Saturday, April 14, 2018

Synopsis of the Cause

The Confederate Cause
Who are we, what is our cause,
and for what purpose do we struggle?

The Confederate Cause is righteous, just and honorable, not because of our institutions nor the design and colors of our flags or banners, as glorious as they are, but because of our people’s embrace of the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scripture and prayer. The Antebellum South and the Confederacy had the largest Christian population by percentage then did any nation or empire, since the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. An exceptionally high percentage of its civilian and military leaders were God-fearing men, and this was reflected by the Godly, moral atmosphere within the camps of our Confederate Armies. A couple of excellent examples were Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, and there were many others.
The Confederate Cause was at that time and remains about individual liberty, restricted, restrained and limited government, whereas on the Union side the issue was the concentration of political and economic power in Washington. Their motto was ‘Manifest Destiny’ where the Confederacy’s was ‘God will vindicate’, Confederates believing in the divine grace and providence of Almighty God. If the ladies in your family would have necessarily fell into captivity by one of these armies, which would you prefer; the one would have treated the with honor, while the other with disgrace, even subjecting them to rape and brutality.

The issue before the modern day Confederate Cause is this, what are the underlying principles for which we cling to our history, heritage, culture and nationhood? Is there a single set of values, which units use and makes of us a unique, distinct and separate people or are we the last of a vanishing breed? And for what did our Confederate Forefathers fight, why did they stand against such overwhelming numbers and firepower? Perhaps we should begin by affirming a self-evident truth, that the hostilities of the War for Confederate Independence were never initially engaged, in order to free the slaves!

The Negro slaves were bought and paid for by northern bankers and merchants, transported from Africa by Yankee Slave Traders at a great profit, then sold to Southern Plantation owners. Therefore had the north simply admitted to its part in the slave trade, and offered to buy back the slaves out of slavery, the horrible cost in blood and devastation would have been avoided, and at a fraction the monetary cost of the war. However, the causes of the war ran far deeper then the institution of slavery, even more so then any political differences, as great as they were, for the slaughter that ensued was more then anything else a religious war.

The north had already developed into the predominantly liberal Secular Society we know today, as compared to Southerners, which were by and large conservative individualists, and a Christian Society. Can anyone be so blinded by bigotry against the south; they truly believe ninety five percent of the Southern People fought to the death, in order to maintain slavery for the remaining five percent, who owned slaves. Can modern day Confederates be so divided they cannot comprehend, the issue was nothing less then the unalienable right of ‘we the people’ to decide for ourselves what manner of society, government and nation shall be ours.

The underlying purpose in launching the modern day Confederate Movement was and remains that of continuing the struggle until victory, pending that glorious day when our occupied nation, the Confederate States of America, shall be liberated and restored. There never has been a mission, purpose or cause to create a new nation by whatever name, but rather to reinstate and reactivate the Confederate States Constitution, and thereby liberate the Confederate states of America. It is for we the Confederates of the twenty first century to finish the work, and the noble struggle, began by our Forefathers.

There is no better statement of that truth then what has been laid down in the following Proclamation of Independence for the Confederate States of America. We Confederates have a decision to make, that by what principle or measurement shall we judge as to who is true to the Confederate Cause, as oppose to those who seek their own private agenda. Matthew 25:31-32 of the Holy Scriptures, speaks of that day when the Almighty God will gather before him all the nations of the earth, and like a Shepard he shall separate the Sheep from the Goats.

In like manner we of our time must separate from among our numbers, those who stand with us in behalf of the Confederate Cause but are not of us; the Holy Scriptures along with the Proclamation of Independence is that standard. If ever there existed a synopsis, which describes the principles and the foundation upon which the modern day Confederate Cause was launched, it is this very Proclamation. Quite frankly those who cannot believe what has been laid down within its text, are neither Southern nor Confederate, but rather seek their own self-aggrandizement, and are outside the brotherhood and the sisterhood our cause.

When one brings the conflict closer to home, it was an illegal and unconstitutional invasion and subjugation by the Union, against the people and states of the South, whom they should have considered their fellow countrymen. Therefore the good citizens of the newly formed Confederate States of America arose in defense of their families, homes, cities and nation. There is among men no greater reason to draw the sword, then in defense of one’s homeland, against a hostile foreign invader. Therefore the Confederate Cause is a righteous cause, and in our time, let us pray for the divine will, grace and providence of Almighty God in Christ Jesus!

 Proclamation of Independence

We the People of the Sovereign States and Territories constituting and entitled the Confederate States of America hereby proclaim before Almighty God and all who may read these presents that as our forefathers law-fully, peacefully and constitutionally seceded from that voluntary union of States entitled the United States of America and formed a new nation, according to their reserved political rights, and the inalienable rights endowed them by their Creator, so the aforementioned States and Territories were, are, and remain now Sovereign political entities within a voluntary national Confederation, conjointly constituting one independent nation amongst the nations of this world, and styled 'The Confederate States of America.'

We further declare that these inalienable truths are, and in no way can be, negated or compromised by the historic fact that the nation so founded was once aggressively, arrogantly and illegally invaded, overrun, occupied and subjugated by a superior external force, and thus subjected to war crimes and other crimes against humanity and brutally denied rights of life, liberty and due process of law, nor by the fact that our citizenry (when no longer able to defend their homes or persons and denied, by that brute force the basic human right to self-determination and choice of manner of government) were compelled, as States and Territories, to retract their articles of secession and rejoin, against their manifest will, their former and repudiated union.

We hereby declare that all such pretended acts, having been performed without the mandate or consent of the governed, and outside the duly ratified Confederate States Constitution, were, are, and forever shall be null and void, and so the dates of Secession of the several States and Territories (each acting in its Sovereign capacity) continue in unbroken validity from the said dates, as shall the dates of Secession of any such further States of the American union as may, at any time, choose to resume their sovereign status among the nations of the world.

And we declare before God Almighty, and call the peoples of the world to witness, our belief that, as men are created equal under Him, so are nations sovereign and equal in His sight, and as no man has the right to oppress another, so no nation may oppress another nation, enter their lands by force, or force their political will or culture upon another people, by means direct or indirect.

Upon these just and unbreakable grounds we confidently pray the Grace and Divine Providence of Almighty God, that our cause may be vindicated and our right to self-determination again openly acknowledged before Him.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. “And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear them not; for I have delivered them into thine hand; there shall not be a man of them that shall stand before thee.” {Joshua 10:8}

