Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Pre-1945 Generation

There is a generation born before1945, which looked at the world entirely different then those that followed; we grew up at a time when The Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer exemplified faiths in Judeo-Christianity, as the foundation of society.  A time when Christian morality was expected and where ‘Honor thy father and thy mother’ meant a family, which consisted of a man and a woman.  While not all members of our generation were ideal Christians, still, there was an accepted moral standard before children were conceived.

When we were growing up, a child did not have two mommies or two daddies!  We arrived at a time when patriotism was not a vulgar word, and the Confederate Flag was commonly displayed throughout the member states of the Confederacy.  There was no nanny state for those born before 1945, nor was the government a ‘sugar daddy’ from cradle to grave.  And we did managed to survive quite nicely, having been born into a society where the hand of government, was relatively light upon the people!

We are survivors!  Consider the changes we have witnessed:  We were born before television, before penicillin, before polio shots, frozen foods, contact lenses, frisbees, and birth control pills.  We were here before radar, credit cards, the atomic bomb, lazar beams, point pens, pantyhose, cloths dryers, electric blankets, air conditioning, drip dry clothing and long before man walked on the moon.  We got married and then lived together, now it is the opposite, and more often as not, a couple will ever get married!  In our time a reference to a closet, referred to a place to hang up one’s clothing, not a coming out, such as in declaring ones perverted lifestyle.
In our time bunnies were rabbits, not Volkswagens, nor were they women dressed up in rabbit ears and a fuzzy tail.  Designer jeans meant a group of scheming girls named Jean or Jeannie, and it was not a reference to genetically related kissing cousins, with more then family relations on their mind.  Back then we thought that fast food was what you ate during Lent, and outer space was the secluded section of seats at rear of a local theater.  We were here before stay at home husbands, supported by their wives, gay rights, computer dating, duel careers and computer marriages.

We were here before day care centers, group therapy and nursing homes!  We never heard of FM Radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, desktop computers and word processors. There were no cell phones, iphones, ipads, laptops, yogurt, and guys didn’t wear ear rings or long hair, where men take on effeminate characteristics.  To us, the pre-1945 generation, time-sharing meant sharing time together, not computers or condominiums, and a chip meant a piece of wood.
The word hardware meant ‘hard-ware’ and software wasn’t even a word!  In 1940 when so many of us were born, Made in Japan or China meant cheap junk, and making out referred to how one did on an exam!  Pizzas, McDonald, Burger King, and instant coffees were unheard of at the time, and 'Hardy' referred to how one laughed, not a fast food restaurant. We hit the scene when there were 5 and 10 cent stores, where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents. The corner drug store sold ice cream cons for a nickel and a dime!

For a single nickel you could ride the streetcar across town, make a phone call from numerous pay phones, which were located throughout the city.  Also for 5-cents you could buy enough postage stamps to mail one letter and two postcards!  You could buy a Chevy Coup automobile for $600.00, but quite naturally if you could afford one, which was a pity because gas was only 11-cents a gallon.  In our day, grass was that stuff you used a lawn mower to cut, not what you smoked, coke was a cold drink, pot was a utensil used to cook food in, and cigarettes were fashionable.
Rock music was one of grandma’s lullabies, which she sang as she rocked you to sleep, and 'AIDS' was someone who helped in the office.  We were here before sex changes, and virtual reality was an event that took place in the real world!  Our generation made do with what they had, and we were the last generation that was so dumb, as to think that women had to have a husband to have a baby.  To succeeding generations we must really have seemed confused, as to think The Ten Commandments were commandments not options.

Our generation spent its teen years during the 1950’s, when the worst crime committed in the public schools, was chewing gum in class.  Inflation was extremely low, as was the crime rate, babies were not murdered in the womb, illegal immigrants had not overrun the nation, and we could walk to school without being mugged or high jacked.  The society we inherited was dismantled in the 1960’s and 70’s, and to what end?  Tell this member of the pre-1945 generation about this politically correct society, which replaced the one we knew?

The topic of this article could go on and on, but let me add this one last item; there were no 'from birth until death' handouts to those who were able bodied.  There were no food stamps, welfare checks or government housing!  Also let me point out, a man supported a women, not the other way around!  Men and women married, before living together, and 'until death do you part' was still in the marriage vows.  There were no quick, no fault divorce, and divorce came only after convincing a judge, at a sizeable cost.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed.. No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” ... Noah Webster

    “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible.” ... George Washington

