Monday, April 30, 2018

Confederate Task Force

The Lady Catherine ...

Confederate Historic Fiction is a scenario whereby it is imagined that history has turned out differently, for the purpose that Confederates of our own time might become convinced they are equally as capable of altering the course of history through their activism. We cannot help but notice that in an overwhelming number of cases it has been a single individual which changed the course of history. The great "what ifs" of history come to mind, for example what if Abraham Lincoln had never been born?  

What if Jefferson Davis had entered the 1860 Presidential race and defeated Abraham Lincoln? If this short story achieves anything it should be to challenge you to think and consider what you personally can do to help bring victory to our cause. The story you are about to read is fiction ... or is it? There are strange rumors, which tell of a Confederate Ghost Fleet, which sails the oceans of the world, searching for friendly waters. Are these merely fairy tales told by men with vivid imaginations, or could they possibly be true? You decide after reading my story!

A group of us were onboard a small but sea worthy craft named the Lady Catherine in route from Miami to the Grand Bahamas, when an unexpected storm blew us further out to sea, then we had anticipated. We were not in immediate danger, but we had traveled beyond our limits. We had sufficiently regained our composure, and were about to reset our course, and turn back. We spotted an unusual and unexpected scene further out to sea! The storm had subsided and the sky was changing to a beautiful blue, peppered with a scattering of white clouds. The ocean was mildly choppy; not at all rough, and the visibility was at least 20 nautical miles; just about the distance to the edge of the horizons. It was turning out to be the kind of day any sailor would dream about, and an excellent time for a voyage.

We spotted a most unusual and unexpected naval fleet, numbering about 13 ships, and moving along at a leisurely 12 knots. Each ship staying well within formation! We decided to approach and see what we could see! As our courses brought us closer together, one of the ships launched what appeared to be a high speed, advanced version of a hovercraft, and offered us aide and assistance. Even invited us onboard! What we learned afterward would turn out to be unbelievable! There were thirteen ships in this task force, each named after one of the member States of the Old Confederacy. Their position in formation was based upon their secession dates from the 'Union of States. 'The exception was the C.S.S. Virginia (CSS 008) which held the middle position.

These ships sailed under what might be termed a 'Circle H' battle formation. The C.S.S. Virginia took the middle position because she was assigned the roll of the Task Force Command Ship or Flag Ship and had the Fleet Admiral onboard, with his staff and the ship sailed under an Admirals Flag. The other ship in the middle was the C.S.S. South Carolina (CSS 001), which carried high tech communications, sonar, radar and computers equipment, of the highest caliber.


We found out these ships had been built in three of the world's busiest ports, scattered around the globe. Places like Asian, South America and the South Pacific, with Japan providing much of the technology. That this fleet sailed under the protection of a neutral nation, and their existence was the best kept secret, until the task force actually set sail. In part because their construction, was made to appear, as no more then a work order for high priced, well designed pleasure craft. Toys for the rich and famous! This was not to be the case, for these ships were equipped with the best technology available anywhere upon the earth, and quite capable of defending themselves within a 1,000 nautical mile range, and beyond if necessary.

What kind of fleet was it that we happened upon? It was termed The Confederate Task Force One" and sailed under the official colors of the Confederate States of America. Flying the Current or Third National Flag, commonly known as the Blood Stained Banner, as well as the Confederate States Navy Jack. Each ship was classified from "CSS 001" upward to "CSS 013" numbers acquired from their secession precedents. While these ships were quite capable of self-defense, they were not aggressive. Their mission and purpose was public relations, as well as training for a future Confederate States Navy. Their immediate sailing orders, called for ports of call on every continent and across the seas of the world. Quite simply, show the Colors of the Confederacy! This fleet would carry out its mission, above and beyond the call of duty.

The Task Force Command Ship was also equipped with a Presidential Conference and Stateroom. This official looking stateroom we were told is used for meetings and conferences, and contained a long conference table. At one end was a chair, which remained vacant! Above this vacant chair was the Great Seal of the Confederacy. Only the President Confederate States of America could sit in this chair, when that office was eventually filled. The presence of such a State and Conference Room was to send a message, and it certainly fulfilled that mission, beyond any shadow of a doubt.


The Conference Room was equipped with the Confederate States Great Seal, Current Confederate States National Flag, Navy Jack and a Presidential Flag, designed from a Second National, often called the Stainless Banner, with the Great Seal in the white field. These flags were made of the finest material, edged in gold and mounted on stands befitting the Confederate States President. Several pictures hung about the bulkheads, which depicted the Generals and Admirals of the Confederate States of America's General Staff, as well as heroic scenes of valor. The air about these spaces made one's mind drift back to another time and place. Back to the War for Southern Independence! One almost expected Jefferson Davis himself to walk through the Stateroom door.

The Wax Works of London England, had been contracted to produce an exact replica of President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee and Admiral Raphael Semmes, clothed in their period attire, weapons and accoutrements. They were so stunning, they looked exactly like the actual individuals depicted. These figures were mounted behind shatter proof, bulletproof glass. The intent was to make this fleet, this ship, as well as its Presidential Conference and Stateroom, look totally official in every way. And they succeeded beyond all expectations!

The other ships of the fleet, beginning forward of the formation, and moving circular to starboard; C.S.S Mississippi (CSS 002), C.S.S. Florida (CSS 003), C.S.S. Alabama (CSS 004), C.S.S. Georgia (CSS 005), C.S.S. Louisiana (C.S.S. 006), C.S.S. Texas (CSS 007), C.S.S. Arkansas (CSS 009), C.S.S. North Carolina (CSS 010), C.S.S. Tennessee (CSS 011), C.S.S. Missouri (CSS 012), and the C.S.S. Kentucky (C.S.S. 013). Those familiar with naval ship numbers know these are odd numbers for a battle fleet. However, it must be remembered, technically this is no military task force, but rather, a public relations memorial fleet.

Earlier it was ask, what kind of fleet we saw anyhow? Well, a portion of the answer laid in its description, as public relations, memorial, and training fleet. What kind of ships constitutes such an unusual fleet? They were all, the largest 'Man a War' Sailing Ships' ever built, every one of them. This could be seen as their five huge masts arose high into the sky. The largest masts ever constructed for a sailing ship! These ships had been designed, using extremely advanced knowledge, design, technology and material. The outward appearance was at the same time same time, quite similar as those of the 'Ole Ships of the Line.'


We could see nothing of the enemy, until an explosion was spotted high in the air, at a long distance off. First in one location, then coming from various directions! It turned out that a terrorist group, with the support of one of their allied nations in the middle east, had launched what they thought would be a sneak attack, using both aircraft and missiles. None got close enough to penetrate the fleet's defensive circle. Likely the terrorist believed the appearance of these ships to be their true nature, that they were only ancient sailing ships. As quickly as it began, it was over and conditions were relaxed. We finished the tour and kindly gave our thanks to the Chief Boatswain's Mate. But my short few hours in a Confederate Combat Zone, is one I shall never forget. Particularly with our side being the unquestioned victor; finally!


These ships are expected to anchor in England, France, Germany and Italy. Then onward to Asia, before heading to their homeport, which for security reasons is not yet the Southland. The Confederate Task Force One remains for the present, a nomadic Confederate States Naval Fleet in exile. Their long voyage home will not end, short of the liberation of their own homeland, the Confederate States of America. On that great and wonderful day, we shall all welcome our boy’s home, with parades, celebrations, cheers, bands, and a few stanzas of Dixie.

In the meantime, we were not told in advance of our present heading, until we came within the 25 limits of the Biscay Bay, then we knew. The Ship's Captain came over the intercom! Confederate Task Force One will lie at anchor in Biscay Bay, and our port of call will be Bordeaux France. An official delegation will meet our Command Staff and a French Salute will be rendered to our assembled naval personal as well as the ships of our fleet. As we rounded the Northwestern tip of Spain, we were surprised at what greeted us. A long line of French Yachts and Pleasure Boats were giving us a pass and review, with a formal salute.

Cheers could be heard over the loud speakers coming from the French vessels. We discovered later, the crowds, which numbered in the hundreds of thousands, already lined the piers awaiting our arrival. An even larger number, approximately 1.5 million, awaited us in town! A formal ceremony was arranged for us in the City of Paris, which we were obliged to attend, and happily. The parade through Paris was reminiscent of the victory parades during the closing days of the Second World War, as allied troops liberated Paris. Long columns of French Army, Navy and Air Force troops, gave a pass and review, in our honor. Could this be really happening, or would I wake up and find it was all just a pleasant dream?

The outward appearance of these ships, effectively masqueraded their true capabilities. They could hoist down those huge masts in record time, and engage their powerful turbines. These turbines, could easily power these ships at record speeds. Their weaponry included the first true functional laser cannons, capable of penetrating battleship steel at the edge of the horizon, in seconds. When bounced off satellites, these weapons could reach across continents, with devastating accuracy. These weapons were controlled by the best and most advanced computer technology, with back up provisions. And these ships could shoot as far as they could see which was about any distance. Thus their intelligence and firepower was awesome! Though few people upon earth suspected as much!

One could not comprehend their firepower by their appearance, which took on the spectacle, of Grand Ole Ships of the Line sailing across the seas in honor and glory; innocent and harmless in a modern setting. This view was precisely how they were designed to appear! A certain percentage of their weaponry was conventional, but these were deemed cumbersome and outdated. And were stocked primarily for training and display purposes! The means by which these ships came into being has been closely guarded, as beyond top secret. But it is sufficient to say, given their awesome firepower; they have no equal upon the earth. Their appearance seemingly so unlikely, for modern ships of war! This magnificent ship seemed to leisure along at 12 knots under full sail, heading for the finest ports of call in the world.

The Ship's Captain commanded his Chief Boatswain's Mate to give us a tour of the ship. So our entire Lady Catherine crew follows him about! Our tour was a trip back in nautical time, and yet it was difficult to remember, these ships were the most technologically advance upon earth. While at the same time, they were floating museums, right out of the pages of history. We heard commands given, which I had not heard since an Ole Chief Warrant Officer gave historical lessons, when I was but a young sailor. These modern Confederate Sailors were learning the true art of seamanship. The best of the old, along side the finest of the new!

Oddly enough, even out on deck, we could see little outward signs of modern weaponry. However we were about to find out in no uncertain terms, when a drill was called; Man your battle stations, this is no drill came over the intercom. It was none-the-less pleasant to hear the command given with a distinct Southern Accent. Men began rushing about the decks, and the Chief Boatswain's Mate directed us aside, and out of the way, as he himself began shouting orders. Certain portholes and hatches began opening at various points about the deck! In at least two locations, both forward and aft, elevated laser cannon ascended from the deck, on a circular platform. The gun mount crew stood present and ready on the platform!

We eventually departed France, in route to England, and as I look back on the voyage, it still appears as something out of a fairy tale, yet it happened. We had set sail form Bordeaux France, and our crew from the Lady Catherine decided to turned in for the night, in the small staterooms provided by the ships Executive Officer. Soon we passed off into a deep but needed sleep. When suddenly we were awakened, and found ourselves back onboard the Lady Catherine. Once we regained our composure, we realized we were just east of the Grand Bahamas, and could even see the main island off in the distance, so we quickly set our course.

Still we were stunned to say the least! If it hadn't been that I personally experienced these events, and someone had told me such a story. I would have thought them lacking of their necessary mental faculties. How did we go to sleep aboard the C.S.S. Virginia (CSS 008) off the coast of France, and suddenly waken east of the Grand Bahamas, onboard the Lady Catherine? How such a fleet could be out there, yet so few people stateside knew of its existence. These are not ghost ships, they are real and tangible, or are they? Did we imagine the port of call in France, or did it happen? My attempts at relating the story to friends, relatives and co-workers proved a total failure. So I finally just gave up, and considered it one of those wild stories one tell their grandchildren. The Ghost Fleet called The Confederate Tasks Force One, or was it a ghost fleet? Maybe I shall never know!

In the meantime, should find yourself far out at sea some beautiful evening, under clear starry skies, with good visibility. Look closely toward the horizons, and see if you can spot The Confederate Task Force One passing in the night. Then file your report, if it were real, or just an imagined Ghost Fleet!

God save the Confederacy

Sunday, April 29, 2018

When the Rats Jump Ship

Liberation and Restoration

This article is about the liberation and restoration of the Confederate States of America. It is at the same time about restoring the United States to that of a voluntary Republic of Sovereign States. Thereby both nations would live side by side as brother nations, in peace.

There shall be a sign made known unto all the people whereby they shall know of a certainty the Yankee Empire has come to an end and its fall is imminent. The day shall come wherein the rich, famous and powerful among us begin to transfer their assets out of the States. The federal bureaucracy shall have over stretched itself causing a severe drain upon its resources and its power. There shall be a severe drop in the value of the monetary system and a crisis in the oil markets as it affects the economy. Nature will add to the scenario of a falling empire by inflicting disasters in several heavily populated States in a close proximity of time. This will further tax the diminishing resources of the empire.

The final blow will come when a crisis arises which will be aggravated by the mass media, blown out of proportion and answered by a call up of National Guard troops in several states. An order from the President will be delivered to federalize these troops, which will be refused, causing a confrontation of forces when federal marshals are placed under arrest and confinement by State authorities. These events will cause a split in the Armed Forces when they are ordered to bring renegade guard and federal troops under subjection to federal authority.

 It is at this point when a choice is made between those who are prepared to open fire on State Forces and those who openly join in resisting federal intrusion. The pendulum of power will then swing in favor of State Troops, who by this time will have taken on the mantel of defending the Confederate States of America. There will be an alliance with States and Copperheads outside the member States and territories of the Confederacy. Thus the Yankee Empire will be delivered into the hands of that same people and nation, whose surrender they mandated beginning at Appomattox Courthouse Virginia on 9 April 1865.

What kind of issues is so critical, they could result in the renewal of hostilities between the members States and territories of the Confederacy and those of the federal union? This question has arisen in so many quarters it is prudent that the subject be addressed, and now is an excellent time. All civilizations throughout history have been built upon certain principles. These principles form its foundations where upon all aspects of a nation and society is constructed.
When the foundations are corrupted, destroyed or dismantled, the entire structure begins to crumble no matter how great its economy and military power. This process is already underway within the Yankee Empire and that by their own hand! The voluntary republic of sovereign states known as the United States of America, began to corrode when it when it attempted to justify the unconstitutional and aggressive invasion, conquest, occupation, subjugation and cultural genocide of the Confederate States of America. When the time has fully come, the price of their evil deeds shall come due over and above their ability to pay.

The Grand Ole Republic started down the road toward becoming a pagan and barbaric empire by abandoning the very concept of unalienable rights that "all peoples are endowed by Almighty God in creation, with the unalienable right to decide for themselves what manor of society, government and nation shall be theirs." This right was at the corps of the Declaration of Independence and was the founding principles of the United States of America. Upon these principles the colonies broke the political bonds which connected it with the British Empire. The voluntary republic of sovereign states progressively became an involuntary consolidation of socialist states.

While at the same time they continued to worship the word 'union' which was and remains their battle cry; "preserve the union." Yet they have departed from the very definition of the word, which actually means a voluntary joining together. Somehow 'those people' have concluded they and they alone hold the divine right to rule over us, even if it must be done by force of arms. Those same unalienable rights which were exercised in creating the United States, was resisted by force when the Southern States followed precisely the same process. This twisted mindset is at the root of every fallen empire since the beginning of nations upon the earth, and will be a major cause in their demise.

It has been a very long time since our occupation forces have abandoned the Almighty God in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior as well as the Holy Scriptures, as the foundations of their society and nation. It was therefore only a matter of time, before idolatrous and paganism became common practice. The various great sciences which once excelled under the truths taught of the Holy Scripture are now based upon the false god of secular humanism.

There was a time when the moral values of the Holy Scripture were commonly taught throughout the land, placing a premium value on all human life as well as the natural order of creation. Then with the abandonment of the God of Creation, morality and violence greatly increased; truth, honor and faith were all but unknown. Even the concept of absolute truth was deleted from the lexicon and replaced a 'relativism' which is in practice and absence of truth, whereby a false image and description is drawn. The vary concept of formulating sound reasoning and morality has as a result been drastically reduced!

Even the image and meaning of Almighty God and the Holy Scripture has been transformed into a type of 'designer god' fashioned after each individual's lust and greed. There no longer exist a sense of sin and fallen man, and the need for salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Rather man himself has become his own god! Thereby they assumed upon him the right to decide what constitutes truth and the value of the unborn became a matter of convenience.

A holocaust against their own children has since been termed a women’s right to choose. Only the Lord God Himself could make a true count of the approximately 50 millions dead who have been slaughtered in their abortion mills. Those few precious children, who managed to survive, are now subject to indoctrination, propaganda and political correctness, passed off as education.

But there is one small bastion still remaining which has not been molded into a likeness of our occupation, the Confederate and Southern people. Our people have carried within in them the light the Living God which burns within the heart of every true Confederate, Southerner, Copperhead, Ally and Friend of the Confederate States of America. That light or spark will eventually ignite into the last great spiritual reawakening or as commonly termed an end time revival. This revival will sweep across the Southland and indeed the world before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ in His Glory. There will be massive repentance which is properly called the New Birth as spoken of by the Apostle John; "...Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).

The timing of this great reawakening or revival is also spoken of by the Prophet Joel; "... for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain..." (Joel 2:23). "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm..." (Joel 2:25). And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. (Joel 2:28-29).

It is certain from the Holy Scripture that before the last days of this dispensation and the coming of our Lord in Glory, there will come one last worldwide alter call brought about by a new generation of God empowered evangelists. These great and powerful evangelists will be humble Ministers of the Gospel and will rise up in order to preach to a pagan and dark world population. When similar occasions have happens over past millenniums, the Almighty God has chosen a nation and a people to fulfill His purpose. It is indeed possible the complete extinction of all things Confederate and Southern has been prevented in order for these events might take place. When that great day shall have fully come, the spirit within our people will inspire them to rise up like a raging fire as Confederate Missionaries of the Gospel, teaching and preaching the word of salvation around the world.

The first signs of these coming events are already appearing on the horizons of history, whereby a few politicians and civic leaders are questioning the status quo of the radical extremist liberal politicians, politically correct and the anti-Christ leaders among us. Thus the Yankee Empire of our occupation forces will fall, and that by its own hand! The secular humanistic society they have built since the closing days of the War for Confederate Independence along with their super-power status will in due course of time, crumble like a house built of cards.

As this process continues and becomes more intense, the pendulum of political powered will begin to shift in favor of the Confederacy. Thus a Confederate prophesy from a long ago time shall come to pass; "When time shall have softened passion and prejudice, when reason shall have stripped the mask from representation, then justice, holding evenly her scales, will require much of the past censure and praise to change places." President Jefferson Davis.

Watch for these things to occur in a progressive manner, and when the hour draws near the rats will begin to abandon their sinking ship. There exist in our time those who now give only casual lip service to the just and honorable cause of the Confederacy, none-the-less few Confederate States patriots among us will become a massive resistance to Yankee rule. Those who remain silent today will unite with boisterous voices, just before the fall of their empire.

"I was always with you" and "I have always one of you" will be their cry. The Yankee Empire has come have believe they are the ideal people and nation, therefore they will last the ages, but they are even now sewing the seeds of their own destruction. The Yankee Empire and their civilization will go the way of the Roman Empire becoming little more then a forgotten memory other then as an example of national arrogance.

God save the Confederacy

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Culture Suicide or Revival

What saith the Holy Bible
"Click below pictures, they will enlarge"

The topic of the Popular Culture and the Holy Scripture’ is covered on this Political Advocacy blogsite for a couple reason.  And this in spite of the popular culture and women’s right to choose!  The material covered herein is based upon the ‘Word of the Living God.’  However, whatever men or women choose to adhere to, such as their proper conduct and dress is their concern.  My interest is in regards to its effect upon restoring a moral society, as well as the liberation and restoration of the Confederate States of America.

We wonder why the Almighty God would withhold his blessings, rather then to grant us victory, as we strive to liberate our nation from occupation and cultural genocide.  Some things are so self evident, any reasonable person should be able to see the truth.  We as a separate and distinct people have over the generations, become more like the citizens of our occupying nation, then we are willing to admit.

We are prepared to ask of God for his grace, without being prepared to humble ourselves before him, turning over every aspect of our lives to him; including our personal interests.  We will ceasing following the perverted example of the popular culture.  Our people speak like unto the heathen, listen to their music, laugh at the same jokes, watch their movies, dress like unto them, and follow their culture.  If someone did not identify himself or herself as Confederate and Southern, you'd never know the difference?

We then wonder why our Lord don’t see how just and honorable is the Confederate Cause, when compared to 'those people'.  We fail to see that more and more, there is quite literally, no difference between those who hold our nation under occupation, and we ourselves.   Many topics could have been chosen, such todays popular music of our time being the most corruptive in centuries.   However, taking note of women in men’s apparel, pretty well brings the message home to each of us.  Notwithstanding far to many men dress just as heathenistic, in addition to wearing earrings and ponytale.

The Supreme Court has been a major player in corrupting society, by striking dowen laws that support morality.  The Holy Bible and prayer, the dress code, allowing abortion, and gay marriages.  They've ruled to removing all signs of the worship of Almighty God and of Christianity, from public places.  One could name any number of cases, whiere these judges have perverted society, by their rulings.  Our highest coure been named the Supreme Court. But it is certain these perverted judges, will one day face the real Supreme Judge.  Let them try to explain their evil decisions to him!!

The article presented here deals with a topic, which is not very popular, so much so, that anyone attempting to expose the truth may well be ostracized or even pegged as out of touch, and politically incorrect in the extreme.  However no apologies are forth coming inasmuch as unisex does indeed permeate modern society and nothing upon this earth, can alter that truth.  We often fail to see the obvious interconnection between today’s popular culture, and a decaying society.  A society which will eventually culminate either in Christian revival or a bloody revolution.  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." {John 8:32}.

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man, neither shall a man put on a women’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord they God." {Deuteronomy 22:5}.  The unisex fashions of modern times serve to erase the distinction between the sexes, as well as sidestepping biblical based morality.   Society may feminize a pair of trousers, but the wearing of trousers, is men's apparel.

It is not a case of proposing to eliminate hard won women’s rights, for these we have and will continue to have in abundance.  Rather it is a case of making choices, which will either end in a blessing or else we will sew the seeds of our own demise!  There will be those who believe that merely in writing on this topic, constitutes an expression of radical extremism, however the messenger of truth is often viewed in this manner.

"Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do they will, O God." {Hebrews 10:7}.

The topic discussed in this article is presented because it is right, not because it is popular, and it is taught by Almighty God in the Holy Scriptures, even while being rejected by society at large.  Adherence to the Holy Scriptures in this case does not bring about salvation, in and of itself, rather it is a natural consequence of having been born again, thereby having received the salvation provided by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Calvary. 

Therefore it is not the deliverer of the message, which is accepted or rejected, rather the Word of God; in any case would those who disagree wish the truth to remain hidden, because they have chosen to deny that truth?

We believe firmly, that Christians, by the nature of the New Birth, those who believe in the Almighty God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scripture and prayer, will hunger and thirst after righteousness.  They will desire to become a living witness, testimony, and an example of the true faith.  "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6). 

They will also dress in modest and non-sensual attire, according to the traditional dress of men and women respectively, as appropriate to their own sex.  And the correct terms are Maie and Female sex, not Gender.  The term Gender identifies Male Masculinity, and Female Femininity.

The true believer, contrary to popular modern unisex fashions, will not wear clothing styles or garments resembling those of the opposite sex.  In effect Christians are to 'set the style' as it were, rather then follow those of the popular culture, and do so in the spirit of holiness.   If every believer did so, pagan clothing manufacturers would either follow suite or face bankruptcy; their fashion designers in New York, Paris and now China, would go out of business, or else measure up.  Particularly when one considers that a vast majority of the population would claim faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Afterward those of the Christian Faith would find numerous Christian Clothing manufacturing businesses appearing throughout the land!  As it is, we are faced with wearing such as the pagan world may choose to furnish!  Even so, we do have an abundance of choices, and we should exercise those choices according to modesty and holiness.   "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garments: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord." (Deuteronomy 22:5).

The Almighty God did not give Ten Options but rather Ten commandments, which we are free to obey, thereby receiving his blessing or else ignore them at our own peril; this is what freedom of choice really means.  His commandment is that "… men and women shall not wear the garments of each other or anything that would violate the distinction of their sex {v5}.  It is an outrage on decency for men and women to seek to erase the distinction of their own sex.

Women and men Imitating the opposite sex fosters softness and effeminacy in the man, and impudence, and boldness in the woman.   It breeds levity and hypocrisy in both sexes, and opens the door to many evils, which are an abomination to God and a disgrace to man.  This verse does not refer to clothing only, but to anything peculiar to each sex that clearly and unmistakably distinguishes one from the other."  {Quoted from the commentary from ‘Dake’s Annotated Bible’ King James Version}.

The many verses throughout the Holy Scriptures are far to often read and taught out of their proper context, thereby a false message is frequently given, knowing of God in Christ Jesus has become paramount to being a Christian.  But "Even so, faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." {James 2:17}.  This means faith in Christ Jesus is evidenced by our work; in essence referring to our individual Christian lifestyle, which follows as a natural consequences.  When it comes to scriptural adherence it is said "But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." {James 1:22}.

The proper dress of women has been rejected in modern times, however "Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". {Galatians 6:7}.  The term ‘man’ in this verse is used in the same sense as we would use ‘mankind’ thus it includes both men and women.  We may not personally see the effects of our disobedience to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures in our own life.  None the less, those who have not been blinded by their own willful ignorance, will observe some self evident truths regarding the accumulative effects upon society.

The divorce rate was once exceedingly small in relationship to the total population, but it now stands well over 50 percent, due to the low regard for the institution of marriage.   There are presently more couples living together outside of marriage, then within the bonds of holy matrimony, and this is reflected in the number of children living in single parent homes, with siblings having different fathers or mothers.  Homosexuality is now considered merely an alternate life style and no longer viewed as a sin, and a perversion.  Sex outside of marriage has become nothing more then a right of passage.

While the few of us lodge our complaints regarding issues of public morality, the vast majority have come to accept vulgarity, profanity and all manor of degeneracy as the normal course of society.  We all quickly run to God in times of extreme hardship or disaster, only to ignore his teachings as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, on all other occasions.  While society continues its slide into the slime pit, we hold the truths of the Scripture, as well as the precepts of right and wrong, as no more then a matter of ‘freedom of choice.’  After all everyone is doing it they say; whoever ‘they’ are!

Those who choose to deny that women in general simply follow the trend are living in the twilight zone.  Women quite properly rejected mini-dresses many years ago, but only because of the rise in popularity of men’s Levis, Tank Tops, T-Shirts, and chopped off hair.  Somehow it has been reasoned that by dying, feminizing or altering trousers to fit the female form, in and of it self transforms them into women’s attire.  The real tragedy here is the damage done to society, while women have retreated into the mentality of deniability!

Women have historically been the sex that tended to civilize and moderate society through their femininity, but this has been lost in a modern world, where they have by and large become part of the problem, rather then a contributor to the solution.

In rejecting traditional female attire, women have in effect sacrificed the future of their children’s children and their children after them, upon a radical feminist alter, also known as women’s liberation.  The evidence as to the assertions made here, can be found written on the pages of the Holy Scripture, as well as over prime time news.

Even the crime rate has tilted toward women as they become the prime perpetrator.  Today’s women normally do not dress similar to men, but exactly in the same manner, save for a few items or alterations.  We see in our time that even our military and policewomen wear precisely the same uniforms as the men.

There are those women, who claim the Confederate Cause and propose independence for the Confederate States of America.  While at the same time, they cannot find it in their heart to dress in traditional women’s apparel, even for the sake of a Confederate Victory.

The Confederate States of America once liberated would by its very nature be a nation where individual liberty permeates, therefore women would serve to gain enormously in the process.  Yet their tendency to follow the unisex culture, forbids their making even this small sacrifice, for the cause they claim to revere.

Some will argue that for our ladies to dress in the traditional dress of women is impractical in today’s world.  However it should be remembered that numerous ‘Rosie the Riveters’ wore coveralls during the Second World War for safety sake, while engaged in manufacturing war materials.

"There is a right way!"
Then after each days work they changed back into dresses or skirts and blouses!  Women contributed mightily toward the war effort in all sorts of ways, but they did so while proudly dressing when outside of hazardous areas, in the traditional attire of women; there was no unisex culture at that time, even during wartime.

Just ask yourself how many women would dress in unisex clothing, if suddenly they found themselves living in a society where all the ladies dress in traditional female attire.  After looking around and seeing they are the only women wearing Levis, they’d no doubt follow the popular culture for that society.  They'd go shopping for dresses or skirts and blouses; perhaps even a feminine hat or scarf to match.

Nurses perform a magnificent and wonderful task
in the medical profession.  However, for whatever
reason, in modern times, one can hardly tell the
nurses from the cleaning crew. 

Then there's the issue of Political Correctness, which was only lightly touched upon in this article. Political Correction, is a topic for a seperate article.  However, it is in our time, an intrical part of the cultural influence.  Often times to the extreme, amounting to an evil form of stupidity!   "Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." {Mathew 7:21}.

God save the Confederacy

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Boy’s Leadership Academy

Raising A Generation of Leaders ...

The purpose of this article is to call for the eventual establishment, at the right time, of an organization whose mission would be to train and develop our Confederate Boys into Christian Gentlemen, Warriors, Scholars and Leaders.  Men such as Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall’ Jackson are excellent role models, but there are others!  Under the rule of the Yankee Empire it has become politically incorrect to even consider that boys should grow up to become our primary leaders.  In our time, television commercials, situation comedies and movies love to show women dominating over men, with females being the heroes or more correctly the heroines.

"Restore the Citadel as well as the Virginia Military Academy"
Where males, like the females, are cast as the heroes of the 21st century, they are normally portrayed as perverse, vulgar and profane!  The doctor, the scholar the warrior will more then likely will be portrayed as a woman, and males playing these roles are quickly fading into historic revisionism.  In summation today’s roll models are destructive of the family, society, state and nation, leading our people further into a degenerate pit of self-destruction.

Once the liberation of the Confederate States of America becomes a matter of history, it will be time to change that situation, and rise up boys who will become Christian men of honor and integrity.  Men having a high sense of responsibility and morality, being committed to their communities, states and the nation, and most of all the family, as described in the Holy Scriptures.  Upon these principles we can and must restore our Confederate Society and Nation, to where they will seek always to please the Almighty God.

Such an organization for boys must be founded and operated upon the highest standards of truth, morality and faith, while at the same time; the men they become must be contrite and humble before their creator.  The time has not yet come to build a Boys Organization such as suggested here, but it is not to early to prepare the ground and to plant the seeds, whereby those seeds may grow to maturity, once we are a free and independent nation.

The issue before us is not whether we are attempting to create a Theocracy, for we are not, but rather "Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord;..." {Psalms 33:12}.  Everything that can be done, should be done, in order to ensure that we "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." {Proverbs 22:6}.

God save the Confederacy

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Parallel Confederacy

Sliding into the Fourth Demention

Surely we've all wondered from time to time how history would have turned out, had the Confederacy won the War for Confederate Independence. Had most if not the entire key battles turned in favor of our Confederate Armies and had our Confederate Navy been able to break the blockade of our coastline? Certainly even an individual totally ignorant of history can see the Confederacy lost that terrible war and has continued under occupation, subjugation and culture genocide since the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

But what if you were to find out the Confederacy did not loose after all, but won an overwhelming victory. What if you discovered that Generals Ulysses S. Grant and W.T. Sherman both faced a crushing defeat and surrendered of their armies at the Battle of Shiloh on 6 and 7 April 1862? Further what if you discovered that the overwhelming Yankee losses suffered by the war caused Abraham Lincoln to loose his bid for reelection in 1864, afterward departing the Yankee Capital City of Washington in humiliation. It never happed that way, you might say!

There is a school of thought, which believes there are parallel dimensions, like universes, which exist side by side, accept in another dimension of time and space. There are those who believe an individual could cross over into another dimension and end up on another parallel earth by passing through a wormhole created by a strong magnetic and gravitational interference, or an anomaly in the space-time continuum.

Further there is a segment of the population, which believes the numerous ships, airplanes, and people, who have disappeared over the years in the Bermuda Triangle, were drawn into such a wormhole by its enormous power. But what if it was true and somewhere out there in the infinite void of time and space another earth exists, an earth where the Confederate States of America was the victor in the War for Confederate Independence.

What if on that other world a Confederate Victory meant other historical events was also changed drastically form what we know on our world? Perhaps those who brought Communism and Nazism to the word, having never had the despotic example of Abraham Lincoln might have taken a different course.

The Beginnings of an Adventure
What if we ordinary folks decided to challenge the mysteries of the triangle?

It was many years ago now when we were all much younger, having since grown old with passing years. But even now the event is still as fresh in my mind as if it happened only yesterday. A group of four of us consisting John and Alice Brandon plus my wife and myself, had gathered at the Brandon home for a little socializing.

John and Alice like so many of us often had the television running even when no one was paying attention and it was no different on this occasion. When suddenly we were attracted to a strange and mysterious story then running on The Science Fiction Hour. About a half dozen people not unlike us, had been invited by a local Yachtsman to sail to the Grand Bahamas.

This would normally have been considered strange in and of itself, accept this particular Yachtsman happened to be their boss. The story was based upon the testimony of a group claiming to have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle and having witnessed first hand, the strange phenomena, which occurs there. We thought it was an exaggeration but a very interesting story none-the-less!

Then John came up with what we thought at that time was a brilliant idea, we'd save and pool our money, then in perhaps a years or so we could locate a Yachtsman and see if we couldn't hire him to take us to the Bermuda Islands. Oh we could have taken a commercial flight or even played the fair on one of those ocean liners, but we felt it would be more exciting to sail on a privately own ship.

It took us about a year and a half to make preparations and save enough money whereby we felt comfortable to search out and approach what we hoped would be just the right Yachtsman. A couple weeks passed while we did a little private investigative work to research the who, what and where of hiring the right person and at a reasonable price, or at least as reasonable as such a voyage ever gets.

We found that only a scarce few ever rented out their Yachts for a voyage such as ours, none-the-less we received a reference from several very reputable locals that a Mr. Jacob Schmidt and his wife Jo-Ann might be interested and soon preparations were underway.

However there were rumors, which if one believed them, held that Jacob Schmidt was under some kind of contract with the military to do research in the triangle. This stemmed from his ownership of a 399 foot Yacht, which is large enough to make the Navy itself envious, not-with-standing it is said to be built with the soundness of a battleship, rather then after the manor of typical Yacht construction.

However he manages to afford such a yacht is beyond everyone's understanding, but it has always been my contention that owning a 399 yacht points to billions of dollars, rather then merely millions. What little information we uncovered about Jacob and Jo-Ann Schmidt as that they are rich, but have never showed off their wealth to where the average person would believe they are anything more then simply poor people who made it big time. We were however more interested in their character and reputation as honest and descent adventurers, with whom we could do business.

Making Final Preparations
The Lady Jo-Ann and her captain!

After meeting with Jacob and Jo-Ann we discovered the Schmidt family were indeed adventurers of the first order and shared our interest in the triangle, believing as such, we felt we had earned the voyage of a lifetime. Jacob smiled as he replied to our request; "Yes indeed I will take you to Bermuda as well as the grand tour of the triangle at no additional cost to you. You fine folks, stated Jacob, are people after my own heart, so let us together challenge the infamous Bermuda Triangle and see if she is as threatening as her reputation."

Then he laid down an offer we couldn't refuse! "If every one of you are not totally satisfied that you have gotten your money's worth, then upon our return I will reimburse the cost of your fair. There are a few rules however, he stated, as on any ship I am the captain and therefore the final authority. There will be a crew of twenty-four, not including my wife Jo-Ann and each of you two couples, who will have a private stateroom, which includes all the normal facilities. I believe you will find them quite adequate!

You will have the complete run of the ship accept for the pilot house and the engine room, where entry is by invitation only and I've given you a reduced price based upon my receiving your help and assistance. The women can help with the cooking and tending to the household chores and the men with such duties, as I may deem necessary. I can assure you, no one will be over worked but never the less your help will be required.

Upon reporting onboard for the voyage you will be escorted throughout the ship, including a run through on our safety features. Oh, you will find a cabin on the forward starboard side, which is marked 'authorized personnel only.' I alone will authorized entry into this particular cabin, which is always locked!"

Both couples were given a list of the minimum items recommended for the voyage and you will be advised as to my recommendation that you tend to a few legal requirements prior to departure, such as a well should you not return. It was a couple months later when we all boarded the 'Lady Jo-Ann' and it was obvious to everyone as to where Captain Jacob Schmidt had gotten the ship's name.

We found the 399 foot Yacht the 'Lady Jo-Ann had earned her reputation as being sounder then a battleship and was beyond a doubt extremely well equipped and quite luxurious. It was also obvious the designer had built the ship for rough seas! While John and Alice Brandon as well as my wife and I were from northwest Florida the voyage was scheduled to set sail from Miami in early April that same year, so we all made preparations to arrive in sufficient time to board the ship two days before the sailing, as requested by Captain Schmidt. This was to make sure we became completely acclimated with the ship, its layout as well as its operations, as well as to be on hand when the supplies were brought onboard.

So we arrived in Miami located the Lady Jo-Ann and began to settle into our assigned stateroom. Captain Schmidt encouraged us to scout around on our own and get ideas as to the general layout of the ship, before he gave his formal welcome aboard tour. The Lady Jo-Ann was everything we had expected and more, besides we were quite awed by what we saw as a most gorgeous and splendid ship, inasmuch as we were people of meager means having sacrificed enormously for what we believed would be a great adventure.

The Voyage Begins
The Lady Jo-Ann gets underway for an adventure of a lifetime!

However we were a little taken back when we were told the sailing time was delayed due to the expected arrival of a very special couple. A couple who we later discovered are renowned experts, having made a life's study of the Bermuda Triangle, and without whom stated Captain Schmidt, the ship would not be getting underway. The scheduled underway time had been set at 8:00 P.M. and it was now noon and the mystery couple was only now coming up the gangplank.

Captain Schmidt took another 45 minutes for them to get settled into their staterooms before announcing the ship would be getting underway at 1:00 P.M., which was now 15 minutes away. Obviously we would be introduced to our latest arrivals when time permitted, but all of us were now taking the captain serious when he indicated we were on an adventure of a lifetime. We were beyond a doubt in for a lot of excitement, considering the last minute arrangements and the delay it took to get this couple onboard before the sailing.

But finally we had all settled in, the ship then got underway making its way out of the channel and past the sea buoys, into the Atlantic. The ship's crew was busy going about the business of the ships operations, after having settled into their own birthing area. The ship had several crew’s quarters, which were open bay, and each contained birthing for a dozen men and given the watch schedule, even they would find plenty of privacy. The ship had all the comforts of home including a laundry and a well-stocked spacious kitchen with dinning facilities.

The ladies went about the business of preparing the noon meal as well as doing a bit of lighthouse cleaning about the ship. A crewman as well as their own husbands would assist them from time to time. In the meantime, Captain Schmidt had decided that there would be two on watch on the bridge at all times, a trained crewman and an assistant who might be anyone of us as well as he himself who would serve as navigator, although at least two of the crewmen were also trained and skilled at navigating a ship on the open sea.

The ship had sufficient life rafts and life jackets for everyone and the captain made sure everyone was made familiar with putting on the life jackets, launching and operating the motorized life rafts. But then there was the deck mounts, which had been built into the ships, super structure near the railing, two forward and two aft and placed near the railing. My years of experience as a sailor told me these were gun mounts, which could not be adequately hidden by their being caped in order to disguise their true purpose.

While we come to see just how luxurious the ship really was, still I couldn't help but see what was obviously self evident to any experienced sailor with a minimum of sea time. This ship was more then a luxury Yacht' A situation of which many would fail to take notice! Still we had now passed beyond the sea buoys, the sky was clear, blue and the day was excellent for sailing. Very soon we were beyond the sight of land, even while using binoculars and while I had spent a career as a sailor, I never was a sailor at heart. However this trip was different, it had a very special purpose, which had always interested as far back as my youth

The Strange Fog Bank
What mystery lay just over the horizon and what lay beyond?\

Our trip would take us to Nassau, Roosevelt Roads and Jamaica, then after lying over for an extra night, we set sail for Freeport Grand Bahamas, afterward we would depart in route for Bermuda itself! It was the stop over at Roosevelt Roads, which is a U.S. Navy Base, which resolved in my mind any doubts as to Captain Schmidt’s connections. Particularly after he had taken on fuel, supplies and a cargo which was well camouflaged, but which would later be revealed to all of us as weapons and ammunition of some type.

That convinced me the good captain was on a special research mission for the military, which was confirmed when several of the permanent crew, was overheard using nautical terms rarely used outside of navy circles. The best I could make out was that the professional crewmen were supplied to the captain, compliments of the U.S. Navy. Likely they themselves were Special Forces personnel of one kind or the other, since they seemed to professional to be common seaman.

We had made four stops during our voyage thus far and felt very fortunate to have done so under fair skies and relatively calm seas; we couldn't have had a better and more pleasant time. Now we were leaving the Grand Bahamas in route to Bermuda! It has been many years since I was on active duty with the U.S. Coast Guard and patrolled these same waters and the islands were even more magnificent then I had remembered!

The captain was obviously in no special hurry and it had been about two weeks since we had left Miami, and now we were finally docked in the Bahamas. Our mystery guests, Mr. Joseph McClain and his wife Susan were polite, cheerful and sociable, but they left no doubt of their being onboard for professional reasons, rather then merely as late arriving tourists.

On the morning of the fifteenth day we set sail from Freeport Grand Bahamas heading on a course, which would take us to the Bermudas. We were seven hours away from the Bahamas, it was mid afternoon and the weather once more was beautiful with excellent visibility. When suddenly Captain Schmidt who sounded quite concerned called me to the bridge. Upon entered the bridge and greeting the captain he gave me the binoculars saying; "Take a look 'dead' ahead on the horizon and let me know what you see!" I took the binoculars and began to focus on the horizon according to the captain's orders.

"Looks like a fog bank to me and a rather large one at that! It seems to be hovering close to the sea but strangely enough the center almost looks like a huge ball sitting on the water, rather then being oblong or flat and it doesn't appear to reach any higher then a couple thousand feet or thereabouts. Also the color appears strange to me for a sea fog, it seems to have a kind of green hue but with a black center."

Swallowed in a Vacuum
Entering a realm where both man and machine are lost!

We were rapidly approaching the fog bank and at 15 knots we'd likely be entering it in an hour to an hour and a half, and the expression on the captain's face told me he had a plan in mind. Just then Joseph and Susan McLain entered the bridge, the only two given free access to the bridge. After greeting the captain Joe as his friends called him stated; "Captain, I recommend the ship be secured for what is likely to be an emergency situation ahead."

The captain turned to the seaman on watch standing next to him and stated; "give the order to secure the ship." The seaman began to speak over the ship's intercom and announced; "Your attention please, secure ship has been ordered, all loose items on deck as well as open hatches and passageways will be made secure. No one is permitted on outside on deck at any time until further notice, without the specific permission of the captain." The tension on the bridge was becoming as tick as the darkening fog outside!

The crew of professional seaman Captain Schmidt had brought onboard clearly demonstrated that wherever he found these men, they certainly were no armatures. The fog back drew ever nearer and as I stood on the bridge, it was clear the captain had made several attempts to avoid the fog bank by altering course sufficiently to steer clear of what was becoming completely clear to everyone, that a monster was hovering over the sea dead ahead.

It wasn't more then 45 minutes until we were on the outer fringes of the fog bank and the captain ordered all hands onboard to put on their life jackets. This chore was completed by the time we had entered the fog bank and what had been a bright and clear day was suddenly as dark as a moonless night.

I was beginning to understand what Jonah in the Holy Scriptures felt like when a whale was swallowing him. It was as if we were being drawn into a vacuum by a power to strong to resist, even for Captain Schmidt's powerful engines, which were even then pulling hard in an attempt to move the ship away from the approaching pitch-black center.

It suddenly became clear to Captain Schmidt that we were loosing the struggle against the overwhelming power of the whirling tunnel before us and would not be able to avoid being drawn into the dark black hole in the center. The Captain then went over the intercom himself say; "This is Captain Schmidt, We are all cognizant of the fog bank into which we have been drawn, and I am sure all of you can plainly see the whirling tunnel which is dead ahead.

A force the likes of which none of us have ever seen is drawing us into it. Everything that can be done has been done to avoid this very situation, but without success. Therefore everyone is advised to find some secure place and hang on least you be tossed about and injured. Perhaps a prayer at might also be considered a good ideas at this time!" As the captain finished his announcement the ship seemed to lurch forward and no one had to ask what was happening.

The Dark Abyss
What dangers lurk ahead as the ship is drawn into the abyss?

The ship had passed completely into the strong influence of the storm’s powerful magnetic like force, which we were now being calling a wormhole. We were all in awe at the power being exerted by this storm and feared what might lie ahead; would we survive or are we being drawn into an abyss from which there is no escape? It was getting even darker outside, but contrary to our expectations the sea seemed to be extremely calm, while at the same time it was getting so dark it appeared as if the portholes had been painted black.

Upon entering the wormhole we must have entered a kind of vacuum of sorts where the weather conditions, as we knew them no longer had an effect, and it was as if time itself had stopped completely. We therefore had no ideas as to how much time was passing, but it seemed like an eternity. We were sure we were indeed passing through to the other side, but it was anyone's guess where the other side was, and in what condition we'd find the ship.

Then as suddenly as it all began we had passed through and found ourselves under clear blue skies and fair weather once again. Still we had no way of knowing our location or where here was! It wasn't long before Captain Jacob Schmidt came over the intercom and said; "This is Captain Schmidt, All indications are that we have come through this crisis in good order.

I am asking everyone to look about their own area and report any injuries or damage to the bridge. The ship's instruments seem to have returned to normal, none-the-less after they have been checked out more thoroughly our exact location will be announced. In the meantime permission is granted to whose wishing to go out side and on deck, since the sea is now calm and the weather fair. The strange and unusual condition in which we found ourselves no longer exists!

We all went out on deck and looked about so as to see if possible, what there was to see, but just as Captain Schmidt had described, it was clear skies, fair weather and the visibility was excellent all the way to the horizon. Yet, somehow something seemed amiss, and no one could be sure exactly what it was, only that there was a strange feeling in the air. It had been about 20 minutes since the captain's announcement and still we had not heard him give our location!

However it wasn't long in coming and when it did come, it was as unbelievable as everything else we had experienced over the past few hours. A voice came over the intercom saying; "All those not on watch, report to the inside lounge area at the stern of the ship immediately!" No sooner had we all mustered as Captain Schmidt himself entered, accompanied by Joseph and Susan McClair. Susan took a seat with the rest of us while the captain began to speak!

Lost in Another Time
Could it be possible that a ship has been thrown backward in time?

"What I have to say will be brief and to the point, if there are any questions, please reserve them until after the two of us have spoken. We were less then a day out of Bermuda on the way to the Grand Bahamas when we spotted the fog bank, unavoidably we entered into it and was drawn into the funnel cloud formation we have all been calling a worm hole, for lack of a better description. Mr. Joseph McClair is an expert on the history and phenomena of the Bermuda Triangle and he will explain our present situation. Go ahead Joe!"

Mr. McClair began his explanation of the what turned out to be as unusual as the fog bank itself, that as our location was being described it was found to be the strangest I'd ever heard in my life, and I was myself an experienced sailor. Though nowhere near the level of our Captain Joseph Schmidt! Mr. McClair began; "The term we have been calling this funnel cloud is about as accurate as any term we could use, it is best described as a worm hole. However the common conception is that a wormhole leads to some distant place on the other side of the universe.

In this case the wormhole begins and ends right here upon the earth! Rather then move a person or object across the universe, this particular wormhole has moved us from one location to another in a very short span of time, something less then an hour. If our calculations are correct we are approximately 20 knots directly east of Charleston South Carolina. While the weather is beautiful and we could easily make it to shore by nightfall, I have advised the captain to wait until dark to enter Charleston Harbor.

In the event things are somehow not as we expect, we would remain unseen by all but a few people. This would give us the option of departing without raising any undue attention!" Alice Brandon then spoke up with the question, which was on everyone's mind; "It sounds to me like there is something you are purposely leaving out of your explanation! Maybe I've watched to many science fiction movies but, 'when are we?"

Mr. McClair then gave an even stranger reply; "It is my conviction that we have not only moved within 20 knots of Charleston South Carolina, but over a hundred years backward in time. Now you are free to place me under psychiatric care for saying this, but I believe it to be true. Sufficient to say if I am wrong, no damage has been done, but if my theory proved correct, we can't go charging into Charleston Harbor with a vessel out built in the twenty first century."

There were no further questions and everyone remained silent within their own thoughts while waiting for evening to come where upon we could find out for sure, precisely when and where the strange fog bank hand taken us. We had all finished the evening meal, which had been served a little late when we heard the engines and felt the ship moving forward. We were on schedule just as the captain had said; it was just turning dark as we approached the mouth of Charleston Harbor. The sea was still calm but with a slight overcast, just enough to give the ship a little cover!

Our Arrival in a New World
What happens when the Yacht docks in historical Charleston?

As we approached Charleston Harbor we couldn't help but notice there was no sea buoy, no bright city lights, only very dim lights which might be considered bright by standards of a long ago time, but certainly not in the twenty first century. Also there was a noticeable absence of the ocean front construction, which would mark our own time. The captain found a small slip just large enough for a 399-foot yacht, knowing it would never be sufficient, but also realizing there was little other choice.

After securing the ship to tree stumps ashore and whatever else could be located, the captain gathered everyone in the lounge once more. Captain Schmidt then gave orders that he, Joseph McClair and one of the crewmen would go ashore and look around, then return with a complete report on our situation. Everyone else was to turn to finding a way to camouflage the ship, using branches; leaves or whatever can be found while at the same time allowing for a quick departure if necessary.

After the three men had departed everyone went to work; the remaining crewmen not actually on watch went ashore looking for material while the ladies came up with an idea of using a few large natural colored king size bed sheets, attaching small stems and leaves and covering those areas of the ship which might not be so easily camouflaged by other means. A crewman also took several of us to a storage locker below decks where a number of large camouflage canvases were stored.

There was no explanation given for there being onboard if the first place, but we all knew it had something to do with the captain's intended mission, since it was known to all of us that weapons had been brought onboard before the ship sailed. Anyhow it took the better part of three hours but since there was plenty enough canvas the bed sheets were not needed. Enough branches, leaves, shrubbery and moss were brought onboard so as to add a little realism to the camouflaging.

Captain Schmidt and the other two men returned about 11:00 P.M. with bags filled with clothing and a startling report that we had not only been thrown backward in time, but it was now the fall of 1863 and we had obviously ended up on a parallel earth. Mr. Joseph McClair reported there were few people about this time of night with whom we could communicate, so we had to break it off until tomorrow morning. We had blackened the portholes as well as restricted the lighting to night vision lighting only so as not to attract attention.

The lights were extremely dim, just bright enough to keep from tripping over something, but we made due and everyone turned in for the evening. For some reason beyond my understanding everyone seemed to sleep well, since no stirring could be heard throughout the ship. Only occasional footsteps could be heard outside our cabin door as the watchman made his rounds of the ship form time to time. The camouflaging obviously worked since no inquired was ever made regarding the strange ship moored in the small inlet not far away.

Ashore in Historic Charleston
What would we find in a city that we had only read about in history books!

The next morning we all gathered for a breakfast consisting of cereal, rolls and juice! Nothing hot was served since it would require firing up an additional generator and that might attract a few unwanted guests. Afterward the captain ordered everyone going ashore to dress in the period clothing which he and his crew brought onboard the evening before. All six of us guests in addition to the captain and his wife made preparations and around 8:00 A.M. we began filing ashore.

As it turned out the city itself was only a couple miles away so we decided to walk into town! After walking some distance we could see Fort Sumter across the harbor, the Blood Stained Banner and the Battle Flag was waving proudly over the small island. Jo-Ann gazed at the flag for a while then asked; "If this is 1863 where is the Stainless Banner, wasn't it the Second National Flag? Joe McClair answered by saying; "Obviously in this parallel Confederacy only two national flags were ever created and by this time it would be what we call the Blood Stained Banner."

We reached the business side of the harbor, which was already filled with people hustling and bustling around the city, the sound of horses and carriages filled the air. Alice Brandon began to wonder out loud what all of us were thinking; "Don't these people know there's a war on, it seems from the looks of things the war hasn't even touched Charleston?" About that time we happened upon a general store, which had a small stack of newspapers, which had been conveniently laid where, everyone, could see them.

Captain Schmidt in his former years had traveled to so many strange and unusual places, he had long since made it a habit of carrying small nuggets of gold which resembled a gold dollar, except these were unmarked. He pulled one out and gave it to the proprietor of the store, who in turn looked at it and said in a low voice, alright I recon this gold is as good as it gets. He gave the captain his change back in Confederate currency, currency that was of an extremely high quality given the war.

We soon found the answer to our mystery as Captain Schmidt continued browsing through the newspaper! The headlines read, "General Robert E. Lee's invisibles route the Yankees at Gettysburg as General Stonewall Jackson outflanks the blue bellies. Abraham Lincoln is deeply concerned over the likely arrival of the Confederate Army, soon to come knocking on his door." There's your answer said the captain, General Jackson did not die of his wounds in this parallel Confederacy and rode into Gettysburg at the head of his army.

In another story it read; "Confederate Navy's blockade proves effective in halting Union re-supply efforts by sea!" In yet another story it read;" Generals Sherman unable to out pace John Bell Hood's rapidly advancing cavalry! Sherman rapidly running short on reinforcements and supplies is known to be nearing surrender. Generals Nathan Bedford Forrest and John Hunt Morgan's enlarged armies combine forces for an invasion of Ohio. Their hope is to cut the Union in half, thereby shortening the war in favor of the Confederacy!"

The Confederate Wagon Train
Re-supplying the Confederate Army!

We all had decided early on to earn our own way and each found work, which would suit his or her previous training, talents and experience. Jacob Schmidt was an excellent trader and merchant, howbeit of the sea going variety, but was also quite talented at repairing electronic gadgets. Which was a skill that had always proved beneficial to a yacht owner and captain of his ship. He therefore went to work making improvements on the telegraph service between Charleston and Colombia, the State Capital of South Carolina.

John Brandon had been a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marines and was quite skilled with all manor of weaponry, so he went to work with a local firearms manufacturer. He was able in a short time to make improvements on the company's manufacturing techniques, as well as increasing the efficiency and functionality of the weapons produced. The result was a more reliable and quicker reacting repeating rifle for the Confederate Army, and in far less time.

However all this gave us inside information that several wagon loads of repeating rifles were due to be shipped to Columbia and delivered to General P.G.T. Beauregards Army which would be marching through the city within a week or thereabouts. Many of the military crewman which had came with us who were not on watch decided to render their own assistance along the docks, making improvements where possible with the facilities and even the ships that were moored there. The women who came with us were all busy assisting the local ladies in the manufacture of uniforms and leather accoutrements for the Confederate Army, Navy and Marines.

Jacob and I therefore decided to volunteer to take the weapons to Columbia and in so doing he added a few weapons which he had brought with him and were now onboard the Yacht. Weapons, which would prove most valuable along the way! We would learn later that General Beauregard was on his way to the general area of the North Carolina and South Carolina border, where Union General Truman Seymour had mustered the remnants of several surrendered armies into a single force of approximately 25,000 troops.

In this Parallel Confederacy, General Beauregards activities during this phase of the war would prove quite different then it had been on our world. We were nearing the half way mark in our journey to Columbia, when the wagon train was attacked by a Yankee patrol of around a dozen men. Jacob signaled the wagons to move into the brush just off to the right side of the dusty wagon trail we had been traveling, were he rushed to the side of the first wagon. As he pulled back the cover we spotted long cylinders, which, while I hadn’t ever used this particular weapon, it was quite familiar.

Jacob had managed to bring along a wagonload of Grenade Launchers as well a fair number of grenades. This should only require a single launcher; I'll mount it on my shoulder and you load the grenade, it's easy I'll explain. We spotted the patrol about 50 yards away, which were hiding in some thick brushes and raining a steady barrage of fire at us. Jacob knelt down and mounted the launcher while I prepared to do the loading. Then I said 'ready' and Jacob fired! All that could be found afterward were dead Yankees; most of their horses had already scattered into the woods. The job was done before the other wagon drivers knew what had happened.

The Rendezvous with Beauregard
Could such a meeting really be happening?

We finally arrived in Columbia and I must admit it was quite different then the Columbia of the twenty first century! We had been instructed to await General Beauregard at the front entrance to the Capital and he would receive the wagons as his army passed through town. However we hid the wagon filled with the Grenade Launchers, feeling like there would be no way to provide the training or the re-supply of grenades. We'd pick them up that particular wagon as we departed on our way back to Charleston, feeling like another Yankee patrol just might want give us more experience in their use.

In any case we waited in front of the capital building just as the general had ordered but I had a hunch it wouldn't be long. In the meantime the crowds began to gather along the side of the road where Beauregards Army would pass and chatter could be heard up and down the line; Beauregard is coming, Beauregard is coming, he's marching his entire army though town. Sure enough these people were right on target, already we could see the dust kicked up by the famous General P.G.T. Beauregards 35,000 troupes.

The ladies began to push forward, all of them bearing gifts for the troops as they passed by, for what must have been the entire afternoon. As the army came into view we could all see the general himself at the head of his army with his lieutenants at his side. While this was going on the Governor of South Carolina, Milled Luke Bonham, and several members of his staff stepped forward and stood beside the two of us. Greetings gentlemen, a fine spectacle are it not? I couldn't help but be the first to speak up; "the most amazing spectacle I've ever seen governor!"

We all used the brief interlude to introduce ourselves and soon General Beauregards Army was upon us and the general himself moved out of the line, dismounted and approached the governor. The governor introduces us to the general and mentioned to him, that we had brought the weapons he required for his upcoming campaign. We then turned over the wagons to his troops shook hands again and watched as the general saluted the governors saying, by your leave sir, then remounted and continued on with his army.

While we had been watching a Confederate troops parade through Columbia South Carolina, General Braxton Bragg who was still very much alive in this parallel Confederacy, was leaving the Chattanooga area on a mop up operation through eastern Tennessee and Kentucky. Colonel John Singleton Mosby now promoted to Lieutenant General was commanding an army of 27,000 while marching through Massachusetts and New York in order to bring the war home to those areas which had supported the invasion of the Confederacy so vehemently.

While General Albert Sidney Johnston who also is still very much live on this parallel earth, was marching south toward Mobile Alabama with only one order from his Commander in Chief; "Clear the area of any and all Yankee Forces remaining." In Pennsylvania General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was rapidly recouping its losses from the terrible three day battle, rearming and was now setting their eyes on Washington. In the battle yet to come General A.P. Hill would be the spearhead in a four-part thrust on the city.

Time Spent in the Confederacy
The Parallel Confederacy proves victorious!

We stayed for a little over a month working and getting acquainted with the history, conditions and the pleasure of living in a victorious Confederacy! We discovered that so many major Confederate victories coupled with numerous raids on Union Gold and Silver stockpiles had driven down the value of the Yankee Dollar. That same condition when combined with an early crushing of attempts by the Union Navy to blockade Confederate ports, caused the Confederacy's economy as well as its dollar to sour in value.

Agricultural and manufactured goods were flowing back and forth across the Atlantic and a sound economy gave the Confederacy a definite advantage and an encouragement to experiment and produce advance weapons of war. As an example in this parallel Confederacy the repeating rifle was already widely used throughout the Confederate Army and the Navy was well on the way to building what amounted to a second generation iron clad fleet of war ships. The Confederacy had confiscated a sizeable number of ships from the Yankees and had already assigned a Confederate States General Staff, which included the Navy under Admiral Raphael Semmes.

The favorable fortunes of war had lowered the casualty rate and shifted the burden of the war to where the Yankees were suffering horrible losses as anti-war riots were spreading throughout the cities of the north, adding to Abraham Lincoln’s headaches. True there were Union Armies located on Confederate soil, but these had been cut to pieces and spent more time on the run then attacking. General Juba Early had marched into Maryland in early spring of 1863 gaining new recruits and supplies all along the way.

The result was that by the time of the Gettysburg Battle General James Longstreet controlled the lower third of Pennsylvania and General Early two thirds of Maryland. Abraham Lincoln's Capital City had rapidly become an island the middle of a Confederate sea. General Robert E. Lee had Stonewall Jackson on his right flank and J.E.B. Stuart on his left flank and A.P. Hill in the center and it was beginning to look like an unstoppable force aimed at any Union Army foolish enough to continue the war.

On the last morning of our stay we read in the newspaper that Union General Benjamin F. Butler who in this parallel Confederacy had never made it to New Orleans, was on trial on criminal charges, and stood a strong chance of going to the gallows. After our breakfast meal Captain Jacob Schmidt informed us that we had already stretched our luck to the limits and it was beyond him as to why the ship had not been discovered by this time. It was urgent that we depart that very evening shortly after complete darkness.

The lights at night in this 1863 Charleston are minimal at best and since there is no Union Blockade, we should be able to slip out of the harbor and out to sea without anyone noticing. That's when John Brandon gave a surprising reply; "Alice and I have decided to remain in this parallel Confederacy. We both couldn't be much more happier and after so long a time, we have found our natural place. We are only in our middle age and we would like to live out the remainder of our lives in the nation we love. Besides you have no assurance as to whether the same process which brought us here, will work in reverse?"

The Return Home
Where we making a mistake by not remaining?

We were all gathered once ore onboard the ship at 2:00 P.M. and in the same stern lounge where it all began! Captain Schmidt advised John and Alice Brandon to accept a gift of a pouch filled with larger gold nuggets, which he felt would be sufficient to give them a running start in building a new life. I will never understand why my wife and myself did not also remain behind, knowing how much we'd have loved to follow the Brandon's example and live out our lives in a victorious Confederacy.

The Brandon’s gathered their meager belongings and packed them onboard the buggy, which they had purchased nearly a month before, and had been used to transport our people back and forth to the ship. Being careful to take different routes so as not to raise suspicion! We all said our good bys and the Brandon’s were off to a new life! Darkness came soon afterward, we removed the camouflaging, fired up the engines and slowly made our way through the Charleston Channel and out to the open sea. As we all looked back I began to realize, I had left my heart in a parallel Confederacy!

We sailed all that night and half way through the morning, the captain began to feel like it was indeed impossible to return to the twentieth century. When about that time the same mysterious fog bank appeared approximately 1,000 yards ahead, dead ahead and unavoidable. The difference was that this time we knew the procedure as well as what lay on the other side, over a 140 years and another dimension away was the homes we had left behind, when Jacob Schmidt promised us the adventure of a lifetime.

We gradually entered into the fog bank and into the black hole, shortly remerging under a bright blue sunny sky and calm seas. None of us had to ask where we were, for after passing through the fog bank and the black hole we new, all that we had experienced lay beyond the barriers of time and space on a totally different world. As I hugged the stern rail of the ship and looked out toward the sea I thought to myself; somewhere out there, there exist a world where the Confederate States of America won its independence and has prospered in the process.

Somewhere I thought, beyond the corridors of time and space the Confederacy did manage to win the war. I also knew our dear friends John and Alice Brandon must be happy in their new world and my only regret is that we didn't make the same choice as they. Captain Jacob Schmidt could be seen standing on the port bridge wing, looking out toward He Sea; it was no mystery as to what was on his mind.

We had been faced with the greatest choice ever handed to a Confederate States patriot, and had allowed it to slip through our fingers. Shortly afterward a crewman could be seen and heard giving the captain the correct bearings. We were in precisely the same locality as when we first entered the fog bank and only a couple hours had passed. Some would say we imagined the entire affair, but such is not the case! However, the experience did give me a renewed interest in our twenty first century struggle to vindicate our just and honorable cause, by bringing about an unconditional victory for the Confederacy.


Back in the Parallel Confederacy the day after we had departed, there is no doubt that reports must have filled the newspaper, of eye witnesses claiming to have seen a ghost ship heading through the channel and out to sea. Some must have even claimed to be able to read the name on her bow, the Lady Jo-Ann! But then again some would likely say, it was only a reflection of the moon off the water or maybe it was simply atmospheric conditions. Some will even claimed the government was hiding something and had caused these strange sightings!

While others might even figure the Yankees were responsible! After awhile these strange sighting would be written off as the imagination by those who simply wanted to gain the attention of the press. Soon others would refuse to come forward and the entire matter then passes into folklore and legend. But whatever they might believe we know the truth; a yacht called the Lady Jo-Ann had traveled more then 140 years backward in time and onto a parallel world, where the Confederacy is a free and independent nation.

Jacob and Jo-Ann Schmidt became close friends of my wife and I, we traveled through the Bermuda Triangle many times afterward. We even experienced a fog bank from time to time as well as other strange phenomenon. But the fog bank that took us backward in time and into a parallel Confederacy was never seen again, we finally come to believe it would never return in our lifetime.

A door had opened once, never to reopen for us again! If you are ever sailing through the Bermuda Triangle and see a strange fog bank with a greenish hew and a black worm hole in the center. If you are blessed that you manage to by happen-chance travel to that same world as we did, you might want to consider carefully before returning. Prior to our departure from the Parallel Confederacy Jacob Schmidt had turned over all the remaining Grenade Launchers and Grenades to John Brandon before leaving.

John had indicated he was interested in creating a new weapons research and manufacturing company to be known as the 'Brandon Arms Works' with a mission to keep the Confederacy ahead of any possible aggressor. There is no doubt in my mine that by the most desired of all weapons in the Parallel Confederacy, are those bearing the seal of the 'B.A.W.' or Brandon Arms Works. President Jefferson Davis no doubt went down in history as the father of his country, while Abraham Lincoln would have served a single term and left office in disgrace.

Whatever scenario history may have followed, our adventurous journey across time and space to a Parallel Confederacy mean the Confederate States of America on this earth could have won, had a few historical incidents turned out differently. However they did not and now it is our duty and responsibility to put history back on course with a total and complete Confederate victory in our own time.

God save the Confederacy
