with every passing hour, wherein we shall once more see our Lord intervene into the affairs of men and nations. The Almighty God will again demonstrate that He alone rules over the ultimate course history will take.
There have been magnificent comebacks of nations, which fell under occupation and their Armed Forces disbanded, whether or not the Confederate States and its Armed Forces is added to that list, is for each of us to decide by our deeds, more so then our rhetoric. How you might ask could the Confederate States Armed Forces be reborn in modern times and do so lawfully and peacefully? Well, there are those among our who have legal training and even more who have a little common sense, but suffice it to say, it can be done. But it will certainly require a lot of imagination, determination and persistence.
The story is told in the Holy Scriptures, of how ancient Israel under Kind Saul, fell under occupation by the Philistines. The treaty forged at the time of their surrender, provided that Israel could not have an army, that only the Palace Guard could be armed. The topic came under discussion one day when Little David was called before King Saul and his Ministers. Little David had proposed driving these heathen Philistines from their land, when David was reminded of the terms of the treaty. Yes answered David, but the treaty doesn’t limit the number of the King's Armed Guards!
Our equivalent in modern times of the Palace Guard, would not be the Secret Service, which guards the President of the United States, but rather the State Police, but another agency would be the Auxiliary. Many official agencies, which are armed and have extensive training, have Auxiliaries, among these would be the Auxiliary State Police, Auxiliary Sheriff Deputies, etc. Auxiliary Commands normally are unpaid and are not subject to activation, either by the Federals or the State, but serve in a voluntary status pending an emergency.
It is possible to form an Auxiliary Command, attached to some ‘Official Police Agency’ and train them as a ‘S.W.A.T. Team’ having the equivalent of Special Forces training, and arrangements could be even made to pay them, during times of training or when they are serving in conjunction with the regular their Police Agency. Given the flourishing of so many gangs in many of our modern cities, such a team could be justified; now read this idea in conjunction with the brilliant idea passed along to King Saul, as regarding how to deal with the Philistines.
It doesn’t take much imagination and there are many ideas that would work in reconstituting the Confederate States Armed Forces. This little piece of wisdom may well provide the answer; we have State Police as well as Sheriff’s Deputies and they are armed; there doesn’t seem to be a limit on how many Armed State Police or Sheriff’s Deputies a State may employ. Should Confederates return to power in large enough numbers, where we control the State Legislature and Governorship of at least a single State, hopefully more; well you get the idea?
God save the Confederacy
Monday, January 29, 2018
Written On the Wind
Does the quiet blowing of the wind tell us some things?
Is future history written on the wind?
My blessing is to have had the opportunity to travel in most of the continental States, except a few in the extreme northeast. Most of my real experiences have been in the thirteen States and territories of the Confederacy. Nothing can be so inspiring as to stand on the high ridges of the Smokey or the Blue Ridge Mountains. Particularly in the high country looking toward the northeast at the horizon.
Shenandoah Valley sweeps toward the horizon with majesty that no lenses or artist brush can capture. The mountain region of Kentucky and Tennessee, so thick with growth, that man's construction disappears amongst the canvas of green. We see the rolling Ozark Mountains of Arkansas; each like a tapestry painted by artists from the realms of glory.
Shenandoah Valley sweeps toward the horizon with majesty that no lenses or artist brush can capture. The mountain region of Kentucky and Tennessee, so thick with growth, that man's construction disappears amongst the canvas of green. We see the rolling Ozark Mountains of Arkansas; each like a tapestry painted by artists from the realms of glory.
Listen quietly for the whisper in the wind!
Somehow I can't help but see miracles, and know that the Almighty God of Heaven has formed the Southland out of special material, with his own hands. Even in modern times with over population and industrial growth, the glory shines through. Maybe there's a part of me however small that has been passed down from the Blackfoot Indian branch of my family. Somehow I can see the natural wonders of creation, and the signature of Almighty God, written across the width and breadth of the land in living color. Someone once told me, miracles don't happen! At such times, I am reminded that every item we consume into our bodies comes from the dirt, and sprinkled with our Heavenly Father's raindrops. Water pours from a cool Southern mountain stream or a country brook, more pure then any man made refinery is capable of cleansing.
Standing alone for a moment in one of those high places, just to observe, is a very moving experience. The mind ponders the story of a people and a land; their history, heritage and culture, written on the wind. The concept that that history could possibly be written on the wind in such a manor, that it can not be revised, diluted or driven into extinction. On those high ridges looking toward the far horizons, a sweet smelling savor blows across the Southland. My ears strains to hear if possible, the voice of the Living God, whispering in the wind. 'If he can create all these things, could he not bring back the Southern People and the Confederacy from the four winds of heaven?'
There is the age old question as to the future of the Confederate people and nation? The fingers of Almighty God, carved the earth and the moon, and sent them spinning through the galaxies of space. Surely he can rise up a generation of Southern People, if necessary, out of the very dust of the earth, and restore the blessings to them. Afterward laying their enemies at their feet?'
Somehow as the wind blows in my face, the wind mocks the historical revisionist, and points a finger of warning at those who would drive all that is Confederate and Southern, into extinction. Just as all these things were blown away with the wind, they shall one day return in glory, splendor and nobility. My heart sees that long after the words written by the hands of man, have been corrupted and returned to the dust. The words of Almighty God, written on the wind, will continue to blow across the Southland.
His divine providence has set an appointed moment and time! Wherein just as he spoke to Lazarus lying in the tomb, "...Lazarus come forth…" He will in like manor, speak to the Confederate People! Could it be that we as a separate and distinct people and nation, we have an appointment hour, with the Divine Providence of Almighty God, written on the scrolls of heaven. A moment posted on the calendar of heaven grace, since before the dawn of time!
Yes, I see miracles, and His spirit moves within me! Our people have their differences, and seem reluctance to reach down and pick up the mantle, laid to rest by our forefathers. Yet there is a power greater then ourselves, has already scripted our future. He alone knows the beginning, the rebirth and the ending. When time has full come, he will roll back the northern armies, and purge their presence from the Southland.
The Almighty God will in due course of time rise up the Confederacy upon a high hill, lighting the way in a dark world. This people, land and nation shall then become a living witness, an example to those who believe. An earthly kingdom cannot be maintained without a Heavenly Father. He and He alone, will one day lift our banner higher and more securely, and then it has ever flown. On that day, all the earth will behold! This is what I see Written on the Four Winds of heaven!
God save the Confederacy
Standing alone for a moment in one of those high places, just to observe, is a very moving experience. The mind ponders the story of a people and a land; their history, heritage and culture, written on the wind. The concept that that history could possibly be written on the wind in such a manor, that it can not be revised, diluted or driven into extinction. On those high ridges looking toward the far horizons, a sweet smelling savor blows across the Southland. My ears strains to hear if possible, the voice of the Living God, whispering in the wind. 'If he can create all these things, could he not bring back the Southern People and the Confederacy from the four winds of heaven?'
There is the age old question as to the future of the Confederate people and nation? The fingers of Almighty God, carved the earth and the moon, and sent them spinning through the galaxies of space. Surely he can rise up a generation of Southern People, if necessary, out of the very dust of the earth, and restore the blessings to them. Afterward laying their enemies at their feet?'
Somehow as the wind blows in my face, the wind mocks the historical revisionist, and points a finger of warning at those who would drive all that is Confederate and Southern, into extinction. Just as all these things were blown away with the wind, they shall one day return in glory, splendor and nobility. My heart sees that long after the words written by the hands of man, have been corrupted and returned to the dust. The words of Almighty God, written on the wind, will continue to blow across the Southland.
His divine providence has set an appointed moment and time! Wherein just as he spoke to Lazarus lying in the tomb, "...Lazarus come forth…" He will in like manor, speak to the Confederate People! Could it be that we as a separate and distinct people and nation, we have an appointment hour, with the Divine Providence of Almighty God, written on the scrolls of heaven. A moment posted on the calendar of heaven grace, since before the dawn of time!
Yes, I see miracles, and His spirit moves within me! Our people have their differences, and seem reluctance to reach down and pick up the mantle, laid to rest by our forefathers. Yet there is a power greater then ourselves, has already scripted our future. He alone knows the beginning, the rebirth and the ending. When time has full come, he will roll back the northern armies, and purge their presence from the Southland.
The Almighty God will in due course of time rise up the Confederacy upon a high hill, lighting the way in a dark world. This people, land and nation shall then become a living witness, an example to those who believe. An earthly kingdom cannot be maintained without a Heavenly Father. He and He alone, will one day lift our banner higher and more securely, and then it has ever flown. On that day, all the earth will behold! This is what I see Written on the Four Winds of heaven!
God save the Confederacy
Sunday, January 28, 2018
The Confederate Resurrection
Join us now as we travel to that time and place when General Samuel "Sam" Garrett and his wife Caroline experience the challenges of making the most critical choice of their life. As you read this story remember, the choices this couple are faced with could well be not unlike those you might someday face! But overshadowing the daily conflicts we all might face is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Scriptures!
The Birth of a General
Saturday, 11 April 1959
Saturday, 11 April 1959
Samuel Garrett, commonly known as ‘Sam’ to his friends was born and raised in historic Charleston South Carolina; even the house his family lived in was known to be a survivor of the Ante-Bellum South. So Sam the boy grew up hearing all about the Old South, the Confederacy and the post war Yankee atrocities that followed. Sam was said to be an uncelebrated descendant of Confederate General Robert Selden Garrett, the first General on either side of the War to fall in battle. General Robert Garrett was in his own time, the cousin of General Richard Brooke Garrett, the family in those days was from Rose Hill in Essex Country Virginia.
Like his ancestors, Generals Robert and Richard Garrett, Samuel Garrett attended West Point and graduated 15 in the class of 1981, at the young age of 22 years. Sam’s Grandfather, Senator Douglas Garrett was a conservative Democrat, back when Republicans were still shunned by Southerners. In those days conservative Democrats were known as ‘Dixiecrats’ and they pretty much ruled the Southern State Legislatures, during a period of time when Confederate history, heritage and culture was still widely celebrated. Sam would later recall how Confederate Fags were a common sight over States Capitals, City Halls, businesses and homes!
However with the coming of the Civil Rights Movement and Political Correctness, there came a generation that knew little of their own history, heritage, culture and nationhood, save that in Sam’s home, the Confederate Cause still held an honored place in family tradition. As an adult Sam did not wear his Confederate Patriotism on his sleeve nor speak of it in any company unfriendly to the cause, after all he was a realist, and until the Confederate Cause showed some potential for victory, he would maintain his peace. In the meantime he concentrated on building a military career!
However there were incidents in the public arena that would alter his thinking, among these were a situation where on 11 June 1963 Governor George Wallace stood in the school house door of the University of Alabama, in an effort to block federally forced integration, as directed by the then U.S. Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach. Katzenbach had called President John F. Kennedy who activated and federalized the Alabama National Guard. Sam was far to young at the time it occurred to have had any personal, first hand awareness of the event, however being somewhat of a history buff, he was well read as regarding its implications.
Sam had mixed feeling about the issue; on one hand he never cared much for the law being used to segregate people, while on the other hand he opposed Federal intervention into what he considered a State domestic affair. However when he was 11 years of age, there was a mass media blitz, which came to be known as the Kent State Massacre, which occurred on 4 May 1970, at Kent State University in Ohio. Again the State National Guard had been activated and federalized! A student protest had taken over the administrative buildings as well as the entire campus, and four students were killed when National Guardsmen fired 67 rounds in 13 seconds!
After his graduation from West Point there continued to be an ever-growing number of incidences, which would ultimately help shape is character; among them was the invasion of Granada in 1983. The little Caribbean Island, had been over run by a Communist Military Coupe’, which he helped topple! Then on 20 December 1989 came the U.S. Invasion of Nicaragua and the subsequent arrest of General Manuel Noriega. But more then any other, the 1992 incident at Ruby Ridge and the shooting of Randy Weaver’s wife had directly effected him, again, the now Lieutenant Colonel Samual Garrett, found it to be an intrusion into State Sovereignty.
"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments." {John 14:13-15}. "… If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
"Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a grave, and a stone lay upon it. Jesus said, take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. Jesus said unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eye, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, Loose him, and let him go. {John 11:38-44}.
The War Years
Saturday,19 April 2008
Saturday,19 April 2008
Sam had only recently returned from the First Iraq War, which was launched on 28 February 1991, he and his wife Caroline were sitting over breakfast at their family home in Charleston South Carolina. Caroline poured Sam a cup of coffee while glancing at him, Sam she said, why do you stay in the military if it puts you into such conflict within yourself? You are well educated and have a lot of talented, you could make a living in any number of ways? Sam put a half spoon of sugar and a wee bit of powered creamer in his coffee, stirred it and began to answer.
Sweetheart, it may seem odd for me to say, but somehow I feel a kind of heavenly calling to continue my Army career, that somehow God sees a situation in the future in which he wishes me to play a critical roll. Caroline paused in her cooking of what was more brunch then a breakfast, to look at her husband! The somewhat large television, which sat on a coffee table in the corner at the far side of the combination living and dinning room was turned on, the volume on low. Caroline started to say something when something on the television caught Sam’s attention!
Sam picked up the clicker and turned up the volume so they could both hear what was being said, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms {B.A.T.F.} had surrounding the Mount Carmel, Branch Dividians Compound at Waco Texas, and was moving in with their heavy armor. Some day Caroline, they’re going to go to far, and set this entire nation ablaze, and I believe the Lord God has some thing he wishes for me to do on that day.
As Caroline listen Sam suddenly quoted a Bible verse, "And I sought for a man amongst them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." {Ezekiel 22:30}. I would sweetheart, that I should be the man God is seeking, that perhaps I might be God’s fireman, and put out the blaze before it become a firestorm. Caroline, God has somehow molded and fashioned my thinking over the years, toward that yet unknown future date!
Even though it was the middle of the morning and a weekday, Sam felt the need to stop by the Old Church, he had known since his childhood. The Church bore no name on the structure itself; save that over the door in large letters it said "Church"! The service there had always been accompanied by, ‘Old Fashioned Congregational and Gospel Music’ of a spirit rarely heard in our modern day secular today world. The preaching they heard so often coming from the pulpit was the most sound and solid, Bible based, inspired, he had ever heard.
Caroline understood, that Old Church was the source of his strength over the years, and he loved to return there, not just for worship services also but whenever he was troubled, as he was at the present time. On the way over to the Church, which seemed out of place, standing as it did on a ten-acre lot surrounded by all sorts of modern development. Sam put his favorite Gospel CD in the car’s player, and as the music sounded he began to pray aloud to the Lord God, in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior.
He was deep in the spirit as he drove into the parking lot, turned off the car Radio and CD player, then the engine, finally exiting the car he headed for the double doors at the front of the Church and entered. He walked forward toward the Bench type Alter, which extended the full length of the platform, the podium standing as it always had in the center front, draped by a purple banner containing a golden Christian Cross of Christ Jesus. He paced back and forth deep in his thoughts, having much on his mind!
The Old Church somehow seemed not only out of place, but out of time, like the reminisce of a by gone and forgotten age! Finally, as was his custom, Sam stopped and bowed at the Alter just as he had done so many years before, back when he was a boy, and would do so with his father and mother at his side. Looking up toward heaven he prayed; "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, my soul is troubled and I feel alone in the spirit, like a man stranded on an uninhabited island with no way of escape."
Suddenly he heard sounds around about him so he lifted his head looking about himself, what he saw astounded him, so much so he stood to his feet so as to look more carefully. There before him was a worship service in this vary Church, as it was when he was still a young boy! Off to the left was Mrs. Michelle Hensley on the piano as healthy and vital as she had always been in those days. Pastor Mathew Donaldson who had long since grown old and passed away, but there he was, pacing back and forth behind the kneeling congregants, praying over them.
As he turned and looked at the Congregation, he realized so many of them had long since grown extremely old or else gone on to their reward in Heaven. He remembered from the Scriptures, how that Phillip and later John also had been carried away in the spirit, and he then quickly realized the Lord by his grace, had carried him back in time, in the spirit, to the foundations of his youth. Suddenly a being appeared before him, so bright that he held his eyes for the brightness!
Son of the Confederacy, the Heavenly being said, "why are you trouble thus, has not the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ been with you since your birth, even as he is with this young boy you see before the Alter". Who art thou ask Sam of the Heavenly being! "I am a Angel, a servant of the Most High, and I have appeared unto you with a message from the vary Throne of the Living God, thou has pleased the Lord and he will show you what thou shouldest do, when the time has fully come."
Sam glanced from side to side at the scene round about him; then humbly he looked at the Angel of the Lord. Sam was careful to respond, but he finally did so, and with caution spoke to the Angel. It is true O Servant of the Most High, that I have been deeply troubled in my spirit! "Remember ye not, said the Angel, what the Lord Jesus Christ spake unto the Apostles, as he ascended into Heaven, "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." {Matthew 24:20}. In like manner, He is still with you alway, both now and forever!
Thus you have been returned to this place, the fountain of your youth, that you might regain the strength and courage you will need for the days ahead. How will I know when that hour should come O Angel of the Most High? The Angel answered, his words sounding as if he was fading in the distance; the Lord God will teach you through the Holy Spirit, as the time approaches. Suddenly the Angel disappeared and Sam found the Church empty once more, as it was when he first entered. He pondered for a moment what had just taken place, then turned and departed!
As Sam returned home his thoughts were drawn to a news update on the radio, the Federal Building in Oklahoma City had been bombed, later developments would prove that the bombing had been carried out by a man named Timothy McVeigh. Sam glanced quickly at his watch, the date and year read 18 April 2008! He thought to himself, "bitterness toward the federal government is growing, where would it all lead and what O Lord, have you for me to do?"
Sweetheart, it may seem odd for me to say, but somehow I feel a kind of heavenly calling to continue my Army career, that somehow God sees a situation in the future in which he wishes me to play a critical roll. Caroline paused in her cooking of what was more brunch then a breakfast, to look at her husband! The somewhat large television, which sat on a coffee table in the corner at the far side of the combination living and dinning room was turned on, the volume on low. Caroline started to say something when something on the television caught Sam’s attention!
Sam picked up the clicker and turned up the volume so they could both hear what was being said, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms {B.A.T.F.} had surrounding the Mount Carmel, Branch Dividians Compound at Waco Texas, and was moving in with their heavy armor. Some day Caroline, they’re going to go to far, and set this entire nation ablaze, and I believe the Lord God has some thing he wishes for me to do on that day.
As Caroline listen Sam suddenly quoted a Bible verse, "And I sought for a man amongst them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." {Ezekiel 22:30}. I would sweetheart, that I should be the man God is seeking, that perhaps I might be God’s fireman, and put out the blaze before it become a firestorm. Caroline, God has somehow molded and fashioned my thinking over the years, toward that yet unknown future date!
Even though it was the middle of the morning and a weekday, Sam felt the need to stop by the Old Church, he had known since his childhood. The Church bore no name on the structure itself; save that over the door in large letters it said "Church"! The service there had always been accompanied by, ‘Old Fashioned Congregational and Gospel Music’ of a spirit rarely heard in our modern day secular today world. The preaching they heard so often coming from the pulpit was the most sound and solid, Bible based, inspired, he had ever heard.
Caroline understood, that Old Church was the source of his strength over the years, and he loved to return there, not just for worship services also but whenever he was troubled, as he was at the present time. On the way over to the Church, which seemed out of place, standing as it did on a ten-acre lot surrounded by all sorts of modern development. Sam put his favorite Gospel CD in the car’s player, and as the music sounded he began to pray aloud to the Lord God, in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior.
He was deep in the spirit as he drove into the parking lot, turned off the car Radio and CD player, then the engine, finally exiting the car he headed for the double doors at the front of the Church and entered. He walked forward toward the Bench type Alter, which extended the full length of the platform, the podium standing as it always had in the center front, draped by a purple banner containing a golden Christian Cross of Christ Jesus. He paced back and forth deep in his thoughts, having much on his mind!
The Old Church somehow seemed not only out of place, but out of time, like the reminisce of a by gone and forgotten age! Finally, as was his custom, Sam stopped and bowed at the Alter just as he had done so many years before, back when he was a boy, and would do so with his father and mother at his side. Looking up toward heaven he prayed; "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, my soul is troubled and I feel alone in the spirit, like a man stranded on an uninhabited island with no way of escape."
Suddenly he heard sounds around about him so he lifted his head looking about himself, what he saw astounded him, so much so he stood to his feet so as to look more carefully. There before him was a worship service in this vary Church, as it was when he was still a young boy! Off to the left was Mrs. Michelle Hensley on the piano as healthy and vital as she had always been in those days. Pastor Mathew Donaldson who had long since grown old and passed away, but there he was, pacing back and forth behind the kneeling congregants, praying over them.
As he turned and looked at the Congregation, he realized so many of them had long since grown extremely old or else gone on to their reward in Heaven. He remembered from the Scriptures, how that Phillip and later John also had been carried away in the spirit, and he then quickly realized the Lord by his grace, had carried him back in time, in the spirit, to the foundations of his youth. Suddenly a being appeared before him, so bright that he held his eyes for the brightness!
Son of the Confederacy, the Heavenly being said, "why are you trouble thus, has not the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ been with you since your birth, even as he is with this young boy you see before the Alter". Who art thou ask Sam of the Heavenly being! "I am a Angel, a servant of the Most High, and I have appeared unto you with a message from the vary Throne of the Living God, thou has pleased the Lord and he will show you what thou shouldest do, when the time has fully come."
Sam glanced from side to side at the scene round about him; then humbly he looked at the Angel of the Lord. Sam was careful to respond, but he finally did so, and with caution spoke to the Angel. It is true O Servant of the Most High, that I have been deeply troubled in my spirit! "Remember ye not, said the Angel, what the Lord Jesus Christ spake unto the Apostles, as he ascended into Heaven, "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." {Matthew 24:20}. In like manner, He is still with you alway, both now and forever!
Thus you have been returned to this place, the fountain of your youth, that you might regain the strength and courage you will need for the days ahead. How will I know when that hour should come O Angel of the Most High? The Angel answered, his words sounding as if he was fading in the distance; the Lord God will teach you through the Holy Spirit, as the time approaches. Suddenly the Angel disappeared and Sam found the Church empty once more, as it was when he first entered. He pondered for a moment what had just taken place, then turned and departed!
As Sam returned home his thoughts were drawn to a news update on the radio, the Federal Building in Oklahoma City had been bombed, later developments would prove that the bombing had been carried out by a man named Timothy McVeigh. Sam glanced quickly at his watch, the date and year read 18 April 2008! He thought to himself, "bitterness toward the federal government is growing, where would it all lead and what O Lord, have you for me to do?"
The Growing Rift
Friday 21 December 2012
Lieutenant General Samuel Garrett had beem promoted to full General in 2010, but decided to retire on 1 October 2012, it was now a month before the 2012 General Elections, which would result in a Republican ‘House and Senate’ victory, with President Barrell Odoma having been reelected for a second term President. While holding a majority in both Houses of Congress, the Republicans did failed to achieve a Veto Proof Majority, which would turn out to be a portend of what was to come, a possible stalemate.
The Republicans did held one huge advantage, Odoma was no longer assured of gaining confirmation for his liberal slate of Federal Judges, but nonetheless there would likely be a political stalemate. The question was, would President Obama, denied his Liberal Democratic majority in Congress, now rule by decree, well, that remained to be seen. However there was one certainty, the Supreme Court was facing a few controversial decisions of its own, decisions which would further divide an already divided electorate.
As fall turned into winter Sam couldn’t help but notice another growing scenario, the Confederate Cause, once limited to a few hundred activists had once again become a force with which to be reckoned. Their previously small numbers were now growing, in large part due to the arrival on the scene of two men, a man known as the Fire-Eater and another referred to in their own circles as the Prophesied Confederate Leader, who had managed to gain complete control of the movement, thereby uniting all of the divided factions of the Confederate Cause.
Sam and his wife Caroline was at home in Charleston and nearing the completion of their evening meal when they heard a knock on the door, the two of them turned their attention toward the main entrance across the living room. Sam spoke up first, "I’ll get it honey, probably one of our neighbors wanting something!" As he opened the door he was greeted by two men, one spoke for both of them; Are you General Samuel Garrett, Retired? "Yes, what can I do for you gentlemen?"
The two men pulled out a leather folder like unto a wallet, flipped it open and exposed their badges, We are Secret Service Agents, sent under Presidential orders; you are to come with us. "What is this about, have I a choice in the matter?" We are not at liberty to answer that question sir, and we are authorized ot use force if necessary to compel your cooperation! Caroline, hearing the conversation approached and now stood by her husband’s right side; "Go with them Sam, I’ll be alright here, it must be something important."
Sam reached for his hat and a light jacket hanging on a hook near the door and gave his wife a kiss; "I’ll call as soon as I can sweetheart." The three men exited and Sam closed the door behind them, as the three of them seated themselves in the government full size black Lincoln Grand Marquis, the two Secret Service Agents said nothing, and Sam felt it better not to press them. After all they were more or less ‘Goffers’ for the President Odoma, and if he had ordered them to say nothing, you can bet the ranch that order will be carried out to the letter.
However, he knowing Charleston as he did, it didn’t take long for him to figure that they were headed for the industrial section of town, the Souths version of a rust belt. No sooner then he had thought through the situation when the car pulled up along side what appeared to be an old abandoned warehouse. The Agents exited the car, so he took the hint and did likewise! As they entered the warehouse the three of them stood silent in what was obviously once an office space, the two Agents looking more or less straight ahead.
About five minutes passed, but to Sam it felt like 5 hours, until the door leading to a large open space opened, and in came several more Secret Service Agents followed by President Burrell Odoma himself, and after him several more Agents. As the President slowed his pace and approached him, Sam having met him before knew not to assume himself upon him, but to allow him to make the first move. The President extended his hand and the two greeted each other with a firm handshake! "I though you were in Washington Mr. President, responded Sam!"
The President set out to explain why the General’s presence had been compelled, when Sam finally felt like he had had enough, he decided to spoke up; "Mr. President, my life, as you well know, has been that of a military man, not a politician, so don’t blow smoke at me, but tell me straight forward why I am here." Alight then General, so be it, you are certainly aware from the news that massive pickets and protests have broken out in just about every State in this Union. And it certainly is no secret, these people are by and large Confederates!
Sam looked at the President for a moment, then responded, "What then do you expect me to do about that, Mr. President?" President Odoma paced back and forth for a moment, then looking at the General he said, presently these people have the Federal Courthouse in down town Atlanta surrounded, so much so it is nearly impossible to get in or out of the building. You were raised among them and understand how they think, besides your simpathies lay with them, either you have them to break it off or I will find other means to do so.
Now it was the General that paced for a moment, then turning to the President he said, I hope you don’t have in mind what I think you do, don’t try it Mr. President, it’s a lousy idea, these people are a force to be reckoned with, and they won’t dance to your tune. The President glanced at General Garrett as he turned and headed for the door, just get the job done; an aircraft is waiting to fly you to Atlanta. The general tried one more time to get the President’s attention on the matter; "these people are conducting themselves in a lawful, peaceful manner."
President Odoma for whatever reason, refused to take sound advise and simply disappeared in the same manner in which he had arrived, and General Samuel Garrett himself on his way to the Charleston International Airport, headed for Atlanta. The same Secret Service Agents that had been assigned to make sure he was on his way, allowed him to stop by his house so as to pack for the trip. All he could think about enroute was the the thought of what his response might be if the President made some type of a stupid move!
Face off in Atlanta
Monday 21 January 2013
Monday 21 January 2013
The General arrived in Atlanta late in the afternoon, far to late to deal with the events at the Federal Building, so he settled in for the evening, deciding to order his evening meal delivered from a local restaurant, he then showered and picked up on a little news update. General Garrett though to himself, "the people love a show, particularly when it is of the magnitude of a spectacle. Well if that is what they want, I will give it to them, at least as regarding my own involvement in this matter."
The Presidents men had provided him with an unmarked government vehicle, and perhaps he was crossing the line a wee bit, after all he is a Retired Army Officer, but nonetheless he was under presidential orders. So the next morning he put on his Combat Uniform with accoutrements, and drove over the Federal Building, parked and headed through the large crowd, which was already assembled. He was not surprised to find that President Odoma had already ordered in Federalized National Guard Troops, which were setting up what amounted seige lines.
He was aware, these protests were spreading to seemingly every Federal Courthouse in the land, but now the President had called out the National Guard in a number of States, with Federal Troops on standby. A full brigade of armed troops faced off with these orderly peaceful unarmed protesters; there was a battle line of Federalized National Guardsmen on one side and the protesters on the other. The troops were at the ready, waiting the command to fire on these civilians, whom they appeared to believe, was somehow a real physical threat to them.
As boldly as he was as a combat hardened soldier he marched forward, positioned him-self front and center before the battle line of troops and called out loud and clear, We cannot do this, I order you to stand down, now, would fire on these unarmed citizens? The troops let up just a little, enough so as to glance very slightly from side to side at each other. The General again shouted his command, sounding like an angry Marine Drill Sergeant, ‘I command you, stand down, now’.
Astonishingly the troops obeyed him, returning to a parade rest position, all the while their National Guard General stood nearby, formerly believing he had complete control of the situation. An Captain then stepped out of rank, marched smartly toward the civilian protesters then positioned himself before them, facing toward his own command. One by one the remainder of the army troops present that day, which just shortly before had been prepared to fire upon unarmed civilians, came to attention, then marched forward and formed up behind their Captain.
The Captain then called out to the General Garrett, General sir, you are invited to assume command! The General then marched forward, taking up a position front and center of the Brigade of Federalized National Guardsmen. He then called out to their own General, standing some distance away, and for the benefit of the mass media press positioned nearby. ‘This Army is of the people, not of the Government, thus we stands in defense of these fine people. This force has not been created so as to oppress them, but rather to secure their unalienable rights!
Mean while President Burrell Odoma had returned to Washington, first on the order of business was a request by the Congressional Leadership to meet with him as quickly as possible. A meeting was called the second day after the Atlanta incident, included were Speaker of the House John Bernard, Senate Majority Leader Harry Raider, Secretary of Homeland Security Wynnet Lapaleno and Secretary of Defense Robert Bates, who attended the early morning conference.
After a few minutes of small talk as well as coffee, the meeting got under way with an opening by the President, then Speaker Bernard spoke to the group, "Mr. President, I must protest the action you have taken in Atlanta, while reminding you of its adverse effects. You have managed to provoke a law abiding and peaceful people into taking drastic measures, in order to ensure their own safety." The Secretary of Homeland Security arose to her feet, "Mr. President, in the past 24 hours, 17 States have saw their National Guard standing with these protesters."
The President glanced at his Senate Majority Leader saying, "You have nothing to add to this discussion Senator Raider?" Yes I most certainly do Mr. President, I myself managed to narrowly gain reelection in 2010, but even I can count, there must be 60 millions people supporting these Confederate with their pickets and protests. All you have achieved by your action is to incite them, and give them their battle cry, now they will increase until their numbers are large enough to effectively Command this Government."
The Secretary of Defense Robert Bates stood up and paced back and forth! All right Bob, stop wearing a pathway in the floor and contribute your two cents! Mr. President, what will you do when their numbers are so large we can no longer prevent them from simply walking out on this Union; this is not 1861, Atlanta was not Fort Sumter and excuse me Sir, but you are not Abe Lincoln? Push these people to far and I assure you, they will walk, and they now have the leadership to reestablish their Confederacy, which I might add, they believe is an occupied nation."
The Secretary of Defense returned to his seat and now it was the President’s who stood up and paced! Who are these leaders of which you speak or should I say leader? Speaker Bernard seeing no one else was about to respond, spoke up, "I am sure you know of him, he’s been on every network for sometime now, his birth name is a Mr. Brian Tappan, but he is presently known by his Jewish name, Levi Ben-Zion." Can’t we cause this man to go away somehow, responded President Odoma?
The Majority Leader Harry Raider was quick to answer, "What would you have us do shoot him, an attempt has already been made on his life three different times, and in every case he managed to escape with his life, only to gain ever more popularity with the people. Given perhaps one more attempt on his life, and his constituents will be a majority in every State!" While the President, his Cabinet and aides wrestled over what course of action was best, things were quite different in the Confederate Camp.
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." {Joel 2:28-29}
Revival in Atlanta
Saturday 9 February 2013
Saturday 9 February 2013
Just as Senate Majority Leader Raider had indicated Confederate numbers grew but not for the reason the Majority Leader had figured, it was nothing less then the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as reflected in their Leader, Levi Ben-Zion. Confederate rallies, pickets and protests continued across the width and breadth of the land, and Levi was at the helm in every possible case. Still that same Spirit of God had now lead Levi back to the City of Atlanta, and this time General Samuel Garrett was his key advisor, on military affairs.
The General found himself in the early stages of what was no doubt the largest, most wide spread revival since the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A Gospel Campaign was schedule to be held at the Atlanta Coliseum, and on the opening night it was filled to capacity, with standing room only. A sizeable platform including a podium had been placed in the middle of the field, along with added seating that filled the entire space round about.
I couldn’t help but scan the huge congregation of people, then my eyes turned to the first row at the forward portion of the platform, and one would inevitably focus on what was even then taking place on the platform itself. There was a group of Southern Belle Gospel Singers, which were introduced as the ‘Belles of Atlanta’. They wore long dress whose hemline was about 2/3rds of the way down from their knees to their ankles, and was filled out not unlike dresses did in the mid-1950’s when the ladies wore crinoline slips under their skirts.
All of the ladies wore matching dresses with long flowing hair about half way down their backs! Then there was another group, which came forward and began to sing Gospel Music, they wore very sharply tailored Confederate Uniforms of modern material, and they were introduced as ‘The Gray Brothers Quartet’ {possibly from their family name} and still another group, which consisted of three black men and two black women. This group was introduced as the ‘Mason-Dixon Singers’!
There were other singers each in their turn as well as several speakers, so this was not just another rally for the Confederate Cause, and General Garrett found him self in the midst of an enormous revival, which was even then sweeping the land. However outside in the coliseums parking lot near the main entrance, it appeared as though even in the middle of this powerful revival there were those who objected; protesters of every stripe had gathered in there thousands.
The local police were present in force guarding every entrance and did a magnificent job, but one police officer, obviously a Lieutenant on the force, ordered a Police Sergeant to go inside and find General Samuel Garrett, giving him the Generals location. So he quickly responded to the Lieutenant, turned and entered this massive structure, walking down toward the first row, which was in front of the platform. The Police Sergeant spoke quietly to General Garrett, who was known be persuasive in dealing with people!
The two men walked back outside and General Sam looked about at the scene before him; then approached front and center of the large throng of protesters, and addressing a man who appeared to be their leader. "Sir he said, why do you protest a Christian Revival, what has happened inside this coliseum that is offensive to your people. The man known to his friends as ‘Jimbo’ responded in a critical tone of voice, because its Confederate and that is enough, you people and your ‘Southern Swastika’, I know you plan on restoring the Confederacy.
The General then ask him; "how about you and two other of your choice come inside with me, so as to see for yourself what is taking place." The black gentleman turned to two men, one on either side of him and signaled them to come along with him, Jimbo then turned to the crowd, holding a hand held bullhorn speaker, asking of the people, wait here, and do so peacefully, till I return. General Sam and the three black men went inside, leaving a Police Officer outside waited with the crowd!
As the men entered and walked down the isle to the front, and stood just below the platform, the black quartet known, as the ‘Mason-Dixon Singers’ was even then singing. The group sang with such inspiration, they were given a thunderous applauds and a standing ovation, the crowd also include a noticeable number of blacks. Obviously the three black men that had lead the protesters was so impressed, they turned back toward the door they had just entered, then walked over two the crowd of protesters.
Where before these three men had angry faces, as if they wished to do harm upon the people inside, now, since returning from inside they appeared uplifted and pleased at what they had seen and heard. Retrieving their hand held bullhorn speaker they had left in the hands of a man left who had remained behind to lead the crowd in his absence, he stood before the throng of people as he had done so many times. As he did so he though to himself, how could I have been so wrong about these people, I’ve been drawn in by the hate and propaganda.
Jimbo scanned over the crowd of protesters for a while, then paused before speaking, he knew precisely what he wished to say, "Whatever you’ve heard about the Christian Faith and the Confederacy, he said, if what I’ve seen inside is any indication of what it would be like, then intend on joining them. I am returning inside, and I urge every one of you to either join with me, or else return to your homes; these people are what they claim to be, Christian Confederates out to preserve and restore their history, heritage, culture and nation.
The three men turned and followed General Samuel Garrett back into the coliseum, and quickly found themselves joined by an overwhelming number of the very people, which had only a short while ago, picketed and protested the Christian Confederate Revival going on inside. As they entered, volunteer Usurers provided for this occasion, escorted them to a suitable place to stand, inasmuch as suitable seating was no longer available. As they positioned themselves, the Leader of the entire Confederate Cause, Levi Ben-Zion, had just begun to speak!
God save the Confederacy
Saturday, January 27, 2018
On Holy Ground
Return with us now to a
more calmer and serene time of Christian Confederate Warriors and their ladies
fair, of plantation homes, song birds and hanging trees. Come with us and take
a respite if but for a moment in time, as the Old South and the Confederacy live
again in all their glory, splendor and grace.
I stood this day in fire and blood;
On honoured fields of grass and mud.
This our land where valor rests;
Southern glory stood the test.
I walked among those stones of grey;
Where gallant warriors here they lay.
Into the battle bold and loud;
Confederate Legions like a cloud.
Where gallant warriors here they lay.
Into the battle bold and loud;
Confederate Legions like a cloud.
With pike and saber into the fight;
Dixie men with all their might.
Passing ages day by day;
Southern Knights all clad in grey.
Should they rise in grand elation;
They would bid us restore their nation.
A grandeur nation could never stand;
Than what they built upon this land.
Oh ye people upon this mound;
Stand ye here on holy ground.
Almighty God pray I this day;
Our Southern nation return to stay.
By Thomas E. Guinn
Dixie men with all their might.
Passing ages day by day;
Southern Knights all clad in grey.
Should they rise in grand elation;
They would bid us restore their nation.
A grandeur nation could never stand;
Than what they built upon this land.
Oh ye people upon this mound;
Stand ye here on holy ground.
Almighty God pray I this day;
Our Southern nation return to stay.
By Thomas E. Guinn
Friday, January 26, 2018
The Last Sunset
Confederates and the Tribulation
The story you are about to read is quite naturally fiction, however it is based upon the coming 'man of perdition' known as the Beast of the Revelation! The full impact of his arrival upon the scene cannot not be understood without consulting a number of verses in the Holy Scripture, the Books of John 2:19–21, Matthew 24:1-2, Deuteronomy 4:15-40, Luke 19:42-44, Daniel 9:27, 11:31 and 12:11, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14 and Revelation 13:11-18. But the story at least gives a general understanding of the progression of events of history as well as the news, beginning with the past half century. "... Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six." Revelation 13:11-18.
Since the fall of the Roman Empire around 432 A.D. there have been those who have strived to put the old empire back together again, but have failed, that is until the European Union was created after the Second World War, becoming a launch pad, from which the ancient Roman Empire will be reborn, in the modern context of our times. This 'Rebirth of the Roman Empire' will become the power base for the only true worldwide 'absolute dictator' to ever exist upon earth, who himself will demand to be worshipped as both God and Messiah. The Beast of Revelation may, once he is revealed, will be known by any number of political titles; President, Prime Minister or some other, but count on it, he will come!

The reading of the applicable verses of the Holy Scriptures is a must place to begin, if one is to gain an understanding of certain coming events, as they are even now beginning to unfold. The arrival of the Beast upon the stage of world history will be immediately proceeded by the taking away or the 'Rapture' of all true believers, an event that will throw the world into economic, financial and political chaos, like unto nothing experienced before. You are also advised to view several outstanding modern movies, which deal with this same topic, among them is the 'Left Behind' Series. While modern churches no longer preach against what was once termed 'worldliness' still the Scriptures do not change with modern fades or popular culture.
When one's life style does not correlate with their profession of faith in Christ Jesus, there is a serious question as to whether that person will indeed go in the Rapture, as otherwise depicted in the series, still the over all story is well worth the viewing. Such issues are not important to salvation, you might say, well, my answer is that within a few moments after the Rapture, those 'Left Behind' will know of a certainty, they were wrong. What does this have to do with the Confederate Cause? Well, you are invited to join us as we travel to that yet future time, when the 'End Time Biblical Prophesies' is a living reality in the day-to-day world in which we live!
Beast of the
"Six hundred three score and six” Revelation 11--18 - Revelation 13:1-10
"Six hundred three score and six” Revelation 11--18 - Revelation 13:1-10
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" {II Thessalonians 2:3}.
I, James Bernard, have been a believer in the Confederate Cause all my adult life and had always thought of myself as a Christian, that was until an event took place that would separate the true believers from those having only a superficial faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Those believing such as myself, had managed to talk a good talk, but down deep in the soul, where the truth lay, we did not believe in the literal sense. We believed more in the god of Secular Humanism, then in the One True God, the God of all creation, even then, there was an air of arrogance and over confidence, that we were on the side of right and those extremist Christians were way off course. Having been raised in and around the Christian Faith, and hearing the story of the rapture told over and over again, I became hardened to it, believing it was only a type of allegory or a parable, not to be taken literally. How wrong so many of us turned out to be!
It all began for me many years before the rapture, the struggle to liberate the Confederacy then in its 19th year, and 145 years since the surrender of our Confederate Armies. Still our people would not rise up in sufficient numbers, even for the sake of their own liberties. A precious few continued to struggle on, in the face of failure and lack of any measure of tangible support, that is until the spring of 2010, when seemingly out of no where a true leader the Confederate Cause emerged, like the Lone Ranger riding out of the sunrise, he came. I was there to witness it all, and indeed I was among those who talked a good talk, but never managed to translate our much speaking into action.
But here I am well into the tribulation; our once massive armies are down to just a little short of two Brigades, with a Brigadier in Command, the last of our Confederate Troops still alive upon this earth. I myself am left alone, my wife and children disappeared when the rapture took place! I first met our Commander, Colonel J. Tilley on Monday 2 April 2012, when after marching his Gideon Battalion around the Capital Buildings of twelve States and causing much commotion in the process, the Confederate Cause grew into the tens of millions, now he had turned his eyes toward Richmond. This particular date he chose intentionally as a commemoration of that day in 1865, when the Government of the Confederacy was force to flee before the approaching Yankee Armies.
A Colonel at that time, he marched his Gideon’s around the Richmond Capital Building, then several of his Officers as well as he himself stood on the steps of the main entrance, knowing the pendulum had already swung in favor of the Confederacy. And the mass media knew it; the bureaucracy in Washington had to have known, for they were about to make their last stand as an empire. Colonel James Tilley, years later to be known simply as the Brigadier, had been a retired U.S. Marine Colonel and a Combat Veteran. He became disgruntled with the bureaucratic mess in Washington, so he joined the Confederate Cause, becoming Commander of a small but effective group called the Gideon Battalion, numbering only 300 men, plus officers.
Once the Confederacy was liberated on 21 December 2012, Colonel Tilley was called upon by the new Confederate President to accept the rank of Brigadier General, in the Confederate States Army. On the Steps of the vary Capital Building where they once sat in secession, the then Colonel promised, "Our Confederate Government shall return to this city and to these vary chambers." Colonel Tilley was as bold as he was talented in both the strategy and art of public persuasion as well as that of war itself, the liberal mass media always fell short in a contest of wits with him. This was something I was to later discover, as I would learn first hand and close up, during the years that were to pass!
However, my story begins as I sat at my desk one evening considering what to say in response to an email message inviting me to join 'Colonel' Tilley’s growing Gideon Battalion. It was late and my wife had already turned in for the night, but I just couldn't sleep, and I knew I'd only become a disturbance to her. The lights and the television had been turned off, as was my custom, when I felt like concentrating, normally I would have turned on some sort of music, save that it would have made for to much of a commotion. So I pecked at the words, deleting them and starting over, time after time; I wanted to join Colonel Tilley but I just had never managed to get around to actually doing so.
The light from the computer screen was all there was to pierce the darkness; at that moment I somehow felt empty inside, as if I was reaching out for something unknown and unseen. When suddenly the total stillness and darkness of the room was disrupted by a strange glow, like unto looking dangerously into the bright sun itself! When out of the intense light there appeared what I could only describe as a being of some sort, in the form of a man, he was so glorified I could hardly look upon him; I slide out of my chair and knelt on my knees out of fear, not knowing who or what was confronting me. "Son of the Confederacy" the being said, "do not bow to me, for you shall bow only to the one true and living God."
"Who are you?" I ask, in a trembling voice! "I am sent from the Most High, I am a messenger of God, the God of all creation; Son of the Confederacy, come with me!" The being kept referring to me as 'Son of the Confederacy', which I knew carried a message in of itself, and I was vary soon to discover its significance; the being I now knew as an Angel of the Lord, signaled with his right hand, that I should follow him into the intensely bright light, which surrounded him. "What about my wife" I ask, "won't she miss me and has she not heard what has been going on here?"
The Angel of the Lord responded; "she has heard and seen none of these things, the Lord God Himself watches over her! Suddenly his voice began to sound like we were walking though an echo chamber, "C-o-m-e w-i-t-h m-e, C-o-m-e w-i-t-h m-e, m-e, m-e" with each word repeated, the volume got lower, until we had passed out of my living room completely, but to where, that was the question, which in and of itself sent chills through me? However, before I had a chance to turn it over in my mind, we had passed through to the other side. I found myself standing beside the Statue of General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson on Monument Row in Richmond Virginia, the Angel, which had lead me through the bright light spoke again; "Son of the Confederacy look and observe."
I looked and was awe struck, as seemingly countless columns of Confederate Troops marched by on their way to the State Capital Building, as far back as I could see, they kept coming, rank after rank, sharp, wearing modern Confederate Combat Uniforms, their ranks and columns in perfect alignment, and they were well armed. Many of them even wore belts of Bullet Bandoleers, and their boots clicking on the pavement sounded like unto rolling claps of thunder. I looked again more closely just as the Angel had instructed, I saw the Confederate National Flag, Navy Jack as well as our Battle Flag. But I saw more, there were State and even Foreign Flags from a multitude of places! My eyes looked into the eyes of those troops passing close by, and I saw the Glory of God's own Divine Providence, alive in the real 'day-to-day' world in which we live.
I openly wept as I observed a world in which I had taken no action to help make happen, other then to merely talk the talk! I turned and looked at the Angel beside me, "I should be among those marching by", I said, "I have not only failed God, but also the very cause I claim to believe in and love." The Angel did not respond other then to say once more; "Son of the Confederacy, Come with me", as that same light I had observed in my living room, appeared again. I knew now to follow the Angel's instructions without question or hesitation, so I followed him through the lights, which were brighter then the noonday sun, only by God's own grace was I not blinded by its brightness. I wondered within myself what came next, where was the Angel taking me and why?
We soon found ourselves in a large room, no doubt the Virginia State House Chambers, now being used for the purpose of a ‘Joint Secession’ of the Confederate States Congress; a man who was obviously the Speaker of the House was just coming to the podium. "Ladies and Gentlemen" he said, "both those of you within this Chamber, as well as across this nation and around the world, I am most proud and honored to present, the President of the Confederate States of America." I moved a few steps toward the isle but was stopped by the Angel; "Son of the Confederacy, You may go as far down the isle as you wish, that you may observe more closely, just as before, no one can see or hear you." So I proceeded down the isle stopping about half the way, just as the thunderous applauds, greetings and handshakes were coming to an end, and the President began to speak.
I began to think aloud, speaking as if to myself, I know this man; he walked among us during the early years of the movement, when we all struggled, seemingly alone. This man was always prepared to go the extra mile, to do the menial and the unpleasant task; I knew he was doing these things solely out of devotion for the Confederate Cause. While I myself spoke in agreeable tones at that time, my rhetoric never measured up to my words, but this man was another matter entirely. He was always willing to do, rather then merely say! He went to great lengths to recruit, print material, distribute, organize and even serve as a speaker, whenever he might be useful to the Confederate Cause, doing so without seeking personal recognition, nor did he demonstrate any desire to walk in the halls of political power. Those of us, who worked with him, knew him, and we knew him as an honest and honorable Christian Gentleman. The Confederate People had chosen wisely!
The President began to speak; "Ladies and Gentlemen", the applause throughout the Chamber now louder then before, which halted the President from his speech! The boisterous applauds soon quieted down ever so slightly, allowing the President to continue! Looking to his left at the Speaker of the House, then to his right at the President of the Senate, the Vice President, he gave his thanks for all they have done, in working tirelessly to pass the necessary emergency bills, so as to place the Confederacy on an operational footing. "I stand here before you as the Second President, Confederate States of America, our nation having endured the long years under occupation and subjugation. We have proven victorious, not because of some mighty deed that we have done, but by the Divine Grace and Providence of Almighty God, thereby we are indebted to Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior."
The Angel approached me as if he were on a fixed schedule, this time all he needed to do is signal and I followed, once more we passed though the bright lights. I quickly found myself this time walking through the halls of the Virginia State Capital Building, which had been used as the seat of the Confederate States Government, but I had been moved forward in time. Having toured this building earlier it was obvious things were different, given the passing of time. At first glance things looked quite normal for a government building, people going about the nations business, understandably a goodly number of people moving about the halls. When suddenly a sizeable number of them disappeared before my eyes, their clothing collapsing to the floor, where they had once stood. Noise could be heard just outside the large entry doors to the buildings, which were off to my left as I was walking!
Quite naturally I turn to my right so as to be reassured by the sight of the Angel of the Lord, which had brought me to this place and time, but to my astonishment he was no where to be found. I had been brought here, right in the middle of the ‘Rapture of the Church’, which I had only a short time before thought to be merely an allegory or a parable. But now the rapture was serving as a moment of unveiled truth, dividing those who claimed to be Christians but was not, from those that are true believers in Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. That I had been wrong was no longer in doubt, but even in my unbelief, I had often attended Church and Sunday school, as well as having read the Scriptures, and I knew that vary soon, being a Christian, would in and of itself carry the death penalty.
I was unaware of the date, but however long the Confederacy had stood, the Beast of Revelation was now coming to power, and the Confederacy as it had been known was finished! While most of these people's attention is on what had just happened, mine was on what was about to come. I had to get away somewhere, but first I needed a place to relax and think; my only thought was to get out of this building, so I found the nearest exit and simply roamed the streets. I seemed to get lost within myself as a result of the shock of what had taken place, and somehow a week managed to slip by so rapidly it seemed more like a single day. My only thoughts as to how I had managed to survive was that numbers of people were grocery shopping when the rapture took place, and the food they carried simply ended up on the ground or else remained in vehicles, which had been abandoned.
It came upon me that with so many people missing, no doubt those taken in the rapture have vacated hotel or motel rooms as well as apartments, which would no longer be occupied. In all of my years it never occurred to me that I would be stuck in the middle of the tribulation, but here I am, and precious Lord did I ever make a mistake in not truly believing in Jesus? Finally I did manage to come to myself and looked about me, an apartment building was across the intersection, so I crossed and entered the front door. Someone in this building had certainly disappeared in the rapture, as evidenced by a pile of cloths lying in the hallway about three feet from an apartment door. It is surprising that a pile of cloths could remain in place after a week!
The door was ajar by several inches, so I took my chances, pushed the door open and slowly entered, half way expecting someone to come out of a side room and question my presence in their home. After all I wasn't in the habit of breaking and entering, but these were unusual circumstances. I called out so as to at least signify to whom ever may be about, that I am here under honorable conditions, but no one answered, so I made a tour of the various rooms. An old morning newspaper lay on a coffee table in the living room; an open Bible was well placed on the dinning room table, with a pair of glasses nearby. These two items appeared to have been intentionally place as they were! It appeared the cloths pilled up in the hallway had belonged to the man of the house, who had probably heard a noise in the hallway and went out to check, when the rapture took place.
Based upon a few pictures I spotted and the clothing present in the apartment, it had been previously occupied by a man, his wife and a little girl, perhaps eight or nine years of age! I became even more certain this entire family was taken in the rapture, when I tapped on a bathroom door, opened it and found nothing but a pile little girls clothing. The lady of the house had no doubt been in the master bedroom making beds or something, based on the look of things, the bedroom door being open I decided to enter. They were gone all right and as it would seem, they would not be returning! I decided to make myself at home for a short while, at least until I could get my bearings and decide what to do next. The refrigerator and kitchen shelves were well stocked with relatively fresh food, these people had a washer and dryer, the man had at least been close to my size, which convinced me, it was safe to settle in for the night.
After a bath, clean cloths and having a bite to eat, I found an easy chair in the living room and sat down to watch the news on television, the disaster was worldwide all right, airplanes and automobiles had crashed just about everywhere, as pilots and drivers disappeared. Fires spread due to unattended kitchen stoves, machinery and the like, but my attention was drawn to reports of so many Confederate Government Officials being missing. The Confederacy had become a predominantly Christian nation, but still, untold millions remained! I finally dozed off in the ‘lazy boy’ chair I had been stretched out in, hoping that somehow I'd awake the next morning and discover it was all a bad dream. But as dawn broke the next morning it didn't take long to see, I was still in the middle of the tribulation, and knowing what I knew, it would not be a good idea to remain here, eventually someone would come.
It seemed like a good idea to have breakfast before leaving, so after preparing a couple eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns and coffee, I sat down to eat! It seemed especially urgent to not only give thanks to the Lord for this meal, but also to seek His forgiveness for having been so wrong, for not truly believing in Him. I sat down and bowed my head; this was no time for flowery prayers that sounded good and meant very little! I knew that through all those years while believing myself to be a Christian, I was in truth, an unsaved sinner in need of salvation. After finishing my prayer I gazed out the window next to me at the table, which was situated in a combination kitchen dinning room. Now I knew the glorious feeling of being Born Again, of being a Christian for real, a heavy load was lifted off me and I finally felt alive, after giving it a little thought, I turned my attention to the meal before me.
I had no sooner finished when someone was heard knocking on the door, there was no commotion outside the window, but just to be on the safe side I walked over to the door, stood to one side and listened for any sign that it could be the police. Any police that might come knocking these days would likely not be Christian Confederate Gentleman, chances are they were among those having missed the rapture, possibly already having pledged them selves to the Beast. After a while I decided to take a chance and open the door, as I did two men entered and began to ask who I was and what on earth I was I doing in their parents apartment? Seeing the open Bible laying on the kitchen table, which I had been reading over breakfast, the man answered his own question; "that book is very unpopular these days, very shortly it will become against the law to even possess a copy of it."
"Holding out his hand for a handshake he introduced himself; hello, I am John McGaffery, this is Terry Wallace and this is or was my parents apartment. I am one of the Tribulation Christian also known as the Tribulation Saints, that we all once read about in the Bible! I myself, like so many, had thought myself to be saved; only to find out I had lost my way. I take it from the open Bible on the table, that you have given salvation a more serious consideration yourself." I thought for a moment, "John, I apologize if I have intruded, but I thought it being abandoned due to the rapture, it would be alright!" John looked at Terry for a moment then replied; "it is fine brother, my parents would have wanted you to make use of it, especially knowing that you are now a believer!
My parents were not only Christians, but also Dad was a member of the Army of Virginia, which was once referred to as the Virginia Nation Guard, the term was dropped after the Second President took office, not long after the liberation. He was also a reenactor, so occasionally he had a reason to wear the old Uniform of the War for Independence. The old historic uniform had become more or less common, since it had been widely used for celebrations, festivities and social occasions! This reminds me that I should mention, Brigadier General James Tilley is mustering a Christian Confederate Army in the high Shenandoah, knowing the Beast of Revelation is even now coming to power.
The Brigadier like so many of us, are among those having recently received Christ as our Savior and Lord! Would you like to join us, we will soon be on the road heading that way?" It didn't take long for me to make up my mind, since I had refused to step forward and help many years before the rapture, when we were only a movement. Now I intended on being onboard in support of whatever the Brigadier had in mind! "I know Brigadier General Tilley", I said, "but back when I knew him, he was a Colonel, that was a number of years back, and in another world." "Amen to that" came the response from Terry Wallace, "and welcome aboard ‘Mr. James Bernard’, did you say your name is."
"I normally go by the name Jim", I said, while smiling at my good fortune, "my Christian Brothers and Sisters are invited to call me just that, Jim." Terry continued; "We should be leaving here soon, you may not be aware, they are already requiring people to report to the census, and we have discovered that while there, everyone will be asked to take what they are referring to as an economic mark, it is the number 666, and we all know what that means." "Jim, you are my dad's size are you not, aren't the cloths you have on his?" remarked John McGaffery. You should take my dad's historic Confederate Uniform with you also, ours is already in the van, which we have parked just around the corner, we best hurry, they'll be around vary soon now."
The Brigadier has decided we should use the older uniform, since the modern ones may still be in use by those supporting the Beast; my Dad’s uniforms are probably in the master bedroom closet, along with his boots, kepi and leatherwork. My dad used a musket with the older uniform, but don't bother with it, the Brigadier has plans for more up-to-date firepower. My dad does have a 44 Magnum Smith and Wesson Pistol on the shelf above the uniforms; bring the pistol as well as the ammunition. The Brigadier wishes to remind every one who joins us, we will fight for freedom, not to over throw the beast, and certainly not for revenge, for vengeance is the Lords.
We will also give aid and sustenance wherever possible to any Christians we run across, particularly the women and the elderly!" We left the apartment, hurried down the hallway and outside, the van 'of the full size cargo variety' was parked along side the building, so we followed the sidewalk around and opened up the double side doors, placing the duffle bag with the Confederate Uniforms and the pistol inside. "We best put this bag under cover" replied Terry, as he rolled back a section of the floor mat and pointed to a well disguised trap door, which covered a storage space just underneath. I could see two other bags already stored there, so I placed mine along side them, closed the lid and put the floor mat back into its proper place.
We should arrived at the Headquarters Encampment by early evening, unless we are stopped along the way", stated John, "I don't expect any trouble, since those loyal to the Beast are not completely organized yet, and won't be for a few more days, we can be certain they will not be long in coming after any and all Christians." The three of us remained silent for the most part, having only a few insignificant discussions as we traveled up the highway. I was fixed on taking in the scenery, remembering earlier days when I drove this same route from northeastern Kentucky in route to Richmond. The time passed quickly and we soon found ourselves pulling off the highway onto a narrower two lane back country road, then onto a dirt road, hardened over the years.
The weeds and shrubs along the dirt road was tall and thick, and served to hide our van's presence, John who was now driving, kept at a modest speed so as not to stir up to much dust, thereby drawing attention to us. After what must have been another half hour of driving down the dirt road, we turned off again, this time into what was no doubt a large property of some sort having a long driveway, which was also overgrown. Finally we arrived at a modest size building, which was not unlike the size and shape of an old fashion one-room schoolhouse or a small church, but perhaps a shade larger. A structure that might hold maybe 120 people, more if they were standing, rather then seated.
Aged lap sidings covered the building, which by its appearance hadn’t been maintained in many years, but between the gaps in the decaying siding one could see old style cinder blocks. The cinder blocks were no longer in production, but they were the original construction material of which the building was made. We entered the building through an old but somewhat secure wooden door, no doubt a replacement, since it didn't match either the cinder blocks or else the lapboard siding added later, giving it a rustic appearance. On the inside of the building things were completely different, the walls were made of poured concrete, painted over in a two tone white over medium dark brown, scared, chipped and worn by the passing years.
The floor turned out to be concrete covered in two tones of brown tile, which gave the impression the military had done the design work, given their sometimes-drab taste in decor! Brigadier General James Tilley himself met us as well as a Colonel, which I had not had the privilege of meeting before. After introducing ourselves to one another Tilley turned to Terry Wallace: "Corporal Wallace, take the van outside down to our secure parking space, then return, we will be in the conference room below." I caught the word 'below' right off, there was no doubt more to this quaint little building then could be seen at first glance. As Terry exited the door the Brigadier turned to the remaining two of us, saying "come, follow me." I could not see anything remotely resembling a door, other then the one we had entered the building through, but I had an idea such a door existed, somewhere.
The Brigadier walked straight toward the midsection of the opposite wall and pushed on a particular place, a door opened as if the heavy bricks and concrete were moving on rollers, and maybe they were for all I knew. We walked down a couple of landings of stairs until we were soon standing in an entirely different world, a room several times the size of the one above, and there appeared to be an adjacent room besides this one, no doubt as large or larger, just off to one side. Later I was told about a hallway extending westward, leading to even more rooms. There were approximately 100 people standing about and upon seeing the Brigadier they all came to attention, while making a pathway down the middle through which he could pass and address them.
"Gentleman, at ease" he said, "we have an addition to our numbers, Private James Bernard, be assured there will be more arriving in the coming weeks, inasmuch as I expect to muster a small but effective army of approximately seven to eight thousand. Corporal McGaffery has heard my instruction before, so we will continue on with the program without him! Each of you have been checked out, so I am aware that everyone here is a new born Christian, what the Scriptures refer to as Tribulation Saints or Tribulation Christians, if you wish. So all of us have missed the rapture, but by His grace, we have been given a second chance! Let there be no illusions, we are not here to fight the Beast out of any expectation of winning, for we cannot prevent prophecy.
He will reign for seven years until our Lord Jesus Christ returns in glory, we fight rather for freedom, and we will aid our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, whenever and wherever we find them in need, but ultimately we will be discovered. The day will come when we will fight our last battle, and while we will undoubtedly take as many of them with us as possible, we ‘will’ be exterminated, in the last and final battle in which Confederates are engaged. If anyone here has any hesitation whatsoever or feels he cannot stand with us and travel the last mile of the way, let him withdraw now. You will not be thought of any less nor will you be dishonored, this is a case where everyone must choose for them selves.
Those who remain will be called upon to die if need be for our unalienable rights, so stay or go as seems good in your own eyes, but make your choice once and once only, forever. Should anyone decide to leave, we will do everything within our power to assure your safe return to your homes or to any other reasonable location. As for this little facility, I had it built in more pleasant times, against the possibility the Yankees might come back upon us; no one alive today knows of its existence, but our own meager forces. Make no mistake about it, the Confederate States of America as we knew it, is dead and gone forever, but you must not believe our country was reborn and died in vein. The Confederacy fulfilled God's own purpose, by standing as the platform and podium, for our Lord's last worldwide Alter Call, in that time before the rapture.
So be assured, our beloved nation has fulfilled its mission and purpose! Those who have repented of their sins, with a contrite heart, having surrendered completely to Jesus Christ, are even now beginning to withdraw from society and go underground; the remainder of those who were once our own people is now pledged to the Beast of Revelation. We therefore stand alone, along with the few who will join us; our forces are the remaining ruminants of the Confederacy. Yet we are not truly alone for Christ is with us, always." The Brigadier then called Colonel William Walcott forward to present his portion of the program! "Thank you Brigadier General Tilley, thank you so very much for your confidence in making me your Executive Officer and second in command", stated Colonel Walcott. I will make every effort to live up to the confidence you have placed in me!
Now for the real reason we are gathered here; when you return to the out of doors very shortly, you will be shown the east side of the building. Take a good look; you will see the slops leading down to the Shenandoah Valley! On those slops gentlemen is where we Confederates shall one day make our last stand, in this life, as Christians and Confederates. Its only a matter of time, before armies already positioned in Virginia, and loyal to Alexander Cicero, President of the New World Order, who is the Beast, shall move in our direction, directly up the Shenandoah." How do I know, you might ask? Let me put it this way, just as the Almighty God will invite all the nations of the earth to gather at Megiddo for the Battle of Armageddon, the final battle. In like manner we shall invite the Armies of Alexander Cicero, now occupying Virginia, to come to these highlands.
There should be no doubt as to the outcome, inasmuch as the time for their demise has not yet come, nonetheless, if the Confederacy is to die, its final breathe will be taken here upon the highlands of our beautiful Shenandoah. You might call this coming conflict our version of the ‘Battle of the Alamo!’ What we have not made known to you until now, is that we have seven commands of 1,000 men each, which collectively form a horseshoe around these highlands. The open end of the horseshoe is our invitation to the Virginia based elements of the Armies of the New World Order. Now once again, Brigadier General Tilley!" The Brigadier slowly walked to the podium, it was plain he had something on his mind, as he approached.
"Let me get right to the point, the 100 men we have gathered here today will depart shortly after sunset, and link up with Colonel Albert O’Brien, just outside of Lexington." Tonight we shall send out our first invitation; we attack the Gestapo Academy, we once knew as the Virginia Military Institute, and I called it a Gestapo Academy on purpose, for I cannot dishonor true policemen by calling those people a police force. Colonel Walcott has further instructions before you are dismissed!" The Brigadier backed away just as Colonel O’Brien was coming to the podium, then called everyone to attention and saluted. Meanwhile the Brigadier walked down the center divide of his troops and departed!
The Colonel began by putting everyone at ease; we all remained silent, looking at each other, no doubt thinking along the same lines. We were going to take on the New World Order, militarily. When not long ago, in that other world before the rapture and the liberation, we found it nearly impossible to muster 300 Gideonites, even for a peaceful march. The Colonel then said; "I couldn’t help but notice many of you are curious as to what lay behind those double doors. Once you have been dismissed, you will enter though those doors into a room not unlike a sports locker room, only larger. You will find rows of numbered lockers and a bench in front of each row.
You will enter the room single file, pick a locker beginning with 100 on the opposite side of the room, and working down until everyone has a locker. You will open your locker where you will put your civilian cloths, as well as the bag in which you brought them. You will put on your uniform, then arm yourself with the weapon also found in your locker, along with the ammunition located there. Then you will report back to your place in rank for further instructions!" We went through all the motions and 20 minutes later we were back in formation in the conference room, and to our astonishment the weapon we were carrying was an advance rendition of a weapons originally called the ‘AA-12’ by the Yankees.
Once the Confederacy was liberated and restored, our own Confederate version was produced, which was tagged with the name ‘AA-14-B’ which we are now carrying. This weapons carries 300 rounds in a circular drum; it is lightweight, had a night vision scope, extremely accurate, long range and low maintenance. Troops loyal to the Beast don’t have this weapon we were told, because Brigadier General James Tilley, before the rapture, somehow managed to keep them classified as ‘top secret’ and under wraps. But there is another more conventional weapon, every soldier will carry, that is a Bowie Knife with sheath, inasmuch as the ‘AA-14-B’ does not come with a bayonet for close in combat.
Colonel Walcott held up his own weapon and asked; "how many have never fired a weapon of any kind; hold up your hands? All right then we have an experience group at handling firearms; how many have fired this particular weapon or an earlier version?" This time the response was negative; no one raised his hand! The Colonel continued; "we do not have the time or place to practice, drill or play war games, so as to give everyone the experience. You will watch closely as Sergeant Major Robert Maynard goes through the motions, then you will be given an opportunity to practice in place, and the key word is safety. The Sergeant Major, a war veteran himself, is a well-experienced and hardened soldier.
Outside, the sunset was about a half hour away, so the instructions being completed, we were dismissed and ordered to follow Colonel Walcott, in preparation for the trip to Lexington. As we climbed the stairs, exited the building and toured the grounds, it occurred to me that the Brigadier, his Officers and Senior Sergeants had processed 100 troops in two hours, and at that rate, they could muster 1200 troops in a single 24-hour period, but then it was only a thought. We toured the grounds and stopped at the side of the building facing the Shenandoah Valley. The Colonel ordered everyone to ‘gather around’ and stand at ease! Once we had done so, he pointed at the valley stretched out before us, "Look carefully" he said, "our meager forces will one day face an army ten times our size and firepower.
Here on those slopes soldiers, is where our Confederate history, heritage, culture and nationhood, will die with honor! We backed away and were soon moving down the opposite ridge and faced with a camouflaged under ground space, filled with various types of vehicles. But at one end we all saw what looked like a number of oversized all terrain vehicles! They all held gun mounts of a caliber I had not seen, and of which I was unsure, but nevertheless they looked like they possessed considerable firepower. We boarded a long school bus that was painted in a night camouflage of mostly black, with streaks of dust brown, green and gray. We were told the bus tends to disappear into the local vegetation, and in that regard, my prayer was that this was indeed the case.
Once loaded we were ordered to remain silent, and shortly we were on the road, the word road is used very loosely here, since mostly we were riding on nothing more then dirt trails. We finally arrived at our jumping off point about seven miles from what was once the Virginia Military Institute! Our Confederate Troops were mustering in five different areas, 100 men at each jump off site! Colonel Albert O’Brien was not committing all 1,000 troops under his command, even though there were approximately 2,000 men at the Police Academy. Even then he would hold 100 aside to cover the withdrawal, once the attack was completed! Colonel O’Brien’s tactics were brilliant, he used every trick in the book, and some might argue that he wrote his own book.
Local agents were used to shoot out the lights at the right moment, there were old-fashioned smoke bombs, and the Colonel’s Senior Sergeant, Sergeant Major Jacob Bernstein, grew up in this very neighborhood and knew all these back streets, alleys and pathways. He was called upon to help plan the entry and exist from the area! Sergeant Ronald Blakely made a report regarding the defiling the Statue of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, stating that "it had been used for target practice by the N.W.O. Police Academy staff as well as the cadets", and the Flag of the New World Order flew over the Campus. Colonel O’Brien’s response was to order the Statue totally destroyed in order to prevent its further disfiguring.
He also assigned a single individual to hoist his favorite flag, a full size Confederate Battle Flag bearing, in large letters, the word ‘Liberty.’ The Cadets and Staff of the Academy would inevitably learn this very night, why we call it a Battle Flag! The man chosen was a gentleman named Walt Langley, a private, who was not a military veteran, and considered a little old for normal combat, but in his younger years had placed our Battle Flag over these same grounds, back when the Confederacy was still under Yankee occupation. He did so in the middle of the knight, and without being discovered; it was said that before the rapture, this man could have snuck into Fort Knocks, and carried off bricks of gold, and could do so without being caught.
Today he would never have done such a thing, but then who knows, maybe he could have pulled it off! It was about 1:30 A.M. when suddenly the lights for several block in every direction, including the Academy went out, the area was completely blackened. The Sergeant Major also was familiar enough to know where the central power distribution points were for the area, and had them struck at precisely the right moment. The smoke bombs began to explode and the battle was underway as 100 Confederate Troops moved onto the campus from every direction. The N.W.O. Staff and Cadets rushed out of their offices and barracks only to face a wall of gunfire! Obviously they were so unprepared for such a bold attack; their only arms were small police model revolvers.
However it didn’t take them long to figure out exactly who we were, after seeing our gray shell jackets and kepis. I looked back briefly as I approached the administration building, only to notice Private Walt Langley had already lowered the N.W.O. Flag and raised our Battle Flag proudly to full staff. One building after the other fell to the Confederates; the only real resistance came from a soldier in charge of the Armory, who quite naturally rushed to the armory, once he realized what was taking place. But to no avail, he was cut down as he was about to enter the building, and before he could even think to destroy the munitions or even realize they would fall into his enemy’s hands. The one building, which had been missed in the rush of events, was the one bearing of all things, the number ‘666’ over the door.
It was missed only because no fire was coming from the vicinity of the building! Sergeant Major Bernstein signaled for a dozen of his soldiers to come with him, so as to secure the building. Six troops rounded and entered the back door of the building, weapons at the ready, just as the Sergeant Major and his six others were entering the front door. In the dim light we saw about 150 people in stripped prison clothing, standing about the middle of a modest size room, as Confederate Soldiers stood half at one end and half at the other, we heard cries of joy coming from all about the room; "they are our soldiers, Confederate Soldiers." My eyes had become accustomed the dim light by now, having came this far in the dark, I could see large numbers of ladies with tears streaming down their cheeks.
The men had eyes that starred at us in a gaze of complete and total amazement, one gentleman spoke for all of them; "Are you real men or angels from heaven?" Then they all began to rush at us, hugging us and simply wanting to touch us to be certain we weren’t part of their imagination. The spokesman for the group, reported;" we are prisoners," he stated "scheduled for execution this very morning at sunrise, for not accepting the ‘Mark of the Beast’ and for being Christians. The Sergeant Major replied; "Look you people must leave here immediately, the N.W.O. Police will be right behind us, one of my soldiers will go with you to the Academy’s Food Storage where you can take some food with you on the way out.
You’ve only got a very short while, so hurry, some of our soldiers will escort you part of the way, as we make our retreat from the campus." While carrying out the withdrawal, our Soldiers took with them what little ammunition and weapons they needed or could carry, then set explosives to destroy what remained. On schedule we began our organized departure, dividing into 16 different groups of 25 each, the N.W.O. Troop reinforcements began to arrive even as we disappeared into the darkness. The 100 Christians we had rescued was taken to a safe heaven in the area, whose location was known by themselves alone. Our small group of 25 men continued our retreat into the dark streets of the neighborhood; we would have loved to have fellowshipped with these Christians, but time permitted only a kind of prayer on the run.
Our troops remained in the narrow back alleys and off the main streets, praying we would make it out of town undetected! However about three miles from the Academy we came upon a Church building whose front double doors had been boarded and nailed shut, no doubt by the N.W.O. Police. Something beyond our understanding began to persuade us to enter this building somehow, so we slipped around the backside of the structure, and located a back door, which was also boarded up. The door was boarded up with the lumber stretching across frame itself, so I reached for the knob, turned it, and was quite amazed that it opened. One of our troops almost knocked the boards off, but I whispered to him, Jake, leave it as it is, otherwise the N.W.O. will know someone is inside.
We posted three guards outside and 22 of us entered the building, finding only darkness! We were about to leave when Private Williams thought he saw a very dim light radiating up the stairs from the basement of the Church. All of us had felt like we should enter the Church, perhaps the reason for our feelings could be found at the foot of these stairs. As we came to the bottom of the stairs, there was a very dim light of about 15 watts, and standing round about were approximately 50 people, mostly women and a few old men. A middle age man approached us, "I am Pastor Otis Jacobson", he said, then he called to his people, "it is alright, these men are our own heaven sent, Confederate Soldiers.
We’ve been terrorized night and day by the New World Order Police, some of our people have been several days without food, we dare not go out of doors for fear of them." A couple at a time has been going out in the wee hours of the morning every few days to forage for food and supplies. I knew this was also our mission, to see these people fed, so I turned to the others; "we brought these backpacks for a reason, now we know why, lets give these people what little we have." Each man was carrying about three-dozen of what has been called ‘Instant Meals’ or {I.M.’s}, which were in the form of a bar not unlike a large size Hershey Candy Bar. These {I.M.s} were especially created by a food company of the Confederacy, so as to provide the same minerals and nutrition, as would a full course meal.
We referred to them as {B.M.’s} or Brick Meals, but they do get the job done; we all walked forward in this downstairs worship sanctuary, which in former times had been used as a Sunday School Class Room. We all paraded forward, removed and emptied our backpacks of their food contents. We each laid the meals we carried upon the Church Alter, fashioned much like a plain bench with no back. I noticed a large size Christian Cross was affixed to the podium, above the Church Alter and as I looked upon it I said a short silent prayer of thanks that there are some things, which not even President Alexander Cicero could change. Among these is that Jesus Christ our Savior paid for our salvation in full, upon Calvary’s Cross.
We joined the congregation in reciting from II Timothy 4:7, one of the many verses of Scripture I cherished, as lead by Pastor Otis Jacobson, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: …" We then prayed together, and said our goodbyes, climbed the stairs, slipped back into the night, and out of town. I knew this would likely be the last time we would see these people, but we did carry with us the memory of that night, when we paused from the battle for a respite, to fellowship but for a moment with these fine people. As it turned out even though we had been delayed somewhat, it was not any more so, then the other elements of our army. We all arrived at our pick up points at about the right time, and began the journey back to the highlands!
Time had a way of slipping by, and finally it was a year into the Tribulation, those of us that were knowledgeable enough, knew President Alexander Cicero would show the other side of his face in about two and half years. Our raids on the N.W.O. was having its-desired effect all right, Cicero’s local agents knew who we were, though they didn’t exactly know where to find us. Brigadier General Tilley was aching for a fight, and I don’t mean just any fight, not even a larger raid. He wanted to draw the regional Armies of the N.W.O. into the highland slopes of the Shenandoah, for one final showdown. I think it had something to do with the Brigadier’s desire to show the mighty Alexander; there were still those that will never bend nor bow to him.
I was at our Highland Headquarters the day the Brigadier scheduled a ’Council of War’ in order to inform the Commanding Colonels of his seven commands, as to the general strategy for the coming battle. The Brigadier addressed his General Staff; "The enemy will send choppers to ‘soften up the target’ then they will use artillery, which they have mounted on humdees. Our response will primarily be with shoulder-mounted rockets, but we also have a real tangible surprise for them. Approximately twenty-five miles to the west, we have two very special choppers of our own, the CS-90-B. The number 90 doesn’t stand for anything; accept that it honors the year the modern Confederate Cause was launched.
The choppers are both stealth and have refraction capabilities! Additionally they will carry 24 air-to-air rockets each in addition to other armaments. The advance stealth technology means they cannot be detected on radar, the refraction means they can be made to appear invisible to the human eye. You must understand, refraction does not mean they literally disappear; they are only rendered invisible to the human eye. The combination of these two capabilities renders them not only invisible to radar as well as the human eye, but also to satellites. There power trains are of an advance silent technology; all you would hear if anything, is a very low whisper, and even then only if the chopper is flying directly into the wind.
These choppers were quite naturally developed without any knowledge that the rapture would take place, originally there were five of them built as test models; three were destroyed during the calamity caused by the rapture itself. We have two senior pilots, two co-pilots, a systems analyst for each, as well as a weapons operator. I’ve been saving these aircraft toward this single battle, not wanting to chance loosing them in a series of raids, which have been designed to drawn Alexander Cicero’s Virginia Army to these highlands. Once their aircraft and choppers have been dispensed with, we will have force them to fight on our terms. Additionally, these choppers will each carry four very corrosive bombs, which is a kind of deadly modification of the foam used by fire fighters?
There function is to completely and rapidly corrode any and all weapons left behind by our dead or dying solders, this process also means rifles for example will have all their parts welded together. These bombs will be launched by shoulder held rocket launcher. One soldier will remain behind and under cover, so as to launch these missiles. We do not wish to leave any weapons behind, which might be used against Christians, after our Army has been destroyed. Also there is yet another surprise, I have reconstituted the historic ‘Black Horse Cavalry’ from remnants of the Gideon Battalion, as well as added recruits. It has taken a year to assemble the harnesses, horses, as well as the accoutrements! The signal will be given at a particular stage in the battle, for our cavalry to make its presence known.
These plans will be passed on to the fourteen Majors, which make up the next rung in the chain of command. Also spies located in places such as Richmond, Fredericksburg and Alexandria have reported that, while the local N.W.O. Commander does not know our precise location, he does know we are in these highlands somewhere. And he was been gathering his armies together, according to his own strategy. Therefore I as your Commander have in turn been baiting the trap, for the biggest welcoming since the First Battle of Manassas. I didn’t need to be in on the council to know something big was being planned! The N.W.O. Commander had mustered an array of heavy armor, choppers and the best-equipped solders to be found anywhere.
In the Brigadier’s mind, he knew his enemy would not settle for a mere police round up, like a posse on the prowl. These Agents of the Beast wanted a show of force, so they could scare the general population; therefore the Brigadier planned on giving him the Biggest Show on Earth. Knowing Brigadier General James Tilley as I did, I also knew where he would be when that time came; he’d be in the forward position leading his army into battle. I took some small advantage by having known him over an extended period of time, inasmuch as I asked him if I might return to my own unit before that hour should come, and he approved. The rush began by 2:00 P.M. as I saw men scurrying in and out; all of the weapons at the Command Headquarters were being removed from the property.
I walked down below the ridge where the armored dune buggies had been stored; they were gone. The Brigadier approached me as I was just returning from below the ridge; "Private Bernard, beyond the vehicle area below the ridge there is a pathway leading back into the woods, have you ever followed that pathway?" "No sir" I replied! Follow it now and you will discover it leads to a secluded barn, camouflaged by vegetation. Inside that barn you will find thirteen stallions, twelve blacks and one golden brown; remove them one at a time and walk them. I want them exercised, toward the time when they will be needed!"
I followed the Brigadier’s instructions and was soon making my way through woods, when suddenly I came upon the barn he had described; as I entered I saw thirteen of the finest horseflesh a man had ever laid eyes upon. There were waist high beams across both ends of the open barn holding thirteen exceedingly beautiful Confederate Military Saddles, with harnesses. But my eyes were focused on the Golden Brown Stallion in the middle, I walked back and closed the gate leading to the barn, so the horses wouldn’t escape. Upon returning I walked up close to the Stallion, which I had been looking at, he made no motion to walk away, but stood in place, calmly.
I petted him on his face and neck, never had I seen such a fine horse; now I knew just how much of a show the Brigadier or else someone acting for him had in mind for the N.W.O. Commander. The end of the day came all to soon and I was relieved of my duties and ordered to rest, the instructions were, the Brigadier wants you ready for action by 0300 O’clock. I was heading to toward the space prepared for us to bunk down, but first I decided to walk over to the spot we all loved, because of its beautiful view, and look down at the Shenandoah, spread out below. As I stood there Sergeant Major Robert Maynard walked over, gazed out over the scenery and said; "We are indeed experiencing ‘the last Sunset’ for the Confederacy and its cause.
Shortly I was approaching the surface building in route to the underground facilities, I had just entered the building when Colonel Walcott and Sergeant Major Maynard approached the Brigadier, just as he was leaving the building. Brigadier General Tilley; "The ladies in Fredericksburg have risk their lives in order to produce, what they said was a more appropriate uniform for you, whenever the occasion should arise. Also they have sent this sword and sheath!" The Brigadier unfolded the uniform Shell Jacket, he then removed the sword from its paper wrapping; he was obviously awe struck. Are you aware this is an exact duplicate of Lieutenant General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall Jackson’s uniform and this sword is Jackson’s actual sword and sheath?
Yes sir, this is vary true; General Jackson was a man of God, he would be proud, for you stand in his stead, on this occasion. It took three months to locate the sword and sheath, and just as long to produce the uniform, much work, toil and sacrifice went into making this possible. The N.W.O. Police broke down one ladies door, but before they got through, it was said she made her feeling known before making good her escape. She said, "Make sure the Brigadier gets these gifts"; the lady being a Christian was caught and executed later! The Brigadier had over the past year since forming his army, began to grow a beard, and seeing him regularly, few of us notice who or what he looked like; that was until the wee hours of the next morning.
The headquarters staff and crew had mustered in the conference room for last minute instructions, when the now Lieutenant General James Tilley entered the room. Colonel Walcott called the men to attention, but we all found it hard, not to turn our heads and star at the now Lieutenant General. No one had notice before, that he looks exactly like ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, at least not until he had dawned Jackson’s Uniform. As he addressed the company mustered before him he stated; "As of now, Brigadier General James Tilley no longer exists, for the duration of this battle, I am the Lieutenant General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, and this army is henceforth the ‘Stonewall Brigade’ irregardless of its size.
The Brigadier now taking on Stonewall Jackson’s identity, at least for this battle, had also mastered the technique of masking what was being said over his command officers communications devises. He would use this ability to set the stage for the greatest face off of armies the world had ever seen in modern times; a small but effective Confederate Army verses an Army of the Beast over ten times their size and firepower. The man previously known as Brigadier General James Tilley turned the muster over to Sergeant Major Robert Maynard for detailed instruction on the general progress of the battle, as well as the use of various types of weapons in each phase.
Brigadier General Tilley now standing in the shoes of Lieutenant General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson returned to his quarters down the hallway from the conference room. While the Sergeant Major was instructing the troops, a sentry knocked on General Stonewall Jackson’s door. "Come in" the General said, as he looked up the sentry gave his report; "This black gentleman states that his family once had a close association with the honorable Stonewall Jackson. "Let him enter and you are dismissed private," stated the General; the private replied with a "yes sir" saluted and returned to his duties.
The black man appearing to be around 67 years of age entered the General’s quarters, the General looking like the mirror image of Stonewall himself, particularly while wearing his uniform. "General Jackson Sa" said the elder black man, "If you are going to stand in the shoes of ole Stonewall, then how about we do it up right, I am a descendant of Stonewall Jackson’s servant, and I am hereby reporting for duty. Before the rapture I spent all my life objecting to everything Confederate and Southern, as a member of several Civil Rights Organizations. But since then I have come to understand how wrong I’ve been, we black men had responsibilities also! While we were busy trying to change the white folks, we left Christ out of the equation, and we forgot, we also had to change.
Now I am with you 100 percent, and all the way sa!" The two men spoke for about 10 minutes, after which the black man, that had introduced himself as Nathan Underling, went his way to take up his duties. He returned a short while later, pushed open the door to the General’s quarters ever so quietly, and there, he saw Stonewall Jackson, keeling and praying very fervently. This reminded him so much of his own ancestor who had stated that he knew how fierce the coming day’s battle, by how fervently Stonewall prayed. If I didn’t know any better, he thought to himself, I’d have to believe the real Stonewall Jackson himself has returned from the realms of Glory, to lead this army in its final battle.
The modern day Stonewall Brigade is an Army that was already encamped near their individual jump-off positions, wrapping up their final preparations for the following days battle. Every effort was made to make sure the ‘Tribulation Stonewall Brigade’ got as much sleep as possible, though few had any allusions. The morning of the ‘Battle of the Shenandoah’ came all to soon; at 0300 O’clock it was reveille time. But before the first shot was fired, and even as the enemy mustered in the lowlands of the Shenandoah, he gave the order, that every soldier would be given the opportunity to pray to Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior.
All along the horseshoe shaped lines of his army, concealed by the landscape, Confederates by entire commands knelt to pray, knowing this would be the last prayer sent heavenward, in this life. And even in this, the first quarter of the tribulation period, it was a glorious moment; as the prayers concluded, the entire ‘Stonewall Brigade’ moved out toward their battle positions. As they took up their places on the battle line, they knew within themselves, that far more then being Confederate Soldiers, they were Soldiers in the Army of the Living God, the Lord God Almighty. They knew that He was their strength, and that only in Christ Jesus was the ultimate victory, which would be manifest upon His return in glory.
They knew that when He shall appear, it will not be as a babe in the manger nor upon a cross, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords "For it is written, As I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one shall give account of himself to God." {Romans 14:11-12}. As the sun rose over eastern skies the Virginia elements of the Armies of Alexander Cicero were already in place, the first phase would likely be what military strategist call softening up the target, in this case it would be done by large numbers of choppers, some of which had been flown in for the occasion. Soon the sun had fully risen, and from the direction of Andrew Air Force Base near Washington, came the formation.
The Virginia Commander of the Armies of Alexander Cicero’s fully intended to be in on the spectacle, whereby he would end the ongoing raids by what he termed ‘Confederate Criminals.’ Through binoculars General Stonewall Jackson could see his enemy, the present New World Order Commander, a man named Alfred Everson, sitting in an open camouflaged humdee, directly in the middle of his own lines. Jackson had his top Sergeant, he being highly experienced at various types of weapons; measure out on a map, the range of his enemy’s weapons. The first priority was the urgent need to have those choppers eliminated; so quickly the order went out and shoulder held rockets were soon seen firing from the direction of the woods from the north and the south.
Wave after wave of Choppers headed their way, only to meet the same fate! Stonewall knew that it would take time to bring in replacement choppers or even fighter aircraft, but given his armies well established camouflaging, having locating them so as to make it most difficult for jets to home in on them. Therefore the time frame to him meant two golden hours, and he intended to take full advantage! As he looked through his binoculars again, he cold see Commander Everson moving his troops forward, about 100 more yards, thus bring his troops completely inside the trap, which Stonewall had set for them. General Jackson and two of his Lieutenants, all three mounted on Stallions, moved out from their concealment and down the ridge, now in full view of friend and foe alike.
Every eye and every lens on the battlefield was suddenly focused on the rider of the most beautiful Golden Brown Stallion! The faces of the Soldiers of the Confederate Army lit up as if a shroud of light surrounded them, all up and down the battle lines the murmurings rippled, Stonewall, its Stonewall Jackson, slouch cap as well as his horse Sorrel, its Stonewall, he has returned to his command, and we must then be the Stonewall Brigade. On the right of Stonewalls mounted command could be seen the Gideon Battalion Flag, consisting of a bow of seven stars and a Christian Cross. On their own left was the Confederate Battle Flag with the word ‘LIBERTY’ in large letters.
Word that Brigadier General James Tilley’s was wearing General Jackson’s uniform and taking on the Stonewall identity had not yet reached the rank and file soldier on the field, as a result nothing upon this earth could have persuaded them, that it wasn’t Stonewall in the flesh. The N.W.O. Virginia Commander Emerson looking through his binoculars, saw what the Confederates had seen; he felt compelled to ask his own Lieutenants, has Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson indeed returned? More importantly he knew what this would do for the moral of the Confederate Soldiers he was facing, so in that regard it mattered vary much. The enemy soldiers of the 'N.W.O.' were convinced it was in fact Stonewall Jackson in the flesh, he thought, and they would obey every order, with enthusiasm.
One of Stonewalls Lieutenants, Colonel Walcott, ask the General if he were not afraid of being shot at the very beginning of the battle, mounted in the open, in such a manner? He even tried to persuade the General to move back under cover! Stonewall turned to him and replied; "The hour of my death is appointed of the Lord!" None of those present, who heard the statement, thought for one moment, that it wasn’t said out of a sincere heart, and not merely in order to quote from history. When Brigadier General James Tilley took on the identity of Stonewall Jackson, he began to think and react, as would Jackson himself. The combination of the original Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson’s genius in battle strategy, along with Brigadier Tilley’s tactical brilliance, would prove to be awesome.
Stonewall then ordered his army into their forward positions, which was still outside the range of conventional firepower, but close enough to where he could make a show of force. The southern flank of his army moved out of the woods, taking cover in a ditch alongside the highway running east, west and upward toward the highlands of the Shenandoah. He waited until they were in just the right position, then ordered his troops to open fire from both the north and south flanks of his lines. The field was soon covered by the dead and dying troops of the New World Order! Before the first round of firing was completed it was estimated that 20,000 had perished, none of them were thus far Confederates.
Everson in turn ordered a total pull back but it was to late, they were inside Stonewalls trap with no way out, and the Confederates continued to chop his lines to pieces, so with no way back, Commander Alfred Everson ordered his troops forward. The main body of General Jackson forces was now seen moving toward him, out of their concealment in the highlands of the upper Shenandoah, joining those already on the field. This made up the western flanks of Jackson’s entrapment! It was reported that he was riding his horse Sorrel, positioned in the center of two of his Lieutenants, behind him was the legendary Black Horse Cavalry.
The Officers of the Stonewall Brigade wore swords, but carried AA-14-B’s, a weapon, which Commander Alfred Everson thought to be a rumor, that such a weapon never existed. Everson still had no other option then to continue moving forward, knowing he had General Jackson outnumbered and out gunned seven to one, even after loosing 20,000 troops in the first round of fighting. Once Commander Alfred Everson’s Army came within range, the western flank opened fire, but now both armies were within range of one another. Sections of the Army of the New World Order began to splinter off on their left and right flanks, in an effort to prevent Jackson from rolling up their lines.
Just about that time the replacement choppers as well as fighter aircraft arrived from Andrew Air Force Base near Washington. Commander Everson believing there arrival would somehow manage to turn the tide in his own favor. So he then decided to move his reserves forward, whereby he could intercept with full force, the approaching Confederates. The existence of the Confederate choppers was unknown to him, even as they came screaming over the western ridgeline of the mountains. Due to research conducted before the rapture, these choppers possessed technology, far beyond that of the New World Order. This tactical mistake would cost Everson his entire squadron of newly arrived choppers and fighters.
Now there was little cause for Stonewalls southern flank to remaining in the ditch or his northern flank at the edge of the woods, so the General order them forward onto the battlefield, in a direct confrontation with his enemy from three sides. The main body of the Stonewall Brigade began moving down the slope heading eastward, directly toward his approaching enemy, and lead by none other then General Jackson himself. His army was getting chewed up and he knew it, but still they were doing far more damage to Emerson’s Army, then Everson was to his. My own company was now moving across the battlefield from the southern flanks, both giving and receiving fire. Finally the two armies clashed in a furry of hand-to-hand combat, first by firepower, then by swords and bowie knives.
While at the same time Confederates were falling all around me into the mud and blood of the battlefield, but by some glorious miracle Lieutenant General Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson thus far remained astride his Golden Brown Stallion, Sorrel. Stonewall approach the humdee, in which Commander Alfred Everson was still riding, his sword at the ready. He then made his move in a thrust toward the evil Commander of the New World Order of Virginia. While Stonewall had been wounded by this time, he did manage to drive his sword all the way, and Everson slumped over in his seat; he would not torture and kill any more Christians. Nonetheless his own Army remained out numbered and out gunned two or three to one, and additional enemy ground reinforcements would surely be arriving soon.
I knew our ‘Tribulation Stonewall Jackson’ would fight to the death, down to the last man, so as to deny the enemy a victory, whereby he would publically execute the remainder of his troops. But I was so warn, tired and weary from the battle, that I felt as if I could go no further, that I would die right here and now with my Brothers in Christ Jesus, as well as in Arms. I was filthy, wounded, howbeit only superficially, but enough to have bled all over a sizeable portion of my uniform. In a moment in time, I looked about me and notice only three of our Officers remained mounted, the others were either on foot, wounded or dead, and I feared the latter.
The enemy was down from 75,000 to 15,000 troops and we were reduced from 7,000 to perhaps 500 and more were falling every minute on both sides. When suddenly I was startled to see General Stonewall Jackson felled by bullet in the middle of his chest, just as I was tripping backwards over another soldier, which had been killed in earlier fighting. Now I was looking up at an enemy soldier, who was pointing his rifle at me, when suddenly I passed out for what must have been only a few minutes. After which I came to, but instead of being on the battlefield, I was standing in my own kitchen, as it turned out it had been only about 20 minutes since I first followed the Angel of God through the bright lights.
I had no way of knowing whether or not it had been some kind of a nightmare or if it had actually taken place! That was until my wife, awakened by the noise and the commotion I had made, entered the kitchen and turned on the lights! "What has happened to you and where did you get that messed up uniform. Look at yourself, your cloths are torn to shreds, and all filled with mud and blood; it suddenly dawned on her that what she saw before her was the real thing! As I looked at myself, I knew that what I had went through did in fact happen, even the wounds I now bore, though only superficial, nonetheless they were real as well as serious
My wounds were severe enough to were I had shed a measure of my own blood as well as the blood of others all over my now tattered uniform. Additionally, while the ‘AA-14-B’ Rifle I had carried onto the battlefield obviously dropped when I fell backwards, the sheath remained strapped to my belt, the Bowie Knife, which had been in my hand only moments before, somehow ended up on the kitchen floor. And I had never possessed a Bowie Knife in my entire life or an accompanying sheath, at least not before an Angel of the Lord took me on a journey into the future. Under the circumstances in which I found myself, it was only a matter of cleaning and dressing my wounds, taking a bath and then try as I may, attempt to explain to my wife, that which could never be explained.
But in my heart of hearts I knew, the ‘Tribulation Stonewall Brigade’ of which I had been a member, did not survive; they rather died to the last man, ending the Confederate Cause forever, but with great honor. Additionally I have confidence that given the devotion of every single soldier in Stonewall's Army, the Corporal assigned to fire the corrosion shells, would have beyond a doubt, carry out his duties. But I also knew he would not allowed himself to be taken alive, he would choose to go down fighting, just as did his Brothers in Christ Jesus, which were also his Brothers in Arms. My joy is that the ‘Tribulation Stonewall Brigade’ shall one day muster once more and a roll call shall be sounded, on the golden streets of Heaven’s glory.
Deo Vindice!
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