Monday, February 19, 2018

Freedom’s Last Stand

The Confederate Cause

Will it regain its strength and prove victorious,

or fade into a forgotten history?

When we look around the world it becomes obvious that true national sovereignty is quickly fading under the force of international treaties, agreements, resolutions and the rise of empires such as the European Union.

Soon we will likely see an open move, to form the North American Union. The old Roman Empire is even now being reconstituted, in the modern context of our time!

Where western nations once defended their economic base, now valued corporations are being transferred to India, China and other ‘third world nations’ for the sake of cheap labor.

Radical Liberalism has become in effect a political power grab, using sweet sounding words as a cover for socialism. We are seeing the rise of a bureaucratic machine, which will smother every semblance of freedom and individual liberty.

The very culture and national identity of the United States is being eradicated by a continuing flood tide of illegal immigration, perpetuated by an intentional policy of open borders.

This nation once ‘protected moral base’ is rapidly collapsing around a judicial, social and political agenda of normalizing and even perpetuating homosexuality, while denigrating the family by legalizing ‘same sex marriages.

'Political correctness, affirmative action and diversity have already begun its move from advocacy to overtaking the very seat of political power. A void has been created in the struggle for individual liberty and national sovereignty.

Into this terrible void will March the Confederate Cause, and each of our readers are encouraged to browse our blogsite, then join the cause.

Unless the Confederate Cause is able to fulfill its mission and purpose of liberating the Confederate States of America, we may well be witnessing freedom’s last stand, to be followed by despotism and tyranny.

Only the Confederate Cause, as a movement has the bold and dynamic strategy necessary to alter this scenario; so stop merely complaining about our occupation forces, and help change the course of history!

We have a battle that must be fought and won, while our battlefield is in the public and political arena; it is none-the-less equally as serious, being a continuance of that same war, which was waged by our forefathers, against the same enemy. Join the cause today!

When General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia on 9 April 1865, it was the beginning of the end of any chance for Confederate States Independence; or so many at that time thought.

However there were some who knew the struggle was not over; among these was our Confederate President, Jefferson Davis. President Davis made this vary clear in a statement before the Mississippi legislature, 16 years after the end of the wars.
"The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena.

Even General Lee was known to have later regretted having surrendered, when he commented to Texas ex-Governor F. W. Stockdale, where he states:

"Governor, if I had foreseen the use these people desired to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox, no, sir, not by me. Had I seen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in this right hand."

There were many like comments made by foreign dignitaries regarding the legitimacy of the Confederate States of America and its cause, among these was William E. Gladstone British Prime Minister 1868-1894, and prominent politician from 1809-1898.

"Jefferson Davis and other leaders of the South have made an army; they are making, it appears, a navy; and they have made what is more than either, they have made a nation.

We may anticipate with certainty the success of the Southern States so far as regards their separation from the North."
We still intend on carrying out the Prime Minister Gladstone’s words regarding the separation!

"Those who claim to be Confederate or Southern while being unwilling to take a stand in behalf of all things Confederate and Southern, are neither Confederate nor Southern!

They are like unto the man who passes by and observes the hungry, thirsty and needy. While pausing to express great flowering words of sympathy and comfort they continue on their way, allowing them to suffer and face a likely death.

They are great and noble in speech, but slow in turning their words into deeds! These are they who mouth great and patriotic word while being not unlike a traitor to the cause, by refusing to put those same words into action in support of their own history, heritage, culture and nation, the Confederate States of America."

How many among our numbers truly want Confederate States liberation and independence? Hopefully a multitude, but be that as it may there is a cost, which must and will be paid or else our nation will remain under occupation, eventually fading into extinction.

Our liberation will not come cheap; more often then not, it is the most costly course we will ever pursue. Victory is for those with the persistence and fortitude to resist the temptation to withdraw or whose resolve has been tempered, when conditions worsen and the cost rises.

Victory is not for the weak of hearted, nor those who are softened by the ease and comfort of a gilded cage, provided by the enemy at the cost of liberty.

It is for those who continue to fight the good fight, even after others who have gone before, having faced overwhelming numbers and firepower, found they were unable to complete the mission.

The modern rebirth of the Confederate Cause launched in 1990, slowly gained some measure of strength, but has since faded, howbeit the road is hard and the journey long.

Those of us who were there all along, naturally had great hope that things would move forward at a more rapid pace then has proven the case, and by this time we would number in the millions, but this has not happened.

However we have reached the end of that phase, and the beginning of another. The mass media has not to date, covered the Confederate Cause as such, this is to be expected, however we must change our tactics as well as their anti-Confederate attitude.

The media has scarcely touched on the topic of the Confederate Cause, and for good reason, so the ball is now in our court. It is for us to make the decisive move! I am convinced the Confederate Cause as a movement, will be the instrument through which victory will be achieved.

 Some may choose to believe I am asking for the impossible, but the rebirth of the Confederate Cause 125 years after the Surrender at Appomattox.

A span of time wherein most causes would have become extinct, will in due course of time prove otherwise.If each of you who read this article will join and become an activist for the Cause, it can be made to happen.

Therefore I am asking for your prayers toward Almighty God in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, that the our Confederate Cause, will be made to grow and expand to not less then 7,000,000 activiist believers.

Further that these loyal Confederate Citizens will become a political, cultural force, in the truest sense of the word.

I’d like to share my long-term vision, whereby one day soon, there will be long columns of ‘Men in Gray’ in pass a series of pass and review parades, viewed by a supportiv audiance.

This can’t happen you might say; "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." {Matthew 19:26}.

The world will come to know of a certainty, the Confederate States of America has truly returned and is arising from the flames and ashes of that horrible war.

Log onboard our blog site frequently; join and participate actively and devoutly in the Confederate Cause. Your participation or lack thereof, will determine if we will prove victorious!

Let us stop complaining about what our occupation forces are doing to us, and take the future into our own hands.  In summation, one bold, daring and charismatic man can make the difference.  Will any of you be that man?

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. Those who criticize and lambaste everything Confederate and Southern are like unto the man who looked at his reflection in the mirror and cursed the manufacture of the mirror for the evil reflection of himself. While being certain the defect is in the construction of the mirror.

    I am a Confederate beliver in the service of the just and honorable cause of the South, in behalf of the Citizens of the Confederate States of America.  It is my purpose and mission, to reclaim the honor of our forefathers who fought, suffered, bled and died in agony in our nation's defense.

    Unfurl and raise our Confederate States National Flag, to its rightful place and glory.  Duty, responsibility and my own personal honor require of me, to do whatever is lawful, peaceful and honorable, in order to restore the Confederate States Constitution to power.

    We then reseat the Confederate State Government, and reinstate the Confederate States of America to it's rightful independence. Remember, it isn't over until the last member of the Confederate Cause, give up the struggle.

