Sunday, April 29, 2018

When the Rats Jump Ship

Liberation and Restoration

This article is about the liberation and restoration of the Confederate States of America. It is at the same time about restoring the United States to that of a voluntary Republic of Sovereign States. Thereby both nations would live side by side as brother nations, in peace.

There shall be a sign made known unto all the people whereby they shall know of a certainty the Yankee Empire has come to an end and its fall is imminent. The day shall come wherein the rich, famous and powerful among us begin to transfer their assets out of the States. The federal bureaucracy shall have over stretched itself causing a severe drain upon its resources and its power. There shall be a severe drop in the value of the monetary system and a crisis in the oil markets as it affects the economy. Nature will add to the scenario of a falling empire by inflicting disasters in several heavily populated States in a close proximity of time. This will further tax the diminishing resources of the empire.

The final blow will come when a crisis arises which will be aggravated by the mass media, blown out of proportion and answered by a call up of National Guard troops in several states. An order from the President will be delivered to federalize these troops, which will be refused, causing a confrontation of forces when federal marshals are placed under arrest and confinement by State authorities. These events will cause a split in the Armed Forces when they are ordered to bring renegade guard and federal troops under subjection to federal authority.

 It is at this point when a choice is made between those who are prepared to open fire on State Forces and those who openly join in resisting federal intrusion. The pendulum of power will then swing in favor of State Troops, who by this time will have taken on the mantel of defending the Confederate States of America. There will be an alliance with States and Copperheads outside the member States and territories of the Confederacy. Thus the Yankee Empire will be delivered into the hands of that same people and nation, whose surrender they mandated beginning at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia on 9 April 1865.

What kind of issues is so critical, they could result in the renewal of hostilities between the members States and territories of the Confederacy and those of the federal union? This question has arisen in so many quarters it is prudent that the subject be addressed, and now is an excellent time. All civilizations throughout history have been built upon certain principles. These principles form its foundations where upon all aspects of a nation and society is constructed.
When the foundations are corrupted, destroyed or dismantled, the entire structure begins to crumble no matter how great its economy and military power. This process is already underway within the Yankee Empire and that by their own hand! The voluntary republic of sovereign states known as the United States of America, began to corrode when it when it attempted to justify the unconstitutional and aggressive invasion, conquest, occupation, subjugation and cultural genocide of the Confederate States of America. When the time has fully come, the price of their evil deeds shall come due over and above their ability to pay.

The Grand Ole Republic started down the road toward becoming a pagan and barbaric empire by abandoning the very concept of unalienable rights that "all peoples are endowed by Almighty God in creation, with the unalienable right to decide for themselves what manor of society, government and nation shall be theirs." This right was at the corps of the Declaration of Independence and was the founding principles of the United States of America. Upon these principles the colonies broke the political bonds which connected it with the British Empire. The voluntary republic of sovereign states progressively became an involuntary consolidation of socialist states.

While at the same time they continued to worship the word 'union' which was and remains their battle cry; "preserve the union." Yet they have departed from the very definition of the word, which actually means a voluntary joining together. Somehow 'those people' have concluded they and they alone hold the divine right to rule over us, even if it must be done by force of arms. Those same unalienable rights which were exercised in creating the United States, was resisted by force when the Southern States followed precisely the same process. This twisted mindset is at the root of every fallen empire since the beginning of nations upon the earth, and will be a major cause in their demise.

It has been a very long time since our occupation forces have abandoned the Almighty God in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior as well as the Holy Scriptures, as the foundations of their society and nation. It was therefore only a matter of time, before idolatrous and paganism became common practice. The various great sciences which once excelled under the truths taught of the Holy Scripture are now based upon the false god of secular humanism.

There was a time when the moral values of the Holy Scripture were commonly taught throughout the land, placing a premium value on all human life as well as the natural order of creation. Then with the abandonment of the God of Creation, morality and violence greatly increased; truth, honor and faith were all but unknown. Even the concept of absolute truth was deleted from the lexicon and replaced a 'relativism' which is in practice and absence of truth, whereby a false image and description is drawn. The vary concept of formulating sound reasoning and morality has as a result been drastically reduced!

Even the image and meaning of Almighty God and the Holy Scripture has been transformed into a type of 'designer god' fashioned after each individual's lust and greed. There no longer exist a sense of sin and fallen man, and the need for salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Rather man himself has become his own god! Thereby they assumed upon him the right to decide what constitutes truth and the value of the unborn became a matter of convenience.

A holocaust against their own children has since been termed a women’s right to choose. Only the Lord God Himself could make a true count of the approximately 50 millions dead who have been slaughtered in their abortion mills. Those few precious children, who managed to survive, are now subject to indoctrination, propaganda and political correctness, passed off as education.

But there is one small bastion still remaining which has not been molded into a likeness of our occupation, the Confederate and Southern people. Our people have carried within in them the light the Living God which burns within the heart of every true Confederate, Southerner, Copperhead, Ally and Friend of the Confederate States of America. That light or spark will eventually ignite into the last great spiritual reawakening or as commonly termed an end time revival. This revival will sweep across the Southland and indeed the world before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ in His Glory. There will be massive repentance which is properly called the New Birth as spoken of by the Apostle John; "...Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).

The timing of this great reawakening or revival is also spoken of by the Prophet Joel; "... for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain..." (Joel 2:23). "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm..." (Joel 2:25). And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. (Joel 2:28-29).

It is certain from the Holy Scripture that before the last days of this dispensation and the coming of our Lord in Glory, there will come one last worldwide alter call brought about by a new generation of God empowered evangelists. These great and powerful evangelists will be humble Ministers of the Gospel and will rise up in order to preach to a pagan and dark world population. When similar occasions have happens over past millenniums, the Almighty God has chosen a nation and a people to fulfill His purpose. It is indeed possible the complete extinction of all things Confederate and Southern has been prevented in order for these events might take place. When that great day shall have fully come, the spirit within our people will inspire them to rise up like a raging fire as Confederate Missionaries of the Gospel, teaching and preaching the word of salvation around the world.

The first signs of these coming events are already appearing on the horizons of history, whereby a few politicians and civic leaders are questioning the status quo of the radical extremist liberal politicians, politically correct and the anti-Christ leaders among us. Thus the Yankee Empire of our occupation forces will fall, and that by its own hand! The secular humanistic society they have built since the closing days of the War for Confederate Independence along with their super-power status will in due course of time, crumble like a house built of cards.

As this process continues and becomes more intense, the pendulum of political powered will begin to shift in favor of the Confederacy. Thus a Confederate prophesy from a long ago time shall come to pass; "When time shall have softened passion and prejudice, when reason shall have stripped the mask from representation, then justice, holding evenly her scales, will require much of the past censure and praise to change places." President Jefferson Davis.

Watch for these things to occur in a progressive manner, and when the hour draws near the rats will begin to abandon their sinking ship. There exist in our time those who now give only casual lip service to the just and honorable cause of the Confederacy, none-the-less few Confederate States patriots among us will become a massive resistance to Yankee rule. Those who remain silent today will unite with boisterous voices, just before the fall of their empire.

"I was always with you" and "I have always one of you" will be their cry. The Yankee Empire has come have believe they are the ideal people and nation, therefore they will last the ages, but they are even now sewing the seeds of their own destruction. The Yankee Empire and their civilization will go the way of the Roman Empire becoming little more then a forgotten memory other then as an example of national arrogance.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "In saving the Union, I have destroyed the Republic. Before me I have the Confederacy, which I loathe. But behind me I have the bankers, which I fear."-- Abraham Lincoln

