Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Confederate Flag's Meaning

The True meaning of our flag

The red stands for the blood of Jesus Christ, the white for the purity of our just and honorable cause. The bue represents the heavenly origins of its pattern.  The 13 stars stand for thS States, which rightfully seceded and joined the Confederacy.


Click to enlarge
Having considered history, tradition, custom, as well as the blood shed under its furls, I have concluded, the above is to me, the true meaning of our Confederate Flag.  AS for the uniformed, the above flag, is not the Stars and Bars!

"I pledge allegiance to the Flad and Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and to the Confederation for which it stands, one Nation of sovereign States, under God, with liberty and Justice for all." 
God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "I pledge allegiance to the Flad and Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and to the Confederation for which it stands, one Nation of sovereign States, under God, with liberty and Justice for all."

