Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Political Party of Hate

The Democratic Party

Personally, I favor there being two healthy, reasonable politial parties, which adheres to principle.  Political parties, which honor those unalienable rights given of Almighty God.  Believng in limited government, and honoring Christian Values, according to the Holy Scriptures.  That government is by We the People!  Regretfully the Hate Party, does not stand for these principles!

The Democrats have absolutely no programs or policies, only hatred of Donald Trump.  And in like mannor, they detest all Republicans! Ideally, they would have a single party nation, whereby only liberal Democrats would rule.  The Democrats would not govern, based upon the words layed down in the Constitution and the Law.  The U.S. Constitution, and the Law, would soon mean only what they say they mean.

These Democrats detest We the People, believing we are unfit to decide for ourselves, whom shall govern over us.  Therefore our vote is meaningless!  The mass media, as well as Hollywood, supports this agenda of hate!  There present state of hate and opposition to everything Trump and Republican, began with their loss in the 2016 elections.

Neither the Press nor the Democratic Party, anticipated a Trump victory, let alone Republicans controlling both houses of the congress.  They believed it was their turn, they had a right to win!  Those people expected to gain control of both houses of the congress, as well as the presidency.  The constitution as written, would then be rendered invalid!  These extreme liberals, progressives or socialist, you choose the title, would govern by decree.

However there is hope, if the Democratic Party were to suffer a gigantic election loss nationwide, in 2018 and 2020.  If in every municiple, county, state or national election, they suffered huge losses.  The tide would turn, and the Democrats would have no other option, but to institute a sorely needed restructuring.  This article began with a desire to have two healthy, reasonable politial parties, which adheres to principle.

Political Parties, which adhere to the words layed down in the constitution, and the law.  Parties, which honor the unalienable rights of We the People!  It is indeed possible, if We the People, will rise up and make it happen!  Put this Hate Party in a position, whereby they are a small minority party!  They would then be forced into becoming political party, which obides by the constituton and the law.

We need two Political Parties, which honors the Almighty God, the Holy Scripture and Prayer.

God bless

1 comment:

  1. The liberation of restoring of the Confederacy, would solve the problem quite nicely. ... Amen ...

