Monday, February 5, 2018

A Quiet Sea

Sometimes while pausing for a moment of reflection, the spirit of the living God would come upon me, and it seemed so mighty, it is almost as if I could step across the space between earth and the realms of glory.

‘During a period of sixteen years of my life, I was a sailor, six years of which was at sea. The particular ship in question was 389 feet in length and to simplify the story, my job was that of ship's senior enlisted administrator. And most of my time at sea, was on the bridge!’

Our ship being of relatively small size, when compared too truly large ships such as those of the Navy, as well as the commercial fleets of the world.  As such the ship was often tossed about to and fro during a severe storm!  However in times of calm when the sky was clear, there's no more pleasant or peaceful place.

Often on such occasions while off watch, I would go to the stern of the ship and sit with my legs dangling over the side.  My body was blocked from falling overboard by the side rails!   So at such times I’d look out across the endless and open sea.  At night, the sky would be so clear it seemed as if the galaxies of space were all clearly visible.  One could almost reach out and touch them!

Some very serious praying got done during these very special moments!  The moon and stars would reflect brightly from the glassy sea before me, so it was easy to ask "Why am I here O’ Lord?  What is the purpose of my life?  Is this all there is?"  Just as ‘Job’ in the Old Testament’ sought God during a storm, I did so as well.  I sometimes felt as though he was not even out there, at least I couldn’t find him.

Perhaps he was in the lightening, the thunder and the crashing of mighty waves, but again he was not there either! But while looking again at the beauty and stillness of the vast ocean before me.  My spirit would consider the far reaches of time and space!  One could hear every sound seemingly for twenty nautical miles or more, all the way to the edge of the horizon, at the point where the earth dropped out of sight. And seated, as I was, the ship itself could not be seen, only the rail of the ship, which held me secure, just the open sea and endlessness of the heavens above.

Then in the stillness I could hear our Lord speak, not with lightening nor with thunder, but with a still small voice. "Have I not made all these things stretched out before you?  Have I not shaped the moon, and sent it spinning through the galaxies of space and time?  Have I not created the heavens and the earth, and formed man of the dust of the ground? Does the clay now question, what the potter intended?"

No Lord I said, forbid that I should question the handy work of the Lord my God!  Then he said unto me, "If I have created the lowliest among the creatures of the earth, for my own purpose; How much more have I created you, in whom I have breathed the breathe of life, and made of you a living soul."

Suddenly I was startled by an announcement over the ships intercom, calling me to the bridge!  But alas, for a moment, a very precious and peaceful moment, I came to understand what the Sheppard’s of old felt, when those heavenly hosts appeared over the fields outside Bethlehem of Judea, singing the praises of God.

During that sweat moment of peace and tranquility, it was as if I stood among the angles, speaking with the Lord of Hosts, as he answered my inter most questions.  Now, I have no doubt as to why I am here upon this earth, that I might fulfill his will for my life!

Perhaps I am here upon earth but for a moment, in all the passing ages of time.  But I am here in fulfillment of our Lord God’s divine purpose.  My prayer is that I might be found worthy of his good graces!  "Oh Lord, thy will be done upon earth, as it is in heaven."  Amen and Amen!

To God be the Glory!

1 comment:

  1. The next time you have an opportunity to observe a complete and full rainbow in the sky consider this, the rainbow belongs to the Almighty God, not to man or to nature, but to God alone. Often as not man misused the image of the Rainbow, and this too his folly! The Almighty God stated “I do set my bow in the cloud…” and that bow did not exist prior to or during the flood in Noah’s time. The rainbow can be likened unto God’s own signature in the sky, thus was the origins of the flag described and depicted in the below article. The Rainbow together with the Cross-on a Bonnie Blue Flag, best represents the Christian nature of the Confederate Cause!

