Friday, April 6, 2018

The Admiral’s Rejects

Admiral Grayson Reynolds
Men of honor discarded by the Yankee Empire!

You are reminded, the story you are about to read is fiction, it is for entertainment only? A chain of circumstances, which somehow, either by happen chance, or else by the Divine Providence of Almighty God, whatever it was, 277 Enlisted Men, plus 3 Officers, representing seemingly every war from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf, were thrown together. It was as if these men had somehow been hand picked from God’s own Personnel Roster, and set aside for our Lords own purpose. What kind of scenario would throw together such an odd assortment of characters, men who would take on the impossible? While these men were on active duty, their missions were said to be beyond top secret, so secret their existence as well as their exploits, remained unknown … until now.


The Admiral’s climb to notoriety began in his early years, when as a young Navy Ensign he took part in the invasions of Grenada and later Nicaragua under President Ronald Reagan. Years later he would go on to serve in both Iraq wars, under the first and second Presidents George Bush, and as if that wasn’t career enough, he served as the Commander of Special Forces in the Afghanistan War. While a boy, he often went hunting with his father and demonstrated, for the lack of a better explanation, certain dubious talents. Among his many seemingly natural ‘gifts’ was his ability to penetrate just about every known security system!

Notwithstanding he was able to slip up on all manner of game, almost as if he were invisible and odorless! Grayson was always an honest and honorable man, as well as a law-abiding citizen, though it could be said he stretched the law a wee bit on occasion. Even as a young boy he managed to give an entirely new meaning to the phrase ‘above and beyond the call of duty’. One might call it eagerness or else wanting to be thorough, but even the Navy found his ‘résumé’ so compelling they couldn’t help themselves. They assign him to a black project, an inter-service Special Assignments Command, under the code name ‘Golden Eagle’.

This new command quickly attracted unto itself those of like mind, and of equally dubious characteristics as he, talents that included but were not limited to, explosives, mines, Tunnel Rats, Camouflage, Small Arms and Snipers. Then there was a new one for the roster, an expert in improvising! Notwithstanding the roster included that of Air Operations, Computer Geeks, a Nutritional as well as a Fitness Expert, along with an Ordained Chaplain. It was later said that the Chaplain had fallen into questionable company; be that as it may, this unlikely team was the best at what they did, penetration, killing the enemy and breaking their toys.

So outstanding were they from the start, they were among the Advance Forces that landed in both Grenada and Nicaragua! While the second Iraq War was winding down and the emphasis shifting to Afghanistan, he was by then, a Commander. It was during the first Iraq War that he demonstrated enormous bravery, as well as that of carrying out his orders to the extreme, which occurred on what was suppose to be a simple recognizance mission, just prior to the now famous tank evasion. A squad of two-dozen men was given the assignment of penetrating behind Iraqi lines, and confirming enemy positions and movements.

He and his company of troops managed to take out one of Sadaam Hussein’s top Field Commanders, along with his entire staff as well as their escort squad, at a time when technically, there was no fighting taking place and they had not yet been engaged. Later he was called before the Commander of Special Forces, a Vice Admiral named Preston Wilcox. The meeting was said to be very formal according to military tradition, "Commander Grayson Reynolds reporting as orders sir! Commander Reynolds, replied Vice Admiral Wilcox, I have good news and bad news, which would you like first?

The bad news sir, replied Commander Reynolds! All right then, continued the Admiral, I am considering whether or not to have you Court-Marshaled. Should I choose this option, the list of charges will be longer then the length of your arm! Swallowing hard, the Commander quickly responded, but Admiral, what? The Admiral quickly cut him off, just a moment, let me give you the good news, before you respond! Your command is being recommended for both personal as well as unit medals, and you sir, are out of uniform, the Admiral replied, then he read the orders advancing him to Captain, the rank being equivalent to a Colonel in the Army.

You are now my Executive Officer in charge of Operations, Special Forces for the Iraq War!" As the war progressed Rear Admiral Wilcox was returned to the States, and retired. Captain Grayson Reynolds was advanced ahead of his peers, and even jumped over the rank of Commodore and advanced to Rear Admiral. Admiral Reynolds and his team made penetrations into Pakistan, as well as into areas controlled by the insurgents. Finally, given he and his teams classification under ‘Golden Eagle’ the Navy could no longer ignore their successes, nor his long tours in Iraq as well as Afghanistan, his advancement to ‘Vice Admiral’ was approved.
The Confederate War Eagles
However, now that Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds was in full command, answering to no one this side of the Pentagon Brass, and his being at the very least of equal rank as that of the Lieutenant General in Command in Afghanistan, his missions were more and more being carried out in his own way. Behind the scenes they even began using among themselves the name ‘Confederate War Eagles’. Unit patches were secretly ordered, using some of their ‘black project’ money, consisting of a Confederate Battle Flag with a Christian Cross between the upper arms of Saint Andrews Cross, which was then worn on the left shoulder. Over their right shoulder they wore the patch of a Golden Eagle facing forward.

These they wore on a black uniform, designed much like a jump suit, along with especially designed ammo, which was always worn, as well as blackened face and hands, for those having light skin pigment. The Jump suit with the Confederate War Eagle Patch also included a flack jacket, whereby the patch was never seen by the other army troops! Each man also carried what the Vice Admiral humorously called ‘essential sanitary equipment’, their trusty Arkansas Tooth Pick, a sharpen Bowie Knight. The several Marine chopper pilots that would drop them off in sundered locations from time to time had been sworn to secrecy!

Among their unlikely crew was a former Marine Gunnery Sergeant an x-D.I. named Alfred Goth who was nearly locked up for roughing recruits; years later he would explain his actions! "The Admiral looked at us as Surgeons, the local populace were our patients, and the terrorists were a deadly cancer; our job was nothing less then to removed the cancer, without killing the patient. Quite often, explained the Admiral, it became necessary to do a little close up surgery, and that is where our trusty Arkansas Tooth Pick comes into the play, being an efficient means of removing the cancer. The Admiral also demanded that every phase of every mission be carried out so covertly; even our own forces could not detect any movements.

These missions officially never happened, therefore how could a command that didn’t exist, be accused of wearing Confederate Emblems on a uniform and during missions that had never taken place. It was a kind of catch 22 and Vice Admiral Reynolds loved the freedom of movement his unique status gave him. The Vice Admiral’s motley band would under any normal circumstance be an inch away from a Court-Marshall, or at least a Bad Conduct Discharge, and perhaps an invitation to reside at Leavenworth Federal Prison. But then, we were simply obeying the orders of our Commander-in-Chief, in adhering to a policy, which in using proper phraseology states, we simply do not exist outside of our own meager numbers.

The Admiral required something else that surely would have driven the entire chain of command crazy, up to and including the Supreme Court, and that was a small pocket size copy of the Holy Bible. Admittedly, the Admiral never made a pretense at being a Minister of the Gospel; he left that up to his trusty Chaplain. On the other hand he made no secret that he believed the entire Middle East to be upside down, because they lack a foundation in the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scripture and of Prayer. The way these nations over here functioned, he once stated "it is like unto turning over the operation of the nuthouse {using his terminology} to the crazies."

He insisted that his men must have a solid foundation, otherwise he’d turn any man who refuses over the wolves, and everyone knew what that meant. He even had his Chaplain, Major James Greenly offer a prayer before every mission, and he didn’t want any memorized or written prayers, only those that came from the heart of the Chaplain. Also the Confederate War Eagles had their own private Oath of Allegiance, which was repeated as a group in private, the words of the oath went like this; "I so solemnly swear that I am first, last and always a soldier of the Confederate States of America, further, I fight toward the day when my homeland shall once more be a free and independent nation."

Rule by Decree
Monday 24 January 2011
Conditions changed rapidly for Admiral Grayson Reynolds and his Confederate War Eagles, when one of his men was seriously wounded while on a mission into Pakistan. He was literally carried across the narrow passages through the mountains into Afghanistan, where a chopper picked him up, transporting him to a waiting Navy Ship off shore. In the process there was no time or thought to remove the Confederate Battle Flag patch, with the Christian Cross on the left sleeve of his uniform. As a result there was a firestorm, which quickly worked its way up the chain of command to the President, their Commander in Chief.

The staff of the Confederate War Eagles, in addition to the Admiral, also consisted of an Army Captain and a Lieutenant, both were standing outside Admiral Reynolds office, one evening a couple of days after the mission, when Gunny Goth approached them. You have something for us Gunny, remarked the Captain, a man named Porter McGowan? The Gunny looked at the message as if it spelled their doom, "Yes sir Captain, I have orders in the form of a message for the Admiral." The three were standing about 15 feet from the Admiral’s Office, and for whatever reason, they simultaneously moved in the direction of the office door.

They all heard a faint noise coming from inside the Office, so they moved even closer and peered through the door glass, they all could hear and observed Admiral Reynolds on one knee beside his desk, praying to the Lord. "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, he said, let Thy will be my will in all things, strengthen and guide me O Lord that I might fulfill Thy purpose for my life." The Lieutenant, a man by the name of Daniel Gracie, urged the other two to back up. The Lieutenant then remarked, "he’s not only been praying, but the Bible is open on his desk, he reminds me of General Stonewall Jackson, on the eve before the battle."

Admiral Reynolds was certainly aware of the results of the 2010 elections, but he could not know the extent to which the world he knew back in the States had been turned upside down. It was Monday 24 January as he read the message orders, his entire Special Missions Command, numbering 277 men, was ordered to report to the President on Tuesday 1 February. After being debriefed in Germany, the team arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, four days later on Saturday on the 28th. At Andrews Air Force Base he was met by none other then Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox, now retired.

The two men walked across the runway engaging in a little small talk, until finally Admiral Wilcox coaxed Admiral Reynolds aside, out of hearing range of those standing nearby. The retired Admiral paused and looked about for a moment, then he began; "You mind if I call you Grayson, otherwise we are going to sound like an echo chamber, you are welcome to call me Preston. Grayson nodded his head in the affirmative, and Preston continued. "Grayson, you might have caught wind that things have changed, you should hear the truth from someone who knows you better then anyone else.

As you are aware the President lost big time in November, he now faces a divided and hostile congress, and more then that, given the independent politicians, as well as a number of those I call the Dixiecrats, the Conservative Republicans now hold a veto proof majority in both houses." How is that unusual, past Presidents have faced similar situations? "Well, replied Preston, this President has proven different then all the others, he has chosen to, in effect, rule by decree, and to by-pass congress wherever possible." How so Preston, has he turned into some kind of dictator? "Well, let me say it this way Grayson; he is a dictator in all but name!

President Burrell Steele sees himself as a second Abraham Lincoln, and has decided that his mission is to save the Union, from what he believes to be ‘Radical Conservatives’, as insane as that may seem, nonetheless he truly believe his own propaganda." Where then Preston, does this leave my men and myself? "Look Grayson, when you face the President in a couple of days, make no response, answer his questions as briefly and as respectfully as possible. He will likely order your entire command disbanded, as well as your dismissal from the service. Do not enter into verbal combat with him, but let the confrontation pass!

It will take a couple of days to process you and your men, before the Presidents order filter down, as well as sufficient time for the paperwork to be processed, in the meantime wait for a response from me." What have you to do with all this Preston, do you hold some sort of position, as a civilian? "Let us just say Grayson, that you’ve been caught in a political cross wind, and I will explain all this later, as for now, regardless of what the President demands of you, report to me on a regular basis." Preston, if the President has been exercising such power, why doesn’t the congress just impeach him?

"Well Grayson, the simple explanation is ‘they fear their veto proof coalition’ will disintegrate, if they move toward impeachment, in the process they have given an unspoken nod to the Generals and Admirals, to do what must be done. Oh Grayson, by the way, before I forget, they no doubt took your command’s black jump suits with the Battle Flag patch and the Golden Eagle, but knowing you as I do, there’s no doubt in my, mind you have a stash somewhere." Grayson turned and smiled in the affirmative! "Hang on to them, responded Preston!" The two men exchanged salutes, turned in different directions and departed!
Decorated Warriors discarded by the empire!.
Confrontation with the President
Tuesday 1 February 2011
Admiral Grayson Reynolds sat reading the morning news paper next to the modest size combination kitchen and dinning room table at the Andrews Air Force Base Guest Quarters, his wife Julie was busy fixing breakfast. The television in the living room was turned to the Fox News Channel, but the two of them paid little attention; that is until the topic turned to ‘the President’s Enemies List.’ Just then there was a knock on the door, Grayson looked toward the door then at his wife, "I’ll get it honey, he said." He slowly arose from the table and moved toward the front door, opened it and was greeted by his old friend Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox.

The two men shook hands; "come on in Preston, your just in time for a cup of fresh coffee!" Thank you Grayson, I believe I will take you up on your offer, I left early this morning in a hurry and had little time for any amenities. As they walked toward the table, Grayson’s wife Julie, poured Preston a cup of coffee then began to fix him a breakfast of ham, eggs and hash browns. The two men were so engrossed in conversation they took little notice, until she arrived and laid the plate before him. "O Julie, you didn’t have to do that, you are so kind, but be that as it may, I am a bit hungry, I thank you very much."

Then Preston got down to business; Grayson, the President expects you in his office at 10:30 sharp, and I’ve arranged a staff car to pick you up, you don’t want to be driving your private car to the Whitehouse." Grayson looked at his friend Preston, "you didn’t come all the way over here to give me the time of my appointment and the arrangements for a staff car. What is it you haven’t told me? You’ve always been very perceptive Grayson, no wonder you were assigned to a Special Missions Command; alright then, my inside sources tell me that President Steele wants to set an example, so he will be tough on you and your command."

What does he have planned Preston, replied Grayson, his mind fixed on every word he said; "he’s going to drum you and your men out of the service, and he will not spare you with a private audience. "Why asked Grayson, a reprimand for me I can understand, and I can accept whatever he has in mind, but my men, some of them have invested in a carrier?" Well replied his old friend, it’s not due to anything you or your men have done wrong; after all you didn’t get that chest full of medals for being a slouch. Why then, replied Grayson? Preston looked at Julie, then at Grayson, and responded, "Because quite frankly, he fears you!"

Fears me Preston, what have I done to warrant the President’s fear? "Well, nothing particular, only that you are, shall I say, the best at what you do, and that troubles him very much. No one upon this earth knows of project Golden Eagle, which is the team you call the "Confederate War Eagles." Preston, you can’t be aware of the name Confederate War Eagles? "Grayson, come on now, I’ve been in this business for most of my career, it’s my job to know. But anyhow, now is the time to inform you that after you have lost your commission, and your men discharged, which will be very soon, contact me, I have a very important job."

The two men finished their coffee and their meal; Julie said her goodbyes and the two men walked to the door! It was only a couple of hours later when the staff car arrived in front of his quarters, and Grayson Reynolds was off to face the judgment of his Commander in Chief. Upon arrival the driver showed the gate guard his pass, the guard then glanced down his list, after finding the Admirals name, he saluted and waved the car through. Upon arrival the driver carried out what is expected of him, he walked around the vehicle, opened the door then as the Admiral exited, he saluted and said; "the President, is awaiting your arrival sir."

He had visited the Oval Office before and knew that as he entered, the President’s Private Secretary, would greet him then call on the squawk box and announce his arrival; "Mr. President, Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds has arrived sir." Upon entering the Oval Office he observed immediately that the President and himself were not alone! Also in the room were Secretary of Defense Robert Bates, Secretary of Homeland Security Wynnet Lapaleno as well as a Liberal Mass Media News Team. He decided that come what may, he would do what was proper, so he approached the front of the Presidential desk.

He came to attention, saluted and reported; "Mr. President, Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds reporting as ordered sir!" President Burrell Steele did not respond immediately, but continued writing on a document before him. After a while the President finally stood to his feet, walked around the right side of the desk and approached the Admiral; the two Cabinet Secretaries stood to the left side of the office as you face the door, but said nothing. The news team was busy recording everything for live broadcast, as the President went down a list of grievances against Vice Admiral Reynolds.

The Media Journalist was a man Grayson recognized as a News Anchor named Walter Cordite, who no doubt expected some type of confrontation. The President paced back and forth, then he turned to the Admiral and stated; Vice Admiral Reynolds, I will make this brief, the conduct of your men and yourself in Afghanistan has troubled me, troubled me very much. The President glanced his way, but Grayson could tell he was playing to the television audience. It was finally the Admirals turn to speak, and he did so, "Mr. President, I have faithfully served my country, and I shall not defend my actions, which were completely within the line of duty."

All right then Admiral, so let it be, the military career of your men as well as yourself will come to a close in approximately three days! As for your men, all of them were on the verge of a ‘Bad Conduct Discharge’ in any case, and were only spared due to their extraordinary talents. Your men and yourself will return to disfavor, just as you were in the beginning; that is all Admiral Reynolds. The Admiral, without glancing at the camera, felt like he just had to leave a remark behind, he looked directly into the President’s eyes and stated; "So let it be written, so let it be done."

The Admiral had first heard that statement while watching a movie as a young man, the 1956 version of the Ten Commandments, a story based upon Moses and his confrontation with the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt. Obviously neither the Mass Media Crew nor the President managed to realize the implications of his remarks, so he saluted, turned and headed for the door. Shortly afterward, the President was on nearly every channel giving an interview, based upon his dismissal of Vice admiral Grayson Reynolds and his men. Just as his old friend had indicated he and his men were being chastised and cast aside, for the sake of political expediency!

The Shenandoah Encampment
Saturday 12 February 2011

On Thursday evening 23 February, the discharges for his men as well as his own decommissioning had been rushed through, post haste, so Grayson had the man he referred to as Gunny Goth, his top sergeant, call his men together. Arrangements were made for private vehicles, scattered over several hours, to transport the men to a very picturesque hunting site in the Shenandoah. There was a cabin on the property but since it was such a beautiful evening and quite warm for that time of year, the meeting was held outside, around a campfire.

All the men really knew was that they should not take their discharges to serious, not yet, and they were certain their own trusted Commander, Vice Admiral Reynolds, had made all the necessary arrangements. The men sat around the fire on stumps and logs that had been gathered round about over the years for such an occasion. In the past Scouts and Church groups had been allowed to use the site, thus seating for a sizeable number of people was available. It was quite a distance from Arlington but the men figured the Admiral had his reasons!

At first the men sat around chatting, talking about the normal topics, such as sports, girl friends, wives and families, for some it was an interesting movie they had seen, still for others it was a video game. Finally Marine Gunnery Sergeant Alfred Goth approached and called the men to attention, behind him came three Star Rank Officers. A private named Waverly Williams, could be heard whispering to a friend beside him, "they ain’t got that many stars in the entire Milky Way." His friend Private Martin Garrett smiled and responded; "Something is up, something really big!"

Their own Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds addressed the group first; "Gentlemen, you have been aware since shortly after arriving home that something was in the wind, and your suspicions have been justified. Let me remind each of you that everything we discuss here this evening is top secret. And now, let me introduce to you, a man all of you know well, Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox, who will explain further, why you have been call here. Vice Admiral Wilcox!" The men were by this time, completely attentive as Admiral Wilcox began!

Gentlemen, you are all accustomed to operating under a shroud of secrecy, and all of you are the best at what we do, collectively you might be described as a real live ‘impossible missions’ force.’ Suffice it to say the discharges you think you were given are bogus; they have been used to make you disappear from the radar screen. As far as the public knows, all of us have simply been scattered with the wind, and no longer exist as a command. But in truth, we are merely being buried ever deeper into the world of secrecy; our command is now classified as, beyond top secret.

The men could be heard gasping, howbeit in a very low tone of voice! I am assuming all of you have kept your re-issued black ‘Confederate War Eagle’ uniforms, and soon the weapons and other equipment taken from you, will be returned. Including your ‘Arkansas Toothpicks’ and pocket size bibles, additionally, as of this moment, consider yourselves on battle alert. You will go through a brief training in preparation for a very special mission. Again the men looked at each other, being in a sate of awe, they were accustomed to strange and unusual missions, but what did the Admiral have in mind this time?

Admiral Reynolds then stepped back and Brigadier General Guile McCabe walked out of the shadow and stood before them. Gunny Goth their trusty Marine Gunnery Sergeant again called them to attention, shortly afterward the General then ordered them ‘at ease.’ I am Brigadier General Guile McCabe, a few of you may know me, I am the U.S. Army Provost Marshal, and your mission begins now. The General pointed toward a large clearing in the woods; "in about 15 minutes six very large and special choppers will land, one every 15 minutes, and transport you to a secret location.

He had barely ended his presentation when an exceedingly low whisper could be heard overhead, the General ordered the first squad forward, directing them to stand by near the edge of the clearing. It took hardly more then 15 minutes for each chopper to land, load and take off, finally an hour and a half later the encampment was empty. The men had seen and even rode in state of the art choppers, but these where not only coal black in color and quiet but also stealth. The noise they made was so low on the decimal scale, as they speed away one by one; they simply disappeared without a sound.

Private Waverly Williams and Martin Garrett were in the same chopper, and as soon as they touched down Private Waverly recognized the location, "Martin, we are at the far end of the runway at Andrews Air Force Base. There’s a large jumbo jet about 20 yards away, and its also coal black!" The aircraft had been parked at the farther most area of the runway on a darkened pad. The men were rushed over to the aircraft, which was even bigger then it first appeared from inside the choppers, but without all the amenities of a commercial passenger plane.

Soon the choppers had departed, and their entire Command was onboard this Goliath of an aircraft, and in short order they were taxing down the runway toward some unknown destination. Most of them dozed off for the few hours it took to reach their destination, but were finally awakened by Gunny Goth, "arise and shine" came the familiar command of the Gunny, "its time for us to earn our pay." We found ourselves in the middle of what was obviously a training facility of some kind, but none of us were sure as to where we were, Nevada or perhaps New Mexico.

We roughed it the entire two weeks or so we were at the site, there was a mock town and as well as a building that was suppose to resemble some actual place, but since it was so bland, none of us recognized it for several more days. Finally on the fourth day we were called into a room about the size of a basketball court, and shortly, General Guile McCabe entered the room, followed by our own Admirals Grayson Reynolds and Preston Wilcox. After being called to attention and ordered at ease, we were all directed to gather around a table in the center of the room!

Now stated General McCabe, you will be told of the mystery mission, in which you are about to engage, and I remind you, nothing of what you see or hear will be repeated outside this room. Two privates standing one on each end of the table were ordered to roll the green covering away, and as they did so, it exposed a perfect scaled to size replica of the U.S. Whitehouse in Washington, including the grounds and the surrounding area. The model Whitehouse could be easily disassembled like an erector set, removing the roof then one floor at a time, so as to get a perfect view of the layout.

We went through the procedures line-by-line, moment-by-moment, until the details were memorized, during which time every possible contingency was opened to question, and reviewed. Admiral Reynolds was faithful to this old custom of praying with his troops on a daily basis; however given the conditions of our training he did so before the outset of each day’s schedule. Finally it was what you might call graduation day; we were flown to Langley Air Force Base in Hampton Virginia. The Command’s presence on the base was so secret officially we weren’t there!

Arrest of the Yankee Pharaoh
Saturday 19 February 2011
Since no known pictures existed of the Confederate War Eagles, the general population was unable to identify any particular person as a member, accept in the case of Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds. Thus a few days liberty was granted so the men could return home to their families, most of them still resided predominantly in Alexandria Virginia. Admiral Reynolds was extremely gifted in avoiding recognition, so he himself returned home for a few days, but nonetheless the critical hour came all to soon. On Friday 18 February the entire Command was moved to a supposedly non-existent bunker beneath Washington D.C. itself.

The underground bunker was originally constructed as a secure place to house the United States Government, and contained only a very minimum amount of space, thus it was deemed inadequate for the numbers involved. Upon completion of a roomier sight in West Virginia, the Washington site had been sealed off and abandoned for more then a decade, until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989. In 2001 the site was reopened by an inter-service contingent of military top brass. Upon the arrival of Admiral Reynolds and his men, they found it contained all the necessary comforts, including, a recreation room, television and even a library of movies.

As would be expected, separate quarters had been prepared within the bunker for Vice Admiral Reynolds, but the Admiral was not merely relaxing in the usual sense of the word, his thoughts were on the what lay ahead, and the nature of their mission. He browsed through the pages of his Bible, not knowing for sure what it was that he was looking for, when the Lord came to him verbally. "Admiral Reynolds, Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds", the Admiral looked about his quarters and saw no one; then the source of the voice calling came to him became clear. "It is I Lord, they humble servant, what would you have me to do Lord!"

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye." The Admiral bowed upon one knee, as he had done so many times in prayer, knowing that it was the Lord God that had spoken unto him. He recalled the verse of Scripture as being Psalms 32:8, and he cried out unto the Lord in prayer and spoke, "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the hosts of them by the breath of his mouth." {Psalms 33:6}. As he arose from praying he knew within himself, that what he was about to do, must be done, for in this case, the Lord God Himself, hath willed it to be so.

The men spent the remainder of Friday evening settling in and getting acquainted with their new surrounding, knowing they had only one day until the big event, but then they were quite accustomed to such things, it was the sum total of their entire adult lives. The men knew they couldn’t go above ground and be seen about town, so they made the best of their circumstances. But finally it was 8:00 P.M. and to a man they were battle ready, as they assembled in a large open room, the room being originally designed for the House of Representatives, but now standing vacant. The time had come to move to their missions jumping off locations!

The job had to be done in lightening speed, and at best they probably had maybe 20 minutes inside the Whitehouse, the President had scheduled a late evening conference in the Cabinet Room, only the Secretary of State was absent. In the Conference Room the discussion rotated semi-clockwise around the table, beginning with the President! The topic was ‘degenerating conditions in Afghanistan’, whether or not withdrawal of our troops would be possible. Secretary of Defense Bates followed up the Presidents remarks, then around the table to Secretary of Homeland Security Lapaleno who sat next to the President’s on his right side.

Then the President turned the subject in a different direction, the question of how to deal with the Conservative surge? "Well Mr. President, replied Secretary of the Defense Lapaleno! Congress is now in the hands of the opposition, so it is unlikely we will get passed any of our legislation, which we need. Therefore codifying the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ into law simply is not going to happen, but you still have Executive Powers, including attaching additional regulations onto existing law. As the President was making a reply, a noise was heard coming from outside on the Whitehouse lawn!

President Steele himself arose from his seat, walked over and took a look; not to worry, it just one of our choppers landing, I had called for an exercise, given the fear of security breaches. However just as the President was returning to his seat at the head of the table, black uniformed Special Missions Forces dropped from the sky and surrounded the Whitehouse. The entire grounds were now secured as a black ‘Military Staff Car’ was waived through the gate. Just then the President’s Security Advisor Nathan Gavin entered the Cabinet Room; Mr. President he started to say, only to be interrupted by commotion from the hallway.

A dozen well-armed members of the Special Missions Force, which had been disbanded and dismissed from the service, a little under three weeks ago, entered the room, and surrounded the President and his Cabinet. "What is this, commanded the President as he arose from his seat, no one invited you people here?" The men remained silent, saying nothing, while holding their weapons at the ready! The entire Cabinet by now stood in bewilderment, and the term ‘Shock and Awe’ now took on an entirely new meaning! Just then Brigadier General Guile McCabe, the Provost Marshal and Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds, entered the room.

The Admiral approached the President, "perhaps Mr. President, you recall those portions of the Declaration of Independence, which state that all men are ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights’ as well as ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it’. Maybe by chance you recall that the United States Constitution begins with ‘WE THE PEOPLE’, which you and yours have re-interpreted to mean ‘WE THE GOVERNMENT’." President Steele was visibly angered by this time; what’s all this about, Admiral, I could have you arrested for this?

Just then the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General William Murray entered; "I think not Mr. President, somehow in the forgotten recesses of your mind you might recall the Oath of Office you took, which included the phrase ‘protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’? Well, I assure you, we remember our ‘, where it states, to ‘protect and defend’, which also includes the phase, ‘against all enemies both foreign and domestic’!" Brigadier General Guile McCabe then stepped forward, "you are all arrested for usurpation of power and violation of the unalienable rights of ‘we the people’, along with numerous others.

While they were speaking Marine Gunnery Sergeant Alfred Goth entered the Office, saluting those officers present, he then looked at Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds, "the grounds are secure and the press room has been cleared, sir." Brigadier General McCabe looked first at the President, then at Gunny Goth, take them all away Sergeant! The Admiral looked into the eyes of President Steele, "The Lord God hath rent the kingdom from thee this day sir, and hath restored unto the people, the Grand Ole Republic, in its stead. Two brother nations shall henceforth stand side by side in peace, the United States and the Confederates States!

All those present remained silent as Vice Admiral Grayson Reynolds presented what amounted to ‘non-negotiable’ terms to the President of the United States, from the Almighty God Himself! Once the Admiral had finished, the Gunny approached, "Shall I cuff them, responded Marine Gunnery Sergeant Alfred Goth", holding ‘band type’ cuffs in his hand? The two men looked at the President and his Cabinet then at each other, no Gunny, I don’t think it is necessary. As the President was being escorted away, he kept demanding of his captures, this is not possible in the United States!

The entire event took place so quietly; the public did not even realize until the much later, that President Burrell Steele and his entire Cabinet had been arrested. The Supreme Court, the House of Representatives and the Senate were in secession by 8:00 A.M. the next morning, when Brigadier General Guile McCabe, back up by numbers Star Rank Officers from the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force appeared on television and radio, explaining the events of the night before. In the meantime an emergency Joint Secession of the Congress was called, which included the Supreme Court, whereupon Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox would address them.

The Sergeant at Arms called out just as he had for everyone and anyone entering the chamber, "Mr. President, Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox." The Admiral then entered the chamber and walked down the isle, accompanied by Army and Marine Corps Guards, the entire chamber then rose to their feet, but this time it was more out of astonishment. The Admiral reached the front section of the Chamber and climbed onto the platform, where the Senate Majority Leader George Mansfield greeted him. Senator Mansfield stood in the stead of the President of the Senate, which normally would be the Vice President


While events were unfolding, Secret Service Agents were seen entering the chamber by every entrance, including the gallery! As quickly as Vice Admiral Preston Wilcox reached the podium, he called for the Speaker of the House of Representatives along with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Both men looked about then at each other, finally they stood to their feet and headed toward the podium, not certain as to what was the purpose of their being called upon. All three men being assembled on the podium, Vice Admiral Wilcox addressed the assembly in general as well as two men standing beside him, in particular.

"According to the 25th Amendment and the laws of this nation, the Office of President and Vice President both having also been vacated simultaneously, the torch now passes to the Speaker of the House, the Honorable, John Bernard. Those who erroneously concluded that a ‘Military Coup d’tat’ has taken place are mistaken! We have merely reset the course of the Grand Ole Republic! Let this be a warning to all three of our branches of government, the age of Imperial Rule is over, henceforth State Sovereignty over all domestic affairs within the borders of the several States, is hereby restored.
God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. Samuel before King Saul “And Samuel said unto him, The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given into a neighbour thine, that is better then thou.” {I Samuel 15:26}. Thus shall the Lord do also unto thee, O thou Caesar of the Yankee Empire!

