Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Soldiers in the Woods

Confederate Soldiers

The article below is based upon a dream I had, on the night of 21 July 1996, dream I recall vary distinctly.  Normally I remember dream only dimly, if at all, but this one was in a class by itself.  

It was a night scene in a wooded area on the edge of a large clearing; a massing of Confederate troops had taken place in the woods. The trees were plentiful, but still far enough apart, so as not to hinder the troops in making their formation. The troops were wearing modern Confederate States uniforms, but did appear as though they may be some kind of Special Forces. They were dressed in shell jackets, trousers and kepis, the color of butternut! These troops had on modern but distinctively Confederate boots, not unlike medium cut English Riding Boots.

"Click pictures and they will enlarge"
Their rifles were also modern, but at the same time they also had bayonets attached! The soldiers while formed up in the woods at night, had some type of ‘glory glow’ about their faces and persons, bright enough, so they could be seen clearly and distinctively from a distance. Their formations were each of regimental size, and formed up in blocks throughout the woods.

Their numbers extended as far back into the woods as could be seen! The entire scenario was taking place sometime before dawn, so it was dark, yet the bright moonlight made it possible to see for some distance. The troops were totally silent and relaxed, yet at the same time, alert and ready for action. These formations seemed to be prepared to come out of those woods, at a moments notice.

It was obvious, they were trained and experienced, top of the line troops; their total numbers must have been at the very least, a couple divisions. Their officers were passing orders to their troops in a low tone of voice, and naturally they were quite attentive and observant. The dream seems to signify some type of action, which would take place!
Their officers stood out from the other troops, but only inasmuch as they wore gold strips down the outside of their trousers, the strips being sized according to their rank. Also their kepis were trimmed on top with gold braid, as was the lower sleeves of Senior Officers, and they wore Historic Confederate Rank Markings on their collars.

The woods were spread out in a kind of half moon circle around the clearing! But oddly enough, while the clearing was large, it was also flat, much like it had at some time been manicured, but since had overgrown. There were no vehicles spotted, but the officers did wear Cavalry Boots and a number of saddled horses could be seen.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "We Seek to Achieve the National, Political, Social and Economic independence of the Confederate States of America by all lawful, peaceful and honorable means. We believe the Confederate States of America should be liberated and restored under the Confederate States Constitution. That national Confederate States elections should be arranged in order to fill the now valid but vacant seat in the Confederate States Government.

