Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Man from Obsurity

From Disgrace to Grace
The following was written during the Barrack Obama administration!
Publicly disgraced and dishonored, yet like unto Jesus before Pontius Pilot, he opened not his mouth {Acts 8:32}, that is until he returned as both a general as well as a political powerhouse!
Sometimes along the corridors of history and time an unusual event takes place, whereby a powerful military general tells the absolute truth and finds himself removed from his command, repudiated then publicly disgraced by his Commander in Chief, then forced into an early retirement from active duty. Could such a man rise again from the carnage of an otherwise long and distinguished carrier to become a stumbling block to those who walk the halls of political power?
Those of us who believe in the truth are convinced that in the not to distant future a Confederate National Leader will appear. A leader that will not rise from one of our many Confederate or Southern organizations, but rather out of the masses of ‘we the people.’ It is more then likely he will come out of obscurity, and appears on the world stage as a Divinely Inspired combination Minister of the Gospel as well as a Political Leader, and he will dominate the entire Confederate Cause.
Yet at the same time it is certain he will have a number of powerful aids that will assist him in completing his divinely inspired mission! Additionally, this leader will above all men be an extremely charismatic individual, determined and principled, as well as being a man around whom the throngs will rally. The modern Confederate Cause presently lacks this most important ingredient, an effective leader; the following story is about the rise of such a man, distend to play a critical roll in these events. This most unusual aid could be described as a type of modern day John the Baptist or a forerunner!
When we use the title Pharaoh we naturally think of the absolute ruler in ancient Egypt, who held the power of life and death; today we also have those who hold such power, though in our time we use the title, President or Prime Minister. Often such power is collectively held by a power elite or a bureaucracy, and commanded by he who holds the power of a Pharaoh. In this article, we refer to such a man as the Pharaoh of the Yankee Empire!

One Little Boy, two Big Names
Sunday 22 July 1973
Little Waverly Tideland, known simply as Waverly, was born in 1973, the son of a hard working father and home maker mother, was not unlike other boys his age in many ways, however he did have a competitive nature, in his teen years he delighted in sports such as football and baseball. Waverly and his family lived and worked at that time in Raleigh North Carolina, in an older section of the city, which has since underwent redevelopment several times over. Unlike most children his age, he had two identities; a Jewish name as well as his family or Gentile Name, sometimes referred to as a Christian name.
Waverly Tideland’s Hebrew name as listed with the Synagogue, was Adlai Malachi, meaning my witness and messenger, oddly enough, through genetics, it would later be proven that this little boy is indeed descended from the tribe of Levi and is of the household of King David of Israel as well as being of the lineage of the Priesthood. Later in his life, based upon astonishing events that would surround his life, it would be said that he was one the chosen 144,000 mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The question would arise as to why such a man-child has appeared on the world stage at this time in history, during the 21st century?
It all come to light when his great-great grandfather on his father’s side, a devout Jew and hero of the War for Confederate Independence, by the name of Yeshivas Ben-Judah, married a lady from North Carolina named Wendy Tideland. The couple bore a child during the war years, but the wife of Yeshivas Ben-Judah was afraid the Yankees would do harm to her child as well as herself, so she reverted to her maiden name, which was Tideland and went into hiding. There were over 10,000 Jews, which fought in that horrible war and Yeshivas Ben-Zion, a Major, was one of them.
Major Ben-Judah commanded a battalion of troops out of Raleigh North Carolina, and was killed in the war, leaving a mystery for his descendants. At Waverly’s birth, he was registered with the local Synagogue as Adlai Malachi, though his legal name is Waverly Tideland. While Waverly was still a little boy, his parents converted to Christianity, and his family began attending a nearby, small congregation of Christian Jews. On his father’s side he would later discover he was descended from the tribe of Levi, and on his mother’s side his great grandmother married a Jewish hero of Israel’s war for Independence, later immigrating to the States.
All this gave Waverly a sense of being two people at the same time, like a man divided between two worlds! Little Waverly was taught that his duel names was not unlike the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, whose Roman Name was Saul, as depicted in the Book of Acts 2:58, and that just as Saul carried Roman Citizenship, under the name Paul he was Jewish and a Son of Israel. Nonetheless based upon ages old tradition, Waverly was not half and half but 100 percent Jewish. However all these things were merely a matters of biographical facts, behind which was a growing little boy struggled to discover who he is and why he was born.
However, all these things were more or less technicalities, which he felt should not overshadow his need to somehow understand his place in the scheme of things. His family home was in Raleigh North Carolina and located on the wrong side of the tracks, out his front door lay what, at that time, was termed a low middle class neighborhood. Additionally all those critical remarks about "Rich Jews" didn’t hold much for Waverly, since his family was relatively poor, and life in his own neighborhood was more then a challenge, it was a fight for survival, even on a good day.
But out the back way was an old abandoned, rusting set if railroad tracks, beyond which was a gravel road, along with a stretch of relatively uninhabited land. This was an open space, which stretched for at least ten miles out into the county! The railroad tracks provided a kind of dividing line, beyond which the thugs and bullies of his neighborhood would not go, since their realm was the neighborhood itself. Located back in a thicket of woods, down that old gravel road there was a Creek with a deep spot that served as a nice, clean refreshing swimming hole.
Waverly considered this particular spot his private sanctuary, where he would go when he was troubled! The little boy had a Shaggy Dog he named Lazarus, which he kept pinned up in the back yard during times when he wasn’t allowed inside the house! One day he felt the need to think things over, so he decided to cross the railroad tracks and head down the road for a while! As the little boy walked along kicking stones along the way, he did what most little boys do and talked to his dog; "Lazarus he said, I don’t know what to make of all this, am I a Jew or, what do they call those folks, Gentiles; maybe he said, I am both and neither?
Waverly looked down at his friend, Lazarus, I think that between Jesus, as well as you and me we can come up with something, don’t you think so Lazarus? His trusty friend looked up and gave him a half hearted ‘Ruff Ruff!" The two of them finally turned off the gravel road and cut through the woods, walking down a well-trodden pathway to the Creek where he sat down along the bank, dangling his bare feet into the water. Lazarus sat down beside him as Waverly let him have an ear full of his problems, the dog glancing up at him from time to time with that certain look, as if he understood.
Waverly was seven years old, and besides being extremely intelligent, he was also mature beyond his years! But he did feel pulled in several directions, still, he could understand some things, among them were that he had a date with destiny, a concept he only vaguely understood. Nonetheless, his young mind didn’t quite put it in precisely those terms! Little Waverly’s mother knew that her little boy was deeply troubled, so one day about two weeks later, after his father had departed for work, and it being summer, the boy once more took his trusty dog and headed across the railroad tracks and down the gravel road toward the Creek.
His mother reluctantly watched him cross the tracks, and hated to have let him go, but she felt like he was safer down that old gravel road then he would otherwise be in his own neighborhood, and on the local streets. So his mother kissed him goodbye and warned him to look out for traffic! After he was well on his way, she decided to see if she could help her son resolve within himself that he was after all only one little boy, and he was not somehow divided between two worlds. So she packed a small picnic basket filled with Bobby’s favorites and headed down the gravel road after him!
Waverly had reached the Creek, stood on the bank for a while skimming rocks over the surface, until finally he decided to sit down just as before, with his trusty dog Lazarus. After talking things over for a short while with his four-legged friend, he heard a rustling along the pathway leading from the road and coming toward him, so he arose and stood behind a nearby tree, waiting for whoever might appear. Shortly he spotted his mother and ran toward her while calling out, momma, momma! "I need a little company son, replied his mother, so I thought you wouldn’t mind me joining you down here by the Creek, I’ve brought some treats with me."
She went about locating a shady, grassy place as close to the the whole world. She spread a table cloth, reserved for such occasions, out on the ground, and placed the food upon it, smiling as Lazarus lay close by, his head laid on his paws, watching the food, just a couple of feet from him. "Alright Lazarus, I have something for you too, so don’t feel left out!" After a little small talk, they finally settled down, gathering around the edge of the picnic tablecloth, with the food spread out before them, Waverly looked at his mother, hoping within himself that she had a few answers.
After talking around the subject for a few minutes she finally got down to business, and like so many loving mothers, she knew the pain that was tearing at her son’s heart, the oldest question since the Creation of Man; who am I and why am I here? She looked at her son with an expression that comes only from such a mother! "Sweetheart she said, the time has come to tell you a wee bit about your great-great Grandfather, on your mothers side of the family! Your great-great Grandfather was a Confederate Soldier named Isaac Joshua, a Colonel in the Confederate Army; you have a Gentile name because his wife, your great-great Grandmother on my side, feared the Yankees.
So he gave the family a Gentile name, which was easy to do in those days, since Birth Certificates were not all that common." Then I am not half Jew and half Gentile, replied Waverly! "No honey, responded his mother, as she reached over and lovingly touched her son’s face; you are not two people, just one sweet little Jewish boy, who happened to have Confederate Soldiers on both sides of his family. Waverly there were over 10,000 known Jews in the Confederate Army, and many more that were out of the country but who supported the Confederacy back home, there was even a Jewish man in Jefferson Davis’s Cabinet.
A Jew was part of the Confederate States Government momma, asked little Waverly? Yes indeed my son, his name was Judah P. Benjamin who served in two different Cabinet Posts during the war. Also you have another proud heritages of which to be proud, your great Grandfather on your father’s side was an Israeli Soldier, who fought during the War for Israel’s Independence. Then there was your great-great Grandfather on your mother’s side, who fought for the Independence of the Confederate States of America. You might say my son that you were born with the blood of freedom fighters, flowing in those little boy veins.
Little Waverly jumped up grabbing a nearby stick and as he did, and began to swing it about as if fighting someone; "Those Yankees are holding my country hostage, and I am going to set them free. "Now wait a minute son, don’t you think you need to do a little more growing before you take on the Yankee Empire." The boy calmed down somewhat and looked at his mother, well momma, maybe a little more growing, but I can’t wait to long. Now I know who I am and why I was born, two of my great-great Grandpas fought to free the Confederacy and one of my great Grandpas fought to free Israel, one day, I too will fight for freedom.
Transitioning from Boyhood to Manhood
Wednesday 3 June 1987
Waverly’s family as Christians did not celebrate all of the traditional Jewish Holidays, but they did uphold a few of them, among them were the Rosh Hashanah {Jewish New Year}, Hanukkah {Festival of Lights} and the Bar Mitzvah {When a Boy Becomes a man}. Waverly was about to turn 12 years of age, and under Jewish Tradition, this is when a boy becomes a man, so his family gathered together their Christian Jewish friends and arranged for a Bar Mitzvah. Then there was the Pesach {The Passover}, which reminded Waverly of how Moses stood before Pharaoh and commanded "…Let my people go," {Exodus 5:1}.
Waverly thought within himself, one day I shall stand before the Yankee Pharaoh, just as Moses stood before the Pharaoh of Egypt, but there was a well-kept secret, Waverly was bold within his own family circle and with close friends. However among the general population it was quite different, for he had always been hesitant to put his brazen rhetoric into action. Be that as it may, Waverly knew beyond any doubt, that now that he was a man, the day would surely come when he would have to deliver on his boldness. But what form it would take, he did yet not know, at least not at 12 years of age!
However even at the young age of 12, he perceived that he carried within him certain imparted talents and knowledge, as if the Lord God intended on granting him the ability to hit the ground running. As he matured in age, he also seemed to be taking on considerable abilities in the areas of politics, economics and business as well as in religion, meaning Judaism and Christianity. But more then this he was becoming, without having studied, a professional military tactician. However he figured that God had simply given him the extra-ordinary ability to observe and react quickly, thus he looked at himself as no more then an average person.
His Jewish training had taught him to study the Scriptures, and having done so he was becoming more and more skilled in their use and understanding. But more then all these talents, he perceived that he was able to lead people, and he possessed what he later understood to be charisma, thus he also knew from a practical standpoint that these gifts of God came with what might be called, a price tag. What did God want of him? Well, what ever it was he felt that before he confronted the world, he would inevitably have to confront God, and knowing of God from the Scriptures as he did, he knew it would have to be on God’s own terms.
He was entering his teen years and beginning to develop physically, mentally and spiritually, but day by day he had to deal with the local bullies and thugs that permeated his neighborhood. Be that as it may he thought to himself, he’d deal with that situation all in good time, as for now he had to return a favor to a friend who was slowly collecting the uniform, equipment and other items he needed to do ‘Civil War’ reenactments. His friend a fellow teenage named Billy Johnson had made his final payment on a Bowie Knife, and he had made arrangements for Waverly to pick it up while he was out of town visiting his Aunt in Georgia.
His walk down the street to the Gun Shop was uneventful and the Shop owner knew Waverly well from having seen him around the neighborhood, and knew him to be an honest and trustworthy young man. In leaving the Shop and it being a somewhat cool day, Bobby clipped the scabbard with the knife sheathed inside into a pocket just inside his jacket and headed down the street. It was about six blocks to his house, he didn’t really expect any problems, and he hadn’t seen any of the bullies on his the way to the Gun Shop. But this was not to be the case, about two blocks from the Shop he was approached by Willie Buford, a kind of local bully leader.
Willie and five of his friends approached him, ‘How’s the Jew Boy today’ he remarked in a sarcastic way, while trying to pick a fight, you’re walking on my side of the street ‘Jew Boy’. Willie and his friends were already beginning to close their circle about him! Waverly’s family knew he could at times be bold and brazen, and they feared these characteristics could get him into trouble someday. Well, Waverly wasn’t effected so much by criticism, but he’d had enough of their bullying, so almost without thinking he spoke his mind; ‘Willie, how about you, your friends and myself talk this over in my office, nodding with his head toward the nearby alleyway.
Waverly turned and headed for the ally that was not more then a few feet away, Willie and his friends following close behind! They hadn’t gone more the 20 feet into the ally when Waverly turned suddenly, grabbed Willie’s arm as well as the back of his neck, then somehow threw him to the ground, the bully landing on his back. As quick as a flash Bobby reached into his jacket and pulled out the Bowie Knife and lay the point and the blade directly to the left side of Willie’s nose. Willie, I’ve always dreamed of being a Surgeon, if you or your friends make one false move, I’ll begin my ‘on the job training’ here and now.
Willie was stunned to say the least, no, no, don’t hurt me I was only kidding! You know what they call the knife I have in my hand Willie, an Arkansas Toothpick, and I can even straighten your teeth real pretty like with it, along with a nose job. Before I do a little surgery on your face, quote one single verse from the Bible for me Willie. Are you serious, who ever demanded such a thing, remarked Willie, but then he quickly realized Waverly was serious. Well Willie, its either the Holy Scriptures or Doctor Tideman’s surgical knife, which shall it be? Alright, "Accept a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God! {John 3:3}!
Well Willie, you surprise me, that’s not the entire verse but you’ve made a good beginning, how is it that a heathen like you knows of such a verse? Because, replied Willie, my mother is a Bible Thumper! Willie suddenly tried to be respectful while he asked; how is it that a Jewish Boy knows about the New Testament? Because Willie, I am a Christian Jew and I fear God, now since I am prepared to perform Facial Surgery on you, you have two choices, the fear of God or the fear of my Arkansas Toothpick, which will it be Willie? All right, all right Waverly, I’ll treat you better in the future, replied Willie!
Mighty generous of you Willie, replied Waverly, I kind of figured you’d come around to my way of thinking! Waverly let him up and the six of them turned and rushed off toward the opposite end of the ally, muttering to each other as they ran, he’s crazy, one of them remarked, ‘Willie it looks like you picked on the wrong guy’. Bobby watched them for a while then he himself turned, exited the alley and headed toward home. As he walked along he thought to himself; what did I think I was doing, taking on six bullies, as if one wasn’t enough. A guy could get himself in serious trouble that way!
The situation in the ally wasn’t the only close call for Waverly; it wasn’t but three weeks later while running an errand on a Friday afternoon, his father being at work. He was approaching the small grocery store about five blocks from his home on the opposite side of the street from the Gun Shop where the ally incident had taken place. It was late afternoon as he came near the store, when suddenly he heard a gunshot, it was a drive by shooting, a man was shot and thrown back against the wall of an adjoining Dry Cleaners. Waverly seeing the man had been hit, knew instinctively it was meant for him and that it was a pistol of some type!
The man ended up leaning against the wall of the Dry Cleaners, the owner quickly rushed out to see if he was all right! Waverly glanced out into the street and noticed an older model automobile had stalled not far from him. Then he realized the driver was the same person that had fired the pistol at him, so feeling that bold streak boil up in him again, he arose and walked over to the door of the car, opened it and pulled the driver out, and slammed him onto the sidewalk. Once the driver was down on the concrete, Waverly noticed that a second bullet was stuck in his solid metal C.S.A. Belt Buckle, given to him as a gift from his uncle.
Looking down at his would be assassin he asked in a stern voice; "What part of ‘thou shalt not kill’ do you not understand?" About that time he heard the sound of a Police Squad Car, which stopped and just as quickly an Officer named John Walden was standing nearby. The owner of the Dry Cleaner approached, and speaking to the Officer he remarked, "the boy laying on his back shot the man over yonder, as well as this boy.’ Bobby stood to his feet, and pointed to the bullet lodged in his belt buckle! Young man, Officer Walden said, few people on earth can say they have been shot at point blank range and lived to tell the story.
God must have favored you this day, son! Officer Walden and his pardoner, who was standing close by, took the assassin into custody, then after asking a few questions, he had Bobby and the Dry Cleaner Owner write down their Statements, and headed for the squad car positioned nearby. They could be heard remarking as they walked; "this is going to make one strange report, good thing we thought to get pictures. I’d never have believed that a bullet getting stuck in a medal belt buckle could spare a victim’s life, remarked Officer Walden? What are the odds of that happening?
His pardoner could be heard remarking just as they approached the squad car with their prisoner, ‘well, about a billion to one, I’d say. There is a God after all, and he has most assuredly made his presence known here today! Now, Waverly wasn’t keeping a scorecard on our Lord and Savior, but here he was 13-1/2 years of age and already there were a number of incidents, where he should have been beaten within an inch of his life or else killed, and in each case he had the distinct impression God had intervened. However, things were about to change dramatically for young Waverly Tideland, in the form of changes he had no idea was already well underway.
Waverly managed to struggle along in his bully infested neighborhood, even after word spread about the incident in the ally, still, there was all manner of rumors about him being spread around, some saying God was protecting him. While others simply thought him weird! Be that as it may, he managed to reach the age of 14 without any major problems, until one evening while running an another errand for his mother, who had encouraged him to return home before dark, knowing of the sort of people that would be roaming the streets. However he was delayed by a small inconsequential accident at the nearby Grocery Store, and it was already getting dark when he started home!
He began to mumble a prayer under his breath as he walked along, "Lord Jesus, I don’t want any problems with anyone, I just want to make it home with the stuff momma needs. I have a small little request, and I know Lord you must be very busy, but would you mind tagging along with me this evening?" When suddenly he realized he was being pursued by a bunch of guys that hung out on the corner, the sort that causing trouble for anyone and everyone crossing their path. "Oh Lord he said in a whisper, must I go through all this again; I am afraid Jesus, this time I am really numbered, there’s no way out this without your help."
The thugs quickly surrounded him and backed him up against the cement stump of an old Street Lamp, which had been broken off, leaving only a kind of platform about 2-1/2 feet high, and just wide enough in circumference to stand upon. So without giving it any thought and with nowhere else to go, he stepped up onto the cement stump. Feeling like he was about to be done in by a gang of thugs, he lifted his arms and his face toward heaven and cried out, "Where is the God of Elijah?" {II Kings 2:14}! Then for a moment he came to himself, that inward youthful shyness returning but for a moment, as he ask himself, what am I thinking.
But before he could give it further thought the gang of about nine, all welding clubs and knives began tightening the circle, their leader shouting in a gruff voice, "Lets see if God will hear this Jew Boy." Then Waverly found himself extending his arms and his face once more toward heaven in prayer, loud enough for all to hear, "Oh Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I am Adlai Malachi, a Child of Israel, hear me, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior." What happened next could only be called nothing less then either a most unusual natural phenomenon or else a miracle, but dark-flashing clouds gathered overhead, like a horrible thunderstorm.
The thunder began to sound, rolling thunder like nothing Waverly had ever heard, the lightening began to strike, first once, then twice and then again, over and over in rapid succession, as the gang of thugs, now not more then three feet away encircled him. Waverly look about himself, and saw the thugs fall to the ground as if dead, so Waverly looked once more toward heaven in prayer, this time with simple words. "O Lord God, I owe you my life and I thank you for hearing me, this your humble servant, for I am but the dust of the earth." Just across the street a small crowd had gathered, where a woman had fainted, having witnessed what she knew was a straight out miracle!
Waverly climbed down from his pedestal and noticing his paper grocery bag sitting near the old cement Street Lamp Stump upon which had been standing, he picked it up, it was miraculously still dry. However he being deep in his own thoughts, let it pass without further ado! He stepped over the nine thugs, who were still lying upon the ground, and looking back, he noticed them beginning to stir, so he went his way, continuing his journey toward home. He thought to himself that his momma would be worried about him, since he was long overdue, still, there were many things on Waverly’s mind, particularly regarding his own future.
High School Military Academy
Wednesday 5 June 1991
It was the summer before the young Waverly Tideland was due to enter a neighborhood High School and he was preparing himself mentally and spiritually, a High School known to be infested with gangs, drugs and the like. Waverly’s mother taught him morality, his father taught him steadfastness and determination, all these tributes would serve him well throughout his life. But the young teenager known simply as Waverly, and who carried the full name of Waverly Tideland temporarily faded into obscurity, along with his family. While in the meantime, the years of preparation continued, in the making of a dynamic leader!
His father was always so busy with making a living for his family that Waverly had little time for much of a real Father and Son relationship. Still one day his father asks his son to join him in the living room, because he had something important to discuss with him. Waverly’s father poured himself a cup of coffee, and the two of them walked into the living room and sat down, Waverly sat in a chair forward and just to his fathers left! As a passing thought, Waverly was certain it was something related to his attending the local High School, with the coming of the new School Year.
After making himself comfortable and looking at his son a couple of times, his father began to speak! Son, have you ever heard of an organization known as the Jewish Leadership Federation? Waverly looking at his father, "no dad, I haven’t, why, should I know of them?" Well, his dad replied, perhaps not, nonetheless they have offered to pay for your tuition and other expenses, so you may attend the Riverdale Military Academy in Atlanta Georgia. While Alabama is the birthplace of the Confederacy, Georgia is in our time, the center of financial, economic and political power in the South, notwithstanding the mass media, is home based there.
Son, if you are to succeed in life you must learn all you can about finance, politics as well as economics; there is no better place to begin then at the military school in Atlanta. Now, you must understand Waverly, I am not trying to make of you a Yankee sympathizer; though I am very much aware of how you feel about such things. At same time you must first come to know your enemy, or in this case perhaps you might wish to refer to them a your opponent, before challenging them in any an open public arena. Waverly looked back at his Dad somewhat stunned, but why me Dad, they must have pulled some powerful strings, to get me into a school such a Riverdale.
Why Dad, how come me? Well, one of your great uncles died at Auschwitz Concentration Camp, and the aim of the J.L.F. is to develop leaders among the descendants and families of Concentration Camp victims. The choice is yours son, but let me give you a little advise, since I know you will be tempted to recruit as many as possible into your way of thinking, concerning the Confederate Cause. Remember President Harry Truman’s statement, ‘Walk softly but carry a big stick, well in your case, I recommend you walk softly while working to develop a big stick.’ So, what shall it be my son? Well Dad, I am already decided, I will accept and attend Riverdale Military Academy, since I believe it is God’s will that I do so!
The summer passed quickly and a week before classes began, Waverly Tideland was checking into the Riverdale Military Academy, where he would learn to put his rhetoric into action, he would learned to become a doer and not just a boaster. Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s own Palace and he eventually faced off with the mighty Pharaoh of Egypt. In like manner Waverly would, as Adlai Malachi, learn at the feet of this modern Yankee Pharaoh, and in his own Politically Correct world, side by side with the children of the power elite. He would play the part, and play it well, while borrowing a phrase from generations of his fellow Jews!
Their millenniums long battle Cry, if one could call it that, was "Next Year in Jerusalem" and for a couple of thousand years and uncounted generations, this cliché kept them on course, until Israel was restored. Now he would coin a phrase of his own that would serve to keep him on course, that phrase would be, "Next year we liberate the Confederacy." He would repeat that phrase quietly within himself until his mission and goal for the Confederate Cause was engrained within him, even unto the marrow of his bones. He would study, learn and observe, anything and everything that would aide him in that endeavor!
Waverly concentrated on the Student Newspaper, International Club, Ranger Raiders, Marksmanship Society and of course football, all for their potential of getting him invited into the inter-circle, as a stepping stone to the power elite themselves. He had very little thought of making the Military a career, but nonetheless, he wanted to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the best of them. Here he thought, he would hone his skills, skills he would desperately need if he were to break the grip of the occupation of his homeland and nation. Still, he smiled openly at the thought, General Waverly Tideland; it sounded very good to him!
I don’t know what hand guides my destiny or precisely what my place will be in future history, he thought to himself, but I do know that I have a date to keep, which is by and for the God of all creation. Very quickly Waverly began to revisit that God given gift of charisma, whereby he could attract friends and influence people, so he figured to make good use of this gift. He picked and chose those who would form his own inter-circle, and then each of these would have their own outreach. As his freshman year turned into the sophomore he had progressed to the position of Class Sergeant Major, then School wide Student Major and finally Commander of the Precision Drill Team.
Unknown to his classmates or the School Officials, he had used his influence and charisma to create tentacles, people he could trust that reached all the way to the State Congress and the Governors Office. Most of these were for now Student Apprentices, sill, there were a sizeable number of adult politicians as well as bureaucrats that had become part of his growing sphere of influence. By the first semester of his senior year he stood next to the School Master himself, and could call upon aids to the Governor, as well as the leadership of both the State Senate as well as the House of Representatives.
Waverly had learned to put his finger on the very pulse of the State Government with all of its branches, but that served as only a launching pad, a meager beginning. After graduation he wanted to tap into the Federal Government itself, and learn what made it tick, where were their strengths and weaknesses? He was already learning from Georgia Politics, that State Officials danced to the ballot box and for the most part lacked any real principles of their own, some even distained the electorate. Later he would make good use of this tendency, so as to bend their decision making, to the favor of the Confederate Cause.
Waverly Tideland the Soldier
Friday 20 February 1998
Waverly was well aware that his time still had not fully come, not yet, so he continued his preparations toward that coming hour, while maintaining a sense of duty and honor; in any case his activities were completely benign for the present time. felt that his experiences at Riverdale was a kind of test run so as to educate him as well as his associates, for whatever was to come in the future. Waverly had developed over the years a kind of a general image as to what his future might become, and that meant to him, facing off with whomever might be his opponents.
Nonetheless, having attended Riverdale Military Academy, and with nothing particular on his schedule, he enrolled at the local Bauder College, which was the closest to where he lived. Nothing note worthy took place until he graduated two years later in the early summer of 1997 and enlisted in the Army with hopes of becoming part of their Special Forces. His wish was granted when he was ordered to Special Forces Training after Boot Camp! Afterward he applied for what is known in some circles as the 90 day wonder program, to become what is often referred to as a Mustang Officer, which means an Officer who came up through Enlisted Ranks.
It was 23 February 1998 when Waverly Tideland received his commission, and his only thought was ‘They’ve let me in the door, and now they will soon discover what they got for their money.’ It is not all that uncommon for an officer to be passed over for promotion for a number of reasons, but sometimes a situation arises where an individual is jumped ahead of his peers. Some would later say it was his exceptional performance, while others thought he simply had connections. But be that as it may, by the time of the Iraq invasion on 20 March 2003 it was Colonel Waverly Tideland.
By the time the Iraq war was winding down he was among the youngest Major Generals in the U.S. Army, and as if that wasn’t enough, by the time of the surge in troop strength in Afghanistan, Major General Tideland was promoted to Lieutenant General, ordered to Afghanistan as a member of the General Staff, and given a Command of his own. His tactics were brilliant, and as long as he was able to get his strategy past his Senior Commanders, his troops was proving victorious with precious few casualties. But far to often he was frustrated by limitations on his ability to win, for the sake of politics and foreign policy.
The Yankee Army had not had such a young general since General George Armstrong Custer, who was known as the Boy General during the so-called ‘Civil War.’ But here he was, it was the summer of 2011, the troops were being withdrawn from combat in Afghanistan, and Lieutenant General Tideland was order to remain behind, as the Commander of approximately 35,000 troops, which were a kind of contingency. He was aware of Presidential Orders concerning interviews with the press, but aside from that he had to deal with Afghanistan’s Government, so it was natural that the press would be present on a number of occasions.
General Waverly Tideland’s boldness was well known among his own troops, still, they love him as a commander, knowing that they had a much better chance of defeating the enemy and making it back home, under his leadership. It was also common knowledge that General Tideland’s troops were totally loyal to him, for a variety of reasons. Nonetheless the General was not well loved among the Senior Commanders, and more then likely it was because of his rapid advancement in rank, and his charismatic mannerism. In short, he was effective and they knew it, so much so he tended to expose their inadequacies!
General Waverly had set up a secondary Command Headquarters in a Security Compound in Kabul along with General Abdul Missal of Afghanistan, while maintaining his primary Command Headquarters outside of town. On irregular occasions he’d visit his Kabul Headquarters, as a staging place for discussions with the government. It was the fall of the year back home, and quite frankly his mind was on returning to his beloved Southland, when General Abdul Missal entered his, in town office. They greeted each other properly and exchanged a little small talk, and then it got serious.
General Missal began to run down a list of grievance, when General Tideland broke in with a stern voice, "General we are liberators here in your country not occupation forces, might I ask at what point your Army will accept the responsibility for your own nations security? I think we’ve done enough fighting and dying, its time for you to earn the rank of general, wouldn’t you say?" General Tideland had been unaware until this very moment that a buggy-eyed G.N.N. Reporter was just outside his office door. Everything he had said had been captured on video, through the glass in the door, and it was even now, on its way back to their Headquarters in New York.
In the meantime General Abdul Missal began pacing back and forth shouting in Arabic, and it didn’t take an interrupter to get a general sense of what he was saying, and it was no doubt not very complementary toward General Tideland or the United States. General Tideland knew that what he had said was the truth, however, based upon the orders of his Commander in Chief, Barrack Odoma, he was suppose to maintain his peace, and stay clear of the press. He thought to himself, "I sure blew that order good and proper", I not only did not stay clear of the press, but this interview will certainly make front page and prime time back home."
Miracle in Afghanistan
Monday 29 August 2011
The General had to get away for a little while, so he ordered his Security Escort to stand ready, and soon they were on their way back to their Encampment outside of town. General Abdul Missal was left where he stood, whereupon after calming down, he managed to badmouth General Tideland in every possible way, in an interview with the Yankee Reporter from New York. But that wasn’t what was on the General’s mind as he passed out of the city, when suddenly his chain of thoughts was interrupted by a ball of fire. They had run over an improvised explosive device, which reacted as if it had been made with napalm!
The Humdees behind him managed to stop in time, but from all indications the General and his driver must assuredly have been killed, as a result of an extremely hot fireball that seemingly consumed everything. There were civilians along the way, which had moved off the road, in order to allow the convoy to pass; the women were holding their faces in shock at what they were seeing. After what seemed like a very long time, but was only a few minutes, the General was seen coming out of the flames, stumbling as he walked. Amazingly however he was not injured, indeed his uniform didn’t even carry the odder of smoke or flames!
General Tideland seemed to be unaware as to precisely what he had escaped, and appeared a little surprised at the expression on the faces of his military escort, now gathered around him. They quickly saluted, but looked at him in total amazement. His Sergeant began to speak to him in a stuttering tone of voice, General, how-how could you have survived. The Sergeant saluted for the second time, but now having calmed down a wee bit, began to explain him self. We are all pleased that you were not injured, but you will understand when I say, no man could have walked out of those flames alive, which are as hot as---" then he paused.
The civilians, who had gathered along the road, approached the General, looking closely at him, then they began to lift up their hands, and in the States we would have said they were praising God, but here in Afghanistan, well, they aren’t Jews or Christians. They all began to mutter back and forth to each other in Arabic, one man approached, touching the General, as if wondering whether or not he was a spirit or a human. Moments later when the flames had died down, the General’s driver was located and found laying on the ground unconscious, but otherwise uninjured, save for an ugly bump on his head.
When they finally had finished their trip to the Compound outside of town, a physician informally examined the General, in the presence of Captain James J. Bradenton, and commented. "Captain, don’t ask me how he survived a flame so hot it melted the frame of the Humdee in which he was riding, but General Waverly Tideland is whole, fit and ready for duty." As the General entered his office, Captain Bradenton remarked; I have an idea as to what happened out there, that being a miracle from Almighty God. General Tideland sir, a Corporal, a Private and myself were riding in the second Humdee, and afterward we were standing nearby.
Just before you exited the flames all three of us saw two men in the flames, and the second one was definitely not your driver, Sergeant William Buckley, who we later found unconscious, and obviously blown free by the initial explosion. What happened out there General, I see something in your eyes; something you are holding back. The Captain, following behind closed the door behind himself! All right then, I’ll tell you, but I doubt that it is anything you could vary easily put in a military report, nonetheless here it is, my driver and I should have been incinerated by the explosion.
When the explosion took place, I instantaneously found myself standing in and alone in the middle of the fire, my driver nowhere in sight, but there was indeed a second man with me in the middle of that intense flame. Well, if ‘a man’ is the proper term for him, I interpreted him to be an Angel of God, and now that I’ve had time to think about it, all this reminds me of the three Hebrew in the fiery furnace, and in that case there was also an extra person present. Captain Bradenton, I know you to be an outstanding soldier and a Christian, so perhaps this will make a little sense to you!
As I said, my experience reminds me of the story in Daniel 3:8-30 where King Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace. Yes General and on that occasion the King himself remarked; "Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire." What did the Angel of God say to you; do you care to share it with me General? Well Captain, he told me I would be publicly disgraced and dishonored, but like unto Jesus before Pilot, I was not to open my mouth in my own defense." The other men saw only the fire and me exiting the flames, and they, like all of us are under orders not to speak to the press.
The Afghani men and women will not speak of it outside of their own circle, since they cannot explain it in terms of their own religion, because we are, a people they consider Infidels, have experienced a miracle. In Washington the power elite is just shy of being openly hostile toward Christianity as well as Judaism, so I would recommend that any report you file, include only those facts, explainable in a secular sense. The rest of the story you can tell your children and grandchildren some day! What about you General, what happens to you? Well, God has spared my life for a purpose, and I have a hunch, I am about to find out why!
As Captain Bradenton excused himself, saluted and turn to leave the office, the General remarked; "Captain, I’ve been waiting for this moment since childhood, so I am well prepared for whatever awaits me." Thanks for sharing it with me General, it is indeed a story I will tell my children and grandchildren, how a miracle of God spared my favorite General from certain death. God Bless Captain, replied General Tideland, realizing the Captain had not heard his parting remarks, since he had already closed the door behind him. He began thinking, what does await me, well, whatever it is; God has wrought miracles in order to make it happen!
The Public Disgrace of a General
Friday 9 September 2011
The expected Administrative retribution against General Waverly Tideland was not long in coming; a week later he was relieved of his Command and ordered to Washington. President Barrack Odoma was now dealing with his second General, the first having been forced into an early retirement, and the prospects for the second didn’t look much better. The rank and file Officer and Enlisted personnel were taking all this as a lesson in staying out of trouble, so much so that the Press Agents found it difficult to even strike up a casual conversation with a soldier. The most they got was a polite ‘excuse me’ and a walk away!
The General found himself arriving directly on the heals of a public announcement regarding himself, the President stating in a Oval Office Press Conference, "that he would first speak to General Tideland." However the contents of his speech indicated that judgment had already been passed, and he didn’t have to guess what the sentence would be. "General Tideland, the President stated, has not only injected himself into foreign policy, but has disobeyed a direct order of his Commander in Chief. Further he has in the process disgraced the stars on his uniform!"
Behind the scenes, General Tideland was furious, that old boldness he experienced on the streets during his childhood neighborhood came back upon him. Perhaps, he thought to himself, I might have kept my mouth shut, but be that as it may, I did tell the truth and he knows it, {speaking of the President}. Then and there he made preparations of his own, for his eventual confrontation with a man he considered arrogant, that being his Commander in Chief. The next morning orders arrived at his hotel room to report to the Oval Office at 9:00 A.M. sharp!
On Friday 9 September 2011, a little more then 14 years and 03 months after he accepted his Commission, he entered the Oval Office, and he knew it wasn’t for a friendly discussion, and he also knew it was no doubt his Judgment Day. After having been humiliated and denigrated before the Press and the Public, he was about to be ripped apart by the President himself. The Private Secretary to the President announced his presence, and General Waverly Tideland entered, saluted and stated; "Mr. President, General Waverly Tideland reporting as ordered."
President Odoma was not patient enough to wait for the General’s explanation as to what took place, even though he had received a written report. The President started attacking him at once, breaking his stride on occasion, thereby allowing the General to respectfully respond! Finally, the President seemed to pause as he paced back and forth, and for a brief moment, the General thought to seize the opportunity, in order to make his case. But according to the Angels instructions, he did not arise to his own defense, but maintained his peace. The General felt strongly within himself, that his hour would come, but now was not the time!
Over the next several days he met once more with the President, the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army as well as the Chairman, Joint Chief’s of Staff, along with Congressional leaders. Portions of which in every case was covered by the Press, and laced with criticism and blatantly demeaning of him. Finally he quietly offered his resignation, which was quickly accepted! While he had not put in enough time in service to retire, he did manage to invest and save until now he was, shall we say, not rich but nonetheless financially comfortable.
He did however managed to figure out why the Administration was being so hard on him, simply because he was a principled Christian and a Conservative! Waverly Tideland, now just Mr. Tideland for the time being, did not engage in advancing his favorite interest, while on active duty, that being the Confederate Cause. However he quietly and behind the scenes, used his influential nature to create a kind of Christian Confederate Fellowship, mostly a group of friends, many of them quite influential in their own right, with whom he could share his long term principles, plans and ideals.
The Reemergence of a General
Monday 9 April 2012
Waverly felt the need to return to his childhood special place, where he would, if he could, talk things over with his old four-legged friend Lazarus; only that his friend were still alive, would he ever ‘give him an ear full.’ He hadn’t been back to check on his private sanctuary or his old neighborhood since finishing Elementary School, maybe now would be a good time. So he packed a few things in a small bag and started out for Raleigh North Carolina! The lamp stand stump where he experienced a miracle after crying out "Where is the God of Elijah", was his first stop, but it was quite naturally gone"
The small Grocery Story, the Dry Cleaners and the Gun Shop were also gone, where his house once stood was now a parking lot for an IHop Fast Food Restaurant. In like manner the old rusted railroad tracks behind his home had been removed and the old gravel road he so often walked, was now widened and paved. As a kind of remembrance of those days, he wore the ‘CSA’ Belt Buckle with the bullet still lodged in it, which by God’s grace had saved his life. As he drove north up the highway that was once his ‘old gravel road’ he pulled over and haply discovered, the old warn pathway through the woods was but still there, howbeit overgrown.
He made his way through the woods to his special place, the Creek had not been drained off or polluted, but the enormous wooded open space that surrounded the Creek was about 2/3rds developed. He finally reached his childhood sanctuary; the tree by the water was till there, only a little larger! As he stood there looking back at the pathway through the woods, he could almost here his mother coming down the pathway. There was still an open grassy space where his mother, himself and Lazarus had had a picnic, and where his mother told him about his family, though it also was overgrown.
He pictured within his own mind, how he had raised a stick and cried out "Those Yankees are holding my country hostage, and I am going to set them free." Then his thoughts were interrupted, when "two men stood by them in white apparel" {Acts 1"1}! Waverly fell upon is face, saying; "Art thou Angels from Almighty God!" The Angels paused for a moment, then responded to him; "arise O thou Son of Israel, for we are servants of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From the foundations of the world, He hath named thee Adlai Malachi for thou art a Witness and a Messenger of Jesus Christ the Savior.
The two Angels continued; "have you not called upon the Most High in the privacy of your own mind, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?" I have done so, said Waverly, for I am weary that I have failed Him, and have not done according to His will, therefore have I returned to this place of refuge! Waverly was now standing with his head lowered for fear of facing the presence of these Holy Angels, Angels that were there at the ‘Ascension of Jesus Christ.’ "General Adlai Malachi, we testify of the Almighty God, not of men, for henceforth thou shalt be a General in the Army of the Living God."
You will be invited to speak in Abilene Texas, after which you will attend the worship services at the local Bethany Christian Church in that city, whereupon you will meet a man named Jacob Bernstein. He will soon afterward discuss with you the organization known as the Confederate Legion, and its Gideon Battalion. It is through this organization thou shalt become a General of the Living God! You will give a series of speeches throughout the land, crowds will gather to hear your words. On Monday 9 April 2012 you will stand upon the steps of the Capital Building in Montgomery Alabama!
The man chosen to be the Prophesied Leader of the entire Confederate Cause shall be present on that day, and you shall be with him, as his Military Commander. The day will come when you shall be invited to give an address in Washington, on that day you shall confront that man you refer to as, the Pharaoh of the Yankee Empire." How O Messenger from God, for they will never permit me inside the gates of the Whitehouse property? "On that day, stated the Angels, you shall tell the guard at the gate, I AM has sent you, you will be allowed to enter!" Forgive me but allow me but one more question; what shall I say that he will listen?
"Tell the Yankee Pharaoh thus; Let the Confederate Nation and people go, that they may fulfill my purpose! Tell him, the Yankee Empire will fall, and the Republic shall be reborn, side by side with the Confederacy. You shalt truly command Pharaoh, for thou art Adlai Malachi, Messenger of the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; before the Yankee Pharaoh, the Word of God shall be as a mighty Sword in your mouth. And there shall be a revival throughout the land, the likes of which have never been seen upon the earth, and the people shall know that the Almighty God is God, and beside him there is none other.
The two men in white apparel began to fade, but as they did, there voice could be heard saying, Thou shalt not go forth in thine own name, but in the name of the Jesus Christ!" After the light had completely dissipated, I came to myself and looked about, everything seemed just as normal as before! He wasn’t sure why the Heavenly Beings had chosen this place and this moment; however, he knew his time was drawing near, for it was even at the door. Nonetheless, for the present he had absolutely no responsibility and no urgent daily routing to speak of, so he considered what he might do.
His father had passed away some years ago; his mother was elderly, and under the care of her own brother. While her brother himself is elderly, he was in relatively good health! Waverly for whatever reason, had never married, though he had considered the idea a few times! His closest family associate was a female cousin, the daughter of his father’s brother, and she was more like a sister then a cousin. Waverly’s cousin Beverly Tideland had herself never married, having successfully went into business at a young age, directly after High School and Business College.
His Cousin Beverly often acted as Waverly’s Agent and Private Investigator, ensuring that those who would befriend him were doing so with honorable intentions, and later she served to introduce him at a variety of social and political functions. It was she who arranged for her cousin Waverly Tideland to speak at a luncheon in Abilene Texas! The hall was crowded with something like 500 people, and the people were treated to a number of excellent speakers.
Once she came to the podium the crowd began to slowly settle down, as she prepared for the introduction of her now famous cousinBeverly Tideland introduced her cousin as Lieutenant General Waverly Tideland, and in the doing, received a thunderous applause in the process; it appeared the congregation in the hall did not share President Odama’s assessment of the General. As he came to the microphone, he was treated again to a thunderous applause. The liberal Mass Media Press was present for the occasion, and was now seeing not an accused General that wouldn’t, and indeed couldn’t defend him self, but rather a strong charismatic leader. Afterward the General accepted a speaking engagement at Texas Tech University at Abilene, who’s headquartered, was in Lubbock.
However given his Jewish heritage, he decided to fellowship afterward with the local Bethany Christian Church in Abilene, just as the Angels had said, whereupon there were Prayers, Hymnals and several personal testimonies. He was then invited by the Pastor to come forward and share a few words! He stood upon his feat and slowly made his way forward, shaking hands along the way! His attention was somehow drawn to a gentleman, he later learned was a Mr. Jacob Bernstein; why he should be drawn to him, he did not know, save for the Angels words.
Still, he felt within himself that the entire scenario was of the Lord, and like at the luncheon, he received a thunderous applause, both before and after he spoke, then there was the evening sermon. After the services were completed it was a normal custom for the members of the Congregation to mingle, shake hands and socialize for a while before leaving the Church. It was then that this same man approached General Waverly, who’s name is Mr. Jacob Bernstein! As he drew near, he asked of him directly; "Are you the man spoken of in the Prophetic Countdown? A number of us have expected such a man for many years now!"
The General paused, almost in amazement, at what was being asked of him; "no I am not he, for I have been informed by two Angels from God, who came to me in white apparel. However, I am certain, that this coming leader as well as the two of us, shall be in close association, in the not to distant future." Nonetheless, just as the Angels had said, he was invited to speak at various functions across the land, and soon he was appearing on several network television news and commentaries. As his influence grew he was also becoming the center of ‘behind the scenes discussions’ within the Halls of Political Power in Washington.
The Administration of Barrack Odoma, publicly, made light of the reemergence of the vary General he had so harshly disgraced and dishonored, before the entire world. But away from the television cameras and radio microphones, he wondered if perhaps he had unintentionally made this General a powerhouse, thereby setting the stage for an eventual confrontation. But be that as it may, the day finally came and it was Monday 9 April 2012, and here he was arriving in Montgomery with great anticipation, based upon the words of the two Angels, where they said; "The Prophesied Leader of the entire Confederate Cause, shall be present on that day."
The original guest speaker had failed to show, and a man unknown to General Tideland began to climb the steps, and in the meantime one of the organizers approached the General and stated; "Mr. Bryan Tappan will be speaking, and he has ask that you stand with the others on the top landing, he apologies for now but indicated he will explain later. While Mr. Tappan was making his way through the crowd, General Waverly Tideland climbed the steps of the Montgomery Capital Building and took his place. As the General looked over the audience spread out before him, he noticed Mr. Jacob Bernstein off to his right side on the lawn.
As Mr. Bryan August Tappan approached the microphones, with the mass media cameras rolling, the General thought to himself; "I can feel the Spirit of the Living God here today." He knew instinctively, this Bryan Tappan is the Prophesied Confederate Leader, and here he was just as indicated by the two Angels in White Apparel, standing side by side with him. Later on that very day, over luncheon, Bryan Tappan, General Waverly Tideland, Jacob Bernstein as well as Mr. George McCullum would discuss the official preparation of the Confederate Legion and its Gideon Battalion, as the launching pad for a nationwide drive.
Again just as stated by the two Angels, Mr. Bryan Tappan, after consultation with Mr. McCullum, Founder of the Confederate Legion, assigned Lieutenant General Waverly Tideland as his Military Adjutant and Chief of Staff of the Legion. General Tideland would soon thereafter assign a Major on is own team, as Commander of the Gideon Battalion. As the various elements of Mr. Tappan’s own team as well as the Chain of Command began to come together, the Gideon’s began to grow and take shape. The Confederate Legion, as a separate entity also grew, and soon the world learned of the Legionnaires and the modern Gideonites.
Tuesday 11 September 2012
The Face off with Pharaoh
Monday of 9 April passed quickly and soon enough we were all busy accepting new recruits, organizing, training and equipping the Confederate Legion and its Gideon Battalion, in addition to touring the States making speeches to the growing throngs of people. We were in Columbia South Carolina on Monday 3 September, supporting efforts to restore the Confederate Flag above the State Capital Building. One State Congressman approached Levi Ben-Zion on the steps of the Capital, not long after the rally had broken up; "Mr. Tappan, he stated, do you really believe we are going to raise the Confederate National Flag over this Capital Building?"
Well Congressman, either you do precisely that or I recommend you update your résumé, the choice is yours, but either way, the Blood Stained Banner of the Confederacy will fly over this building, and soon. "You have such influence?" By God’s grace and only by His grace, I have such influence! Afterwards, while gathered at a local restaurant for an evening meal, Mr. Bryan Tappan, now known to us as Levi Ben-Zion, turned to the General and paused, as if considering how he might break the news. The crowds were already growing ever larger and larger, and this was no doubt on Levi’s mind.
"General Tideland, I’ve been approach with an invitation for you to speak in Washington on 9 September, and I’d appreciate it if you were to accept, inasmuch as in my spirit, stated Levi, I sense that this project is yours and yours alone, and not I myself. Do you agree my friend?" General Tideland now known to the team as Adlai Malachi, thought within him self for a moment, recalling the words of the two Angels who had appeared to him in White Apparel; "you shall confront that man you refer to as, the Pharaoh of the Yankee Empire." Adlai then turned to Levi and replied; by all means, I accept and may God receive the glory!
The speaking tours as well as personal appearances made by the Leadership Team of the Confederate Cause, had thus far drawn enormous crowds, throngs of people attended any and all functions arranged under the asepsis of Levi Ben-Zion. Now each of his team members were well known in their own right, as was Adlai Malachi, so the Speaking Engagement in the City of Washington DC was packed. However Adlai was also aware that numbers of Senators, Congressman and even a Supreme Court Justice was in attendance. Some few of them were know to sympathize with the growing Confederate Cause, but most were opposed!
In the case of the lone Supreme Court Justice, Adlai figure he attended out of fear that the Court’s Adjudications and Rulings would become irrelevant, if the masses of the people chose to ignore them. There could well develop a kind of public nullification of the Supreme Court; Lieutenant General Adlai Malachi could easily answer their questions. The Court could and would face nullification, particularly given that it had gained nearly unlimited Imperial Power, far beyond anything granted by the Constitution. One Senator we shall refer to here as Senator James Dodson, known for his radical liberal views approach the General after the meeting.
"General Tideland, you stated that this government has lost the support of an overwhelming majority of the people, thus has become invalid and incapable of properly governing the nation. In your opinion when did this take place?" Surely Senator, you know as well as I myself, it took place when the three Branches of the Government exceeding the limits of the Constitution and stopped listening to and heeding, the will of we the people. "General, you refer to the United States as an Empire, how can you say such a thing, we are a Republic?" You fool only yourself Senator, the term Republic no longer defines this nation; you will excuse me!
The next day was now Tuesday 11 September and Lieutenant General Waverly Tideland knew there was one journey, he must make alone, no one upon this earth, save for God Himself, could be of assistance. He called an aide on his Cell Phone and had him pick him up and drive him the Whitehouse, it was around 9:30 A.M. by the time he arrived. He asked his friend not to wait as he exited the vehicle and approached the entry gate! He paused along the edge of the pavement looked up into heaven and prayed; "Precious Lord and Heavenly Master, I seek only to do your will, not mine own, lead and guide me! In Jesus Name, Amen!"
After several more staff vehicles had entered, there was a break in the vehicular traffic, so the General took advantage of the opportunity and approached the Gate Guard. Upon indicating he wished to enter so as to speak with the President, the Guard replied, "Excuse me sir, but we are not permitted to allow anyone to pass, without either the proper documentation, an invitation or else being posted on our list." So just as the Angels had instructed him he boldly responded, "I AM has sent me!" That being said, the Guard seemed to have forgotten what he had just said and waved him though; "of course sir, the President is expecting you."
The General knew his way to the Oval Office, having been their numbers of times over the years, as he walked he thought of all the times when that old bold streak within him boiled up, but this time it was completely in the Lord’s plan. As he entered the building and walked down the hall to the Presidents Office, he had no ideas as to how things would unfold. Nonetheless he was leaving it up to the God of all Creation! He approached the door and firmly knocked, moments later he was greeted by the Presidents own voice coming from inside; "You may enter." Where is his people, the Secret Service he thought to himself.
He expected at least a Private Secretary and maybe a couple of Cabinet Secretaries, but alas there was only President Odoma, who looked up at him from his desk, then arose in surprise. Mr. Waverly Tideland I presume, the President purposefully did not address him as General, how did you manage to get past my Gate Guard? I don’t believe you have an invitation? General Tideland walked over very slowly, the President now standing, the General stood in the front center of the Presidents desk, looking the President. I am not here in my name, but in the name of the Almighty God, I am Adlai Malachi, Witness and Messenger of the Living God.
What words have you from God Mr. Malachi? "I am Lieutenant General Adlai Malachi, General in the Army of God, and I am here not to ask but to command, that you let the Confederate Nation and people go, that they may fulfill God’s purpose! The President walked around the desk and stood in the middle of the Oval Office, General Malachi having now turned to face him. Like Abraham Lincoln before me, I will not preside over a divided nation, while the States voluntarily formed this Republic, once formed it stands as a Perpetual Union. You abuse the word Republic, which is a Voluntary Union of Sovereign States, you preside over and Empire!
It is the power of a Pharaoh that you and all modern Presidents weld over the people, which now stands in question! The Yankee Empire will fall, and the Republic shall be reborn, side by side with the Confederacy. The President began pacing back and forth across the room, until General Malachi walked directly into his pathway, causing him to come to an abrupt halt. The General without thinking then took on the mantle of a Prophet, as he stared directly into President Odoma’s eyes. And he even began to truly speak as one of the Prophets, in the strongest possible tone of judgment!
"You O Yankee Pharaoh once called me here to judgment, but today it is you yourself and your Empire, which stand in the shadow God’s own justice! Hast thou turned God to anger O Pharaoh, at what point will you repent of the evil that you have wrought upon this people and nation?" I dare you speak to me in such a manner, the President ordered; calling out in an angry tone, I am the President of the United States. "So be it, replied General Malachi, but you are also a Pharaoh and you’re reign of terror, as well as those who would follow you in this office, will soon come to an end.
You recall General Douglas McArthur’s famous speech upon retreating from the Philippines during the Second World War, wherein he stated; "I shall return." Well, I too have returned, but not as a General under your Command, but rather as one in the Army of the Living God! Now, will you and your Empire be judged according to your deeds! Just then Secretary of Defense Robert Bates and Secretary of Homeland Security Wynnet Lapaleno entered the office; the President was obviously pleased. He was just about to have his two Department Secretaries escort the General to the door, when his Private Secretary entered with a message.
Mr. President sir, the State of South Carolina has removed the U.S. Flag from its Capital Building and raised the National Flag of the Confederacy. General Adlai Malachi looked directly into President Odoma’s eyes, knowing this was his queue to depart the scene! As he turned to leave he uttered a few final words, Mr. President, you might recall what happened to the Pharaoh of Egypt! His two Cabinet Secretaries look first at the departing General then at the President; "What was Mr. Malachi referring to Mr. President, asked Secretary of Defense Bates? Never mind replied Odoma, just a Bible quotation!
As General Malachi passed through the Oval Office door he could be heard saying; "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin {Daniel 3:23-28} in this case it means, your Empire is taken from you and delivered into the hands of the Confederacy. The Presidential Secretary reentered the Oval Office; "Mr. President, excuse me, but you really should turn on the television, it’s on all the networks." The President looking at his Secretary of Homeland Security, and called out; "Wynnet, turn it on, if you don’t mind!" Wynnet turned on the set across the room, and surfed the channels for a moment, sure enough; it was on nearly every channel.
The Confederate Flag flew over South Carolina, but it did not fly alone, above it was a blue flag bearing a bow of seven stars with a Christian Cross in the center. In Georgia the States former State Flag bearing the Confederate Battle Flag emblem, now replaced the current flag. Secretary of Defense Bates immediately questioned the top flag in South Carolina! What is it? It is the Gideon Flag, responded the President, I’ve seen it before; you must remember the story in the Old Testament about Gideon’s 300, it is told in Judges, Chapter 6, where Gideon defeated the Medianites against odds of a thousand to one.
It appears these modern Confederate Gideonites intend on duplicating his tactics! Excuse me Mr. President for seeming gloomy but it appears his tactics are working, and in the most unusual way! How so Bob, speaking to Robert Bates? Well, the crowds seem enumerable and similar crowds are gathered in State after State across the South, even in the Midwest from Montana to Utah and Idaho. But listen to them Mr. President, they are not protesting, it is more like a massive public Christian Revival going on out there. And there in the center of it all is this Mr. Bryan Tappan, known to them as Levi Ben-Zion!
They are singing the older Church Hymnals, ‘The Old Rugged Cross, Washed in the Blood’ can’t you hear the words sir, ‘at the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light.’ The Stars and Strips are being lowered, even as we speak, in at least 17 States and by tomorrow, likely more! It is beginning to look like this Lieutenant General Adlai Malachi is right; the Empire is crumbling before our very eyes. Prayers and Bible reading are taking place in the Schools of nearly every one of these States, as a result of spontaneous worship services.
Eric Molder, the Attorney General entered the Oval Office; "Mr. President, they are completely ignoring a number of Federal Court Adjudications, up to and including the Supreme Court. Eric, I do believe they have just nullified not only the Federal Courts but also this entire Government or else they are in the process of doing so. Now, how would you have me react Eric, put 100 million people in jail; Eric, we simply over played our hand, and now the price comes due. General Malachi or Prophet Malachi, made reference to a few verses in the Book of Daniel, and for us, the Hand Writing is on the Wall, the Empire has been taken from us.
God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. The Yankee Empire’s tenure as a dominate occupation force, whose foot rest upon the neck of the Confederate States of America in not a perpetual, as they would like to believe; it will end, and soon. As measured against the long slow progress of history, theirs will have been but a brief moment on the world stage of human events! When their boot upon the neck of the Confederacy is finally lifted, our history, heritage, culture and nation will rise again, by the Grace and Divine Providence of Almighty God. “But I will remove far from you the northern army and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because done great things.” {Joel 2:20}

