Saturday, March 31, 2018

He Has Risen

He is not here, for he has arisen
Matthew 28:2-7
"2. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

3. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:

4. And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.

5. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.

6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

7. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you."

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."  Resurrection Sunday, which is commonly called Easter, is a precious day, for our attention is turned toward the resurrected Christ.

Two Angels in the Seplchre ...

John 20:11-12

11. But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,

12. And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.

Matthew 28:19-20

19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

God bless

Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Moment of Glory

The pendulum of passing history occasionally pauses and brands an event, as if it were frozen in time; George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown and Stonewall Jackson at the Battle of First Manassas, both stand immortalized for all the ages yet to come. Moments when men stood gallantly against tyranny! Like a huge oak tree standing strong against the wind, these fleeing episodes become milestones of our heritage and culture. As if upon a mountain surveying the rolling valleys spread out to the far ends of the horizon, we of our generation look back upon our history in awe. For we stand on the shoulders of giants, thereby the view seems so inspiring. Yet the day arrives, when we must come down from the mountain, and that special moment of glory becomes ours to fulfill, and the heroes will be from among our own numbers.

But who is there that will ride before us, and lead 'this so great a people?' "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30). But what are we to do, when the giants are on the opposing side, and we stand with our meager forces? And there he stood across the valley; high upon a mountain, Goliath of Gath, whose heights was six cubits and a span (9 ft 6 in). His armor alone weighs more then most men and behind him stood all the legions of the Philistine Empire.

We have among our numbers only a little Shepard boy, come into our camp as a messenger, carrying food supplies for our meager forces. As Goliath approaches, our small force flees before him, yet it took our little shepherd boy, to ask the right question. "...Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the Living God?" (I Samuel 17:27). Who is it that will speak and act upon such words in our time? And little David, only a lad, spoke to his brethren, who even now stood in fear before these assembled masses just across the valley. "What have I now done? Is there not a cause?" (Verse 26), spoke King Saul, himself seeking for answers, as to how to subdue this colossus of a man, as well as the armies of the Philistines, so he sent for little David, who was but an humble Shepard boy.

Notice he didn't send for the mighty men, or those who walk the halls of power, but a little Shepherd boy. "And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine." (Verse 31). The spectacle would have been amazing to see; just a ruddy little boy, who would take on such a task, a task that struck fear into hearts of the mightiest warriors in King Saul's army. Now what did little David choose as weapons against this giant, but "five smooth stones" out of the brook, and he put them in his shepherd's bag which he had.... his sling was in his hand, as he drew near the Philistine." (Verse 40).

The similarity today, would be like unto a Southern Country Boy with only a 22 gage-hunting rifle, good for hunting rabbits, standing against a modern fully armed Abrams Battle Tank, a computerized tank having laser guided shells and night vision. Also having the capability of striking targets at the far reaches of the horizons, and surrounded by the combined armies of the Yankee Empire. Then imagine if you will, this young Southern Boy walking across the battlefield with his trusty 22, surveying the situation, looking for a weakness in the armor of this enormous battle tank. The ‘little Southern Boy’ with nothing but 22 gage shells, rustic farm shoes and all, perhaps weighing maybe 100 pounds fully equipped.

Yet with the boldness of a warrior he cries out, "Who are these pagan Yankees, that they would defy the armies of the living God?" The giants of our time like most our modern Yankees Forces would laugh, and understandably so, at what they would see as foolish bravery. A moment of glory wrought by Almighty God through little David was frozen in time! A small Shepherd Boy, with only a sling and five smooth stones, as the situation unfolded, he made use of but one of his five smooth stones and brought down the Philistine Giant, nearly four times his weight. Little David ask of King Saul, so long ago; "Is they’re not a cause?" So I ask each of you today; do we not have a cause? Is it not our Confederate Cause still just and honorable, as stated by our beloved President Jefferson Davis?

My fellow brethren, whether you prefer to be addressed as Confederate, Ally, Friend or some other title: I have faith in the Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, as did our forefathers and foremothers. This very faith was expressed in the preamble of our own Confederate States Constitution, where it says "...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God..." Words drafted at the foundations of this Confederacy! The passing years under occupation and subjugation have not lessoned 'The Cause' or the urgency of an ultimate Confederate Victory. The leaders and heroes we seek, are they not already among us?

Do not these future heroes of the Confederacy await a moment and a time, wherein they will step out from the crowd, "...make up the hedge, and stand in the gap..." Indeed it is my faith and conviction, that an hour has already been marked on the calendar of the Divine Providence of Almighty God. There is indeed an hour, which is even now at the door, when the pendulum of history will once again pause, and freeze a moment in the memory of our people. Yet another moment of glory! Perhaps we might join together in prayer, each in your own way, and in your own place,
"Our precious Lord and Heavenly Master.

We come before you in thanksgiving, for those blessings you have bestowed upon the Confederate People, our history, heritage, culture and nation. Precious Lord, you’ve given us all those things needful for life and health, especially in behalf of those men and women of honor, honesty, integrity and nobility, which in your grace and mercy, you have sent among us as an example. We come before you O Lord, humbly seeking, that you might quicken the day, wherein that special moment of glory of which we speak, will once again be manifest among our numbers. That by your will alone, we might restore upon this land, a society and a nation, which will be worthy of your good graces.

We look forward to that special day wherein our people will once more be free and independent of occupation, subjugation and cultural genocide. Not by our own strengh, but by they word, that you alone O Lord, will receive the glory! Hasten that hour O Lord, wherein our just and honorable cause will be vindicated by thy grace and mercy; let it begin with a very special moment of glory, wrought by your own divine providence. In Thy precious name and for your Glory O’Lord, Amen and Amen!"

God save the Confederacy

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Hall of Heroes

A fictional story? Could it become reality?
History is not an absolute, but cause and effect: Change the cause and you alter the effect. What if a single decision or battle had went the other way? Perhaps an election had turned out differently! We as individuals are capable of altering the future course of history by our activism, or lack thereof. There are those who will maintain that a gradual process has been underway since the surrender of our Confederate Armies to reverse the conditions of our occupation, while others believe it will require drastic action.

However, regardless of one s feelings it is apparent that under a free and independent Confederate States of America the heroes of our past will be respectfully honored. In any case, Confederate Fiction allows us to dream and envision victory; otherwise "where there is no vision, the people parish." {Proverbs 29:18}. Those who read the following story are free to call it fiction, a dream or else a vision, but having experienced these events, only the Almighty and myself know the difference.

We had revisited Charleston after so many years since the fall of what we now record in our history as the Yankee Dynasty. Oh, the United States survived the fall alright, but it is much smaller now, and the paradox of it all is that their so-called union was reduced to thirteen States, the same number as when it began - almost as a reminder of their past arrogance and corruption. Now they have returned to the roots of their original republic, which indeed they certainly did with the liberation and years of restoration of the Confederacy and its glorious institutions.
The States that remained in the union regained their sovereignty just as much so as had the States in the Confederacy. All the doom and gloom predicted by their own mass media liberals never came to pass.  The trucks and trains still roll onward: North, South, East, and West. However economically we all gained by the disbanding of the heavy bureaucracy 'those people' had constructed. The Southland now seemed almost as if the years under conquest, occupation, subjugation, and cultural cleansing had never occurred. Even our Confederate and Southern names have long since been restored to our cities, streets, parks, and monuments.

The once influential organizations which caused so much disruption in society, the so called 'civil rights' groups, fell on hard times once the Southland was again a free and independent nation. Most States placed them in the very category they imposed on others: 'hate groups,' a name they have well earned! All the propaganda about how Negroes would be treated in an independent Confederacy also never happened. About 15 percent of the black population headed north or into the far west when our independence came and a large number have since returned. They found out things aren't so bad down south after all. One change our people insisted upon, the Confederate States Government, unlike that of the United States, has been forbidden from enumerating the population by race, or could they entering into the race question in any fashion. The individual States naturally regain and retain their sovereign right of choice in such matters.

How did it all begin? Well, that's another story, but for now: we were leaving Charleston, heading northwest toward Columbia. I recall this same route of travel during the hey day of the Confederate States nationalist movement, back when we were first organizing the Confederate Alliance, which eventually lead to our independence. Now there are absolutely no public schools and our children are all taught in private institutions the truths of our history, heritage, culture, as well as faith in the Almighty God of Heaven. I had always wanted to visit Charleston, somehow even when we held our meetings in that fair city we never really got to visit the various historic places.

Anyhow, I am glad we got to visit them now, at this time, and under conditions of a free Confederacy. We Southerners can more clearly face the past because we now have a future, and one of our own choosing. There seems to be a spirit in the air these days, as if our forefathers are looking down upon us and saying "well done." Even the nobility, splendor, and grace once present in Southern life have again returned to society in our reborn Confederate nation. The streams of tourist, which have arrived here from around the world, quite clearly notice it: It's just different.

As we passed beyond the view of Charleston, we had to make one more stop before Columbia, the site of the newly opened Hall of Heroes. In the distance we could see the sign pointing back off the highway to the right, and it couldn't be more then 15 miles out of Charleston. Even the sign really wasn't a sign, but a monument to Jefferson Davis looking toward the entrance, as if saying "stop by and take a look." The monument is so colossal, it is not likely to be missed, and its purpose all too obvious. We pulled off the highway into the entrance leading to the parking area. No automobiles were permitted on the actual site of the Hall of Heroes as an everlasting respect to the memory it commemorates.

Looking at the front gate, it was like nothing else one has ever seen. It was wide with a large pedestal on both sides, each pedestal measuring seven feet high, and having archangels mounted upon each, standing thirteen feet high. The angels each had one set of wings stretched inward toward each other, the space between their outstretched wings was said to be exactly seven feet. A series of quotations from the Holy Scripture had been beautifully carved into the pedestals upon which each angel stood. The booklet they give everyone at the Hall of Heroes indicated the size of the property to be in multiples of seven and thirteen. A solid wall marked the boundaries of the property on all sides, which was seven feet high. The wall, it is said, contains a pedestal every thirteen feet on center, whereon stands a cherubim about three feet high, and facing inward. Quotations from the Holy Scripture had been carved upon the pedestal below each of the cherubim.

As we approached the gate, well-dressed Confederate troops - equipped with the latest rifles, all highly polished - came to attention. The brochure said no one could enter except by the main gate, and pass these guards. It is said that tradition so much prevails here that deliveries must be reloaded from vehicles onto special made horse drawn wagons at the rear, wagons that are themselves like none you ever saw on earth, and drawn by the finest horse flesh available, specially groomed. We later saw these horses. They were large with shining coal-black coats. Horses well feed and cared for in the finest way. The rear of the building had no pillars, but rather a spotlessly kept platform. We weren't told the exact size of it, but given the size of everything else, it was likely in multiples of seven and thirteen.
The building itself had 26 huge columns along each side and thirteen across the front. But again, back at the gate as we approached, we were faced with the most magnificent sight I have ever seen. As we passed under the archangels with their outstretched wings we saw a wide polished walkway, appropriately similar and as wide as the entry gate, having thirteen large trees on each side as well. Between the trees evenly spaced in rows on each side, we saw thirteen large monuments in perfect ranks; twenty six in all: first a monument, then a tree, rotated in that order. The grass was manicured, thick, even, and lush; almost perfect like an expensive carpet.The trees and monuments were well kept and stood opposite from one another as if in ranks.

It was said these numbers represented the original thirteen Confederate States; two monuments and two trees standing in the stead of each. The images on the monuments faced each other across the expanse of the walkway, and lined up in alphabetical order, beginning with Alabama. The pedestals of these monuments were seven feet high and thirteen feet long. Again, quotations from the Holy Scriptures were carved upon their base, as well as a brief historical record. Atop the pedestals were mounted horsemen, perfectly carved with full accoutrements and ready for battle. They were all heroes of the Confederacy, two from each State.

We came to the foot of the steps, which numbered 26 in all, leading to the main entrance of the building. The steps were constructed in a series of thirteen steps then sort of a platform upon which there was a monument, then seven more steps, then a small platform, then six steps. Positioned n the middle of the first series of thirteen steps stood a huge mounted knight riding upon a steed. The horse reared up high upon its hind legs, and poised as if kicking in the breeze. The rider was dressed in a perfectly fitted suit of armor. In his left hand, outstretched was sword in the charging position, raised nearly skyward. The horse was obviously suited in armor, like unto the rider, wearing a breast plate in the front below his mane. Written in large Old English letters was the CSA motto, Deo Vindice.

Even from our lowly position, we could see the sword to be one of a Confederate General. But what was unusual was that it was in his left hand, second, it being turned toward the right slightly so the wrist guard could be clearly seen, bearing the letters C.S.A.! The rider also carried a warrior s shield in his right hand, which bore on it in full size a print of the Confederate Battle Flag. Between the upper two arms of the St. Andrews Cross was the Celtic Christian Cross, beautifully carved. We were told the statue exemplified our Lord Jesus taking command of the Confederate States Nationalist Movement.

Then we walked up the large stairs! As we did so, we saw huge standing statues of Confederate Heroes being thirteen feet high, placed between each of the huge columns on the three forward sides of the building: about 63 in all, having carvings at their base. I looked up on the front arch of the building and noticed the engraving of the twelve apostles with Jesus Christ in the middle at the last supper. The columns at the top of the steps were so large in diameter that it took two people with arms stretched around the outside in order to touch. They looked like marble, but we were told the material was better and more durable. I don't know what that may have been, but it definitely wasn't concrete. Clearly seen above us as we approached the top step, along the upper beam of the building, were in large letters "I am hath delivered thee." I would guess the building to be about twice the size of the Parthenon in Greece, maybe more.

We approached a set of double doors that were thirteen feet high and very massive, but seemed to be very well balanced, because they opened easily. The doors were carved inward and outward with the story of the deliverance of the Confederate People from occupation and subjugation. The scriptural verses from Ezekiel 37:1-10 was inscribed thereon, and in story form, likened our nation's story to the biblical account of the Valley of Dry Bones.

As we entered, we found ourselves in a large outer room faced with two massive pillars one on either side, about seven feet from the door and heavily carved with the story of the Southern People and of the Confederacy - images of heroic battles and heroes known to all of us. The decor about the ceilings were of angels and cherubim s and between them they were large enough to be seen from the floor, carvings of the various State and regimental flags used during the War for Confederate Independence.

But all these things were minor when compared with what we beheld directly in front of us. The wall as we entered had upon it from ceiling to floor a scroll rolled out and carved in Old English the words "Scroll of Honor." Below were carved what appeared to be the beginning of an unfinished list of heroes. The wall and the scroll being so massive, all the heroes of the Confederacy would easily fit on a small portion, with most of the space to spare. But the names had obviously written so as to be seen from the floor. I couldn't help but notice, the first name on the list was "Sam Davis" hero of the Confederacy.

I ask the tour guide why Sam Davis was first, though I didn't question, in my view he certainly had earned that right. "Because," said the tour guide, "Sam defined for all time the word honor; performing a selfless deed, that rather than betray a friend, he would thus lay down his life, and happily, yet while being so young, with all of life lying before him." What is it made of, sir," I asked? "Polished bronze," came back the answer, with a recently invented coating to preserve it, as is, maintenance free. One could read the carving, both in imagery and in words, and would know the entire history of the Southern People and the Confederacy.

On each side of the huge bronze scroll was a set of double doors, not unlike those at the entrance, which lead to what was called the Great Hall of Heroes. The tour guide told us; "Beyond these doors, you will find heroism such as seldom recorded in the annals of human history." These doors also were heavily carved, and like the others were of the heaviest wood, almost like stone, yet they opened like a feather! The tour guide told us, it would take a large crane to pick up one of these doors, and to take one down and repair it would be a major piece of construction work.

I was about to enter the 'Great Hall of Heroes' when the voice of our Lord called unto me, instructing me not to enter into the great hall - that another shall enter in your stead. I departed, and while disappointed, still I had seen more than I had ever imagined possible to see in one lifetime. I did not question why our Lord denied me entrance beyond the doors in to the 'Great Hall of Heroes.' But as I passed out of the property, stopping at the great monuments and reading names like: Nathan Bedford Forrest, John Hunt Morgan, Albert Sidney Johnston, Robert L. Dabney, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and on and on, down a seemingly endless list of names, I knew what it was all about! Not hero worship, far from it: It was the remembrance of the price of liberty, and the cost of not being vigilant.

On the way out of the main gate, we saw a sign, which was very plain in its design, given what all we had seen. It read, "Remember always, least ye forget and history repeats itself." As we got in the car, and drove off down the highway, we were all within our own thoughts at what we had beheld, and none of us could speak for sometime. "Least ye forget, I thought: Those words rang in my mind! Let us pray always that we be found worthy of the good graces and the Divine Providence of the Almighty God, who hath vindicated our just and honorable cause.

God save the Confederacy

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Pilgrimage to Masada

The story posted here was written approximately 22 years ago,
so the dates included in the story, are yet future at that time.

The story told here, while fiction, still it exemplifies faith, that the prayers of our forefathers sent heavenward in the midst of blood, fire and death, are even in our time, being added to our own. The process of liberating the Confederate States of America, can and likely will unfold in ways we cannot now imagine, and the miracle we all seek, might come to us in the form of a stranger passing along the way. We do know that the Almighty God is not limited in time and space, like unto we ourselves, and the victory for which we struggle, might yet be granted as we seek His face. The outcome of our Cause, does not lay in the hands of man, but in the Divine Providence of Almighty God, in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!

Where Jesus Walked
Wednesday 19 August 2009

The wife and I {George and Alice McCullum} had always wanted to visit the land of Israel, to walk where Jesus walked, see the incredible sights, but somehow with the fighting in that region and our own natural tendency to put off such an expensive journey, time managed to slip away. Still the years were passing ever so rapidly, we finally decided it was now or never so one fine day I made reservations, tapped into the meager resources available to us, completed the necessary preparations and soon we were off to the Holy Land. Our journey started in Florida via Delta with a short lay over in Atlanta, then onward to New York where we transferred to El Al Israel Airlines, and soon a long distance flight across the Atlantic.

All of us passengers were well treated in route and the Stewardesses made us as comfortable as possible; our landing at the famous Ben Gurian International Airport was very close to its schedule time. We both moseyed through the airport for a while taking in everything we could see, nonetheless we soon found our selves headed by airport taxi toward the King David Hotel. It was hard to believe we were actually here in Israel, our eyes were no doubt larger then coffee cups, as we took in the passing scenery!

As for myself I had a mental list of the must see places, including the Wailing Wall, Temple Mount, the Shrine of the Book Museum, housing the Dead Sea Scrolls. But also Mount Masada, where approximately 900 Jews held off the might of the Roman Empire, some 1900 years before the rebirth of the modern Israeli nation. But also on the must see list was Mount Megiddo, where we could look out across the distance and see the valley where the prophesied Battle of Armageddon will one day take place.

We hadn't come with any State side tour group, so we chose to join one once we were in Israel, the group we joined up with took us to all the right places and more, then we decided to branch out on our own, to walk the streets of Jerusalem and get a feel of the day to day hustle and bustle of the city. We had finally been in Israel a week and decided to visited the Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem on our own, we couldn't help but walked around and around, looking at the ancient scrolls, over and over again.

My wife and I had just exited the museum when among the scores of people we spotted outside, we noticed a group of about five Rabbis gathered to one side, along the wall. They seemed excited, howbeit they were very reserved in their demeanor. Neither of us could understand what they were saying, since they spoke in Hebrew, and we were without our tour guide. We lingered about for a while outside, watching the comings and goings out of a sense of curiosity, then decided to go our way!

We returned to our Hotel Room somewhat early, so as to relax after our much touring, enjoyed a meal and watched television; the programming was in Hebrew but there was a streamer ribbon at the bottom of the picture in English, soon I was able to catch enough of the words alone with the imagery, that I was able to get a vague ideas as to what was going on. The following day, my wife wanted to visit the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus knelt to pray, then the tomb where He was buried and then arose from the dead.

We were taken to the banks of the Jordon River, to the very spot where Jesus was Baptized by John the Baptist, and given my imagination it was as if I had really been there on that day, it was as if I could almost hear that same voice from heaven that John heard, "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Then we also traveled to the hillside where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, and again it was as if I had actually been there and witnessed for myself, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: ... "

Our tour guide during these two visits was a gentlemen named Benjamin Yoda, who spoke Hebrew, English and Arabic, he wanted to take us to Bethlehem, but the city being under Palestinian rule had been experiencing violence, so it was felt that tourism to the site of Jesus Birth would be unsafe. Nonetheless Mr. Yoda paused during our visit at the Sermon on the Mount site then related to us, that one of his favorite stories from the Scriptures took place when the Wise Men from the East, the Magi, visited the baby Jesus, offered gifts and then bowed before him.

We had decided on still another day to visit the Temple Mount Model site, a kind of oversized miniature, a built to scale reconstruction of Jerusalem, including Herod’s Temple, as it existed during the time when Jesus walked the earth. It was awe inspiring, given the precise manner in which Jerusalem and the Temple had been reconstructed! We left the area feeling spiritually uplifted in a mighty way, afterward we headed for The Temple Institute, which is not only involved in education regarding Temple matters, but also in a project to actually restoring the Temple.

Among the items on display at the Institute is the recreated robes of the Priests as well as the instruments of the Temple of Jerusalem, we were most anxious to see these treasures. We were about to enter The Temple Institute when my wife leaned her head over close to me and said; "The Rabbis that we saw at the Shrine of the Book are here, they’re over there." While holding her left hand close to her, she pointed in their direction. She suddenly felt as if her finger pointing had attracted their attention, since two of them turn and looked our way!.

The Rabbis of Jerusalem
Tuesday 1 September 2009

The crowd was of modest size but not overwhelming as people slowly made their way in and out of The Temple Institute, while this was taking place two of the Rabbis, which had looked in our direction, after speaking briefly to their brethren, began to walk towards us. The one Rabbi spoke for both of them; "Hello, I am Rabbi Ruston Salami, forgive me for having taken such special notice of the two of you, but the five of us recalled seeing you both a couple of day ago at the Shrine of the Book."

Replying to the good Rabbi, I mentioned; "You speak very good English, to my regret I do not speak Hebrew!" The Rabbi continued; "I indeed speak English, my associate Rabbi Navon Gershon {looking briefly at his associate} speaks five languages, however, none of them happens to be English. Our attention was drawn to your intense interest in those things related to the Temple, but first allow me to introduce you to the other Rabbis." "I feel very honored, this is more then either of us could have ever hoped for," I replied!

The four of us walked over to where the other three Rabbis were standing, Rabbi Ruston Salami made the introductions, beginning with the two of us, then naming each of the Rabbis from left to right as we shook hands with them; Rabbi Yavin Milka, Rabbi Zamir Regem and Rabbi Naaman Nachmani. "I have not had the privilege of knowing of or having met your wife, but as for yourself, I do recognize you sir, stated Rabbi Milka; I am, how do you say it in English, the computer geek, of the Rabbis!"

"Are you not the Founder of an organization known as the Confederate Legion, and have you not made attempts to create a modern ‘Gideon Battalion?" "How could you have known about this, I asked?" Well, replied Rabbi Milka, you do have a website, which posts a video naming yourself as the narrator, do you not? We all exchanged remarks for a short while, then Rabbi Zamir Regem, turning to Rabbi Ruston Salami speaking in Hebrew, which was afterward translated, "We should go inside and show these good people!"

We were lead inside The Temple Institute and showed all the artifacts of the Temple, both ancient and modern remakes, included among these items, we were shown the Robes of the High Priest, with the Breast Plate containing 12 stones representing the tribes of Israel. Rabbi Navon Gershon suggested that it was time to tell us of their findings! The others agreed, he then ask us if we would be so kind as to follow the five of them to a more secure place not far away?

The Rabbis, some going before us, others behind us, lead us through the narrow streets of Jerusalem and into a very quaint souvenir shop, then into a back room where a case stood filled with Torah Scrolls in both English and Hebrew, for sale, as a sort of memento of having visited the land of Israel. There was a round table standing in the middle of the room with enough space remaining, whereby we could move about. We were invited to take a seat, two chairs positioned against the wall were moved forward and added, so as to provide enough seating.

Rabbi Yavin Milka excused himself and went into a closet size side room off to one the side and brought out several rolled documents bound with some type of leather wrapping, having straps at both ends as well as in the middle, which secured the wrapping in place. The Rabbi then brought these documents to the table, selected one of them, unsnapped it and spread it out on the table. Everyone paused while Rabbi Naaman offered us a drink, which was said to be a very light local fruit mix with something my wife and I understood to be tea.

We then got down to business, and Rabbi Ruston Salami, being the one fluent in English, pointing to various places on the document spread out before us, then began to speak! "We have well over 200 Rabbis among our numbers and through modern genetics, we have proven that all of them are descendants of the tribe of Levi, this will certainly prove critical once the Temple has been rebuilt. However, we had wished to go further in order to discover whether or not all of the 12 Tribes of Israel were now present in our modern Israeli nation!

We then called for volunteers, and after a number of disappointments we were able to trace several hundred Israelis back across the centuries to there original tribes, all 12 Tribes were indeed found to be present in the Israel of our time. However, of interest to you, nearly two dozen Americans, several of whom hold duel citizenship, volunteered, one of them proved to be a special case." "How so, I ask?" "This man has claimed two sets of names, one being English the other Hebrew, but there is more, which will be of special interest to you!

The man of which I speak is an American General and a War Veteran, he has many rough edges, but he is extremely charismatic and influential, additionally he is a true leader, not unlike your Generals Robert E. Lee or Thomas Jackson. In other words, when he puts his mind to it, he is quite cable of persuading others to follow him!" Rabbi Regem injected himself into the conversation; "We have sound reason to believe God has spoken to us, in a unique way, regarding this man!

Upon your return to Florida, two men, one a General, the other a Colonel, will visit you; these men are no doubt called of God to become your Chief of Staff and Gideon Battalion Commander, respectively. They in turn will bring onboard the number of Gideonites you need!" "I feel blessed already by having met you gentlemen, but may I ask, why am I finding out these things, in of all places, Jerusalem? Why have I come to Israel to be told, what I could have been told at home in the States?"

Rabbi Ruston Salami, who had been serving as translator, chose to answer this particular question himself! "God knows the disappointments you have experienced, the years having passed and seemingly little advancement for your Cause, having taken place. But God wishes in this case to speak to you, not only through your friends and close associates, but through strangers, such as we ourselves. Thereby you might know of a certainty, God hears your prayers and has set in motion a chain of events, which will lead to victory for your cause."

We all paused as if to turn over in our minds what had transpired over the past couple of days, for my wife and I we were thinking more in terms of the past 10 to 12 days, when Rabbi Naaman Nachmani stood to his feet, it was obvious he had something even more astonishing to say, then we had already heard. The identities of your visitors are General John Tillman {Hebrew - Amir Chanan} and Colonel William Pendleton {Hebrew - Ben Tziyon}, and I've known the good General for many years through his father, who has since passed away.

Well, in any case it is time that we conclude the fellowship we have share here today, part company and go our separate ways in peace, and with that I shall say, Shalom! The other six of us stood, joining Rabbi Nachmani, while the Rabbis all collectively repeated a standard prayer, we all then turned and shook hands, thus closing the meeting. The Rabbis walked us to the front door of the Souvenir shop, excused themselves and went there away. Rabbi Ruston Salami remained behind, wanting to ensure that we returned to our hotel safely!

My wife and I never expected to see the five Rabbis again, the next morning we checked out of the King David Hotel and headed for Ben Gurion Airport for the first leg of our journey home, it had been 14 days since we arrived in Israel, we took with us memories we'd carry with for the remainder of our lives. We landed at LaGuardia Airport in New York, went through Customs, eventually boarding Delta Airlines and transferring again at Atlanta Georgia, then onward to Florida, and home.

Day of the General
Thursday 3 September 2009

It took us several days to settle in from our long journey to Israel, our hearts were filled with the thoughts of what had taken place there, but we spoke very little of it, deciding rather to think these things over for a while within ourselves. In many ways it had seemed like an impossible dream or else a vision, maybe we imagined having met the five Rabbis, perhaps our minds were playing tricks on us, but in the end, we couldn't set aside that which had been revealed to us of the Lord.

Even in our disappointments at the nearly negligible growth of the Confederate Legion and its Gideon Battalion, God had made it crystal clear to this His humble servant, that He was in control of the situation. The two of us went about our daily routine and while reminiscing from time to time we intentionally let it pass, believing by faith that the Almighty God would cause things to happen, in His own time and according to His own schedule.

Time sped by and before we realized it, five months had passed since we had returned from Israel, and just as before our trip, nothing to speak of had taken place! However on Monday 18 January 2010 we received a telephone call that was destined to change the course of history for all time, it was General John Tillman. "Mr. McCullum he said, it appears God has willed that our paths cross, the Colonel and I would like to drop by your home this coming Friday and discuss the future of the Confederate Legion and its Gideon Battalion.

By your leave, the General said, I'd like Colonel William Pendleton to be with me, we will arrive without our families on this occasion, later we can have a family meeting." By all means General, as you wish, my wife I will be looking forward to your visit!" The General continued; "we expect to arrive at your home around 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday 26th of this month, eight days from now, if that is convenient, I will call you as we approach Bay County to confirm that we are on schedule."

After the phone call ended, I hurried to register General Tillman on my Cell Phone Contact List, while at the same time my wife Alice and I were filled with excitement that the General and Colonel mentioned in Jerusalem was now scheduled to visit our home; we spoke with eager anticipation about what was taking place. The General seemed to have done his homework, based upon the brief telephone conversation we had together. He apparently was very much aware of our situation!

On Friday 20 January at around 8:30 in the morning I received the expected phone call, "the Colonel and I are on schedule" the general said, "we'll be there at about 10:00 O'clock" so Alice and I made last minute preparations to receive the guests, which we had been told about by Rabbi Naaman Nachmani while we were in Jerusalem. Even so the hour and a half seemed to poke along, until finally what turned out to be a 2008 white Mercury Grand Marquis pulled into the drive way, two men got out of the car spoke for a moment, then headed for our door!

As Alice and I watched them walking up our relatively short drive way toward the front porch and the doorway entrance, I suddenly felt like a bible story from the Holy Scriptures was being replayed right here on our property. Such a thing could not happen to the two of us, after all we would be considered only slightly below the poverty line by most economic standards, but here we were about to receive a real Army General and a Colonel, both of which are War Veterans.

We both decided to wait for them to knock, rather then stepping outside to greet them, finally they did so, the first to step through the door naturally was the General himself, afterward the Colonel, we all said our hellos and spoke briefly. We then moved into the living room where we conversed standing in the middle of the floor for a while, before taking our seats, my only thought at that moment was of amazement, as expressed by the words of the General John Tillman {Hebrew - Amir Chanan} himself.

The Mustering of the Gideon’s

The good General stated; "We are prepared, by your leave, to officially bring onboard over the next several weeks, 300 men, 25 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, then another 12, 1 from each of the 12 Tribes as Shofars, 4 Color Guard, as well as five additional officers, besides Colonel William Pendleton {Hebrew - Ben Tziyon}. There will be no fewer then 144 additional Gideonites who will stand by as a Reserve Corps, 12 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, thereby we might be assured of marching with a full complement.

We have been making our own genetic tests since first hearing of your efforts to create a Gideon Battalion and we have found such men! They are even now preparing their own uniforms, shofars, parade flags and other accoutrements!" I had to ask, "Are these Gideonites under any kind of Oath of Allegiance?" General Tillman smiled then replied; "We are not at all like the Armed Forces of the Empire, we cannot mandate an oath, then require our men to fulfill that oath under the authority of law.

Nevertheless, all of our men are devoted believers in Christ Jesus, the Holy Scriptures and Prayer, and are commonly known as Messianic Jews, therefore we do require of them an 'Oath of Allegiance' howbeit to the Almighty God Himself, whereby before His face, they do affirm their loyalty to the Gidianites, that they shall carryout their duties as well as all orders given them by their Officers, without excuse. But that’s not all, the men themselves came up with an addition item, they have all traveled to Mount Masada in Israel, and there upon that Holy Place, they have given their Oath to God Himself."

How so, it would have been a huge undertaking to get 466 men from the States to the top of Mount Masada, which lies in the desert of Southern Israel, not far from the Dead Sea? "True enough, stated the General, but let me just say I found a Billionaire with a bone to pick with the Federals, he was more then happy to finance our pilgrimage to Masada. Though he quite understandably wishes to remain anonymous, I can say that he is close enough to Air Bus in Europe that he cold buy one of their Jumbo Jets at manufacturing cost.

We gained special permission from the Israeli Government via their Embassy in Washington, under obligation to handle the situation very discretely, which we interpreted to mean, keep it out of the press. In order not to draw undue attention, we used a slightly smaller jet, which our Billionaire Friend provided, and we transported approximately 40 men on 12 different occasions. It was an experience of a lifetime!"

Colonel Pendleton broke in; "The General and I were on each of these flights, after which we went by bus from the landing site to the foot of Mount Masada, we then walked up the 'Snake Path' to the top of the Plato, which measures 900 feet by 1800 feet and contains a number of ruins. It was a tiring climb, even for a seasoned soldier, once there, our Guide Judah ben Yeshiva told us the story of the battle of Masada. As we listened we come to the realization, those Roman's, which had been encamped below represented our struggle with this modern Yankee Empire!

He then explained how in our modern day Israeli, General Moshe Dayan, now deceased, ordered that all of his Officers be taken to Masada before dawn and by fire light, they would take the Oath of Allegiance, which ends with the words "Masada shall not fall again." As we stood their my mind went back across the centuries and imagined how Elazar ben Za'ir and his 900 freedom fighters stood firm while facing 5,000 Romans, and swore they would either prove victorious or else they would never leave Masada alive.

As we mustered, we faced the same direction in which the Roman Legions had been encamped below, so very long ago, then while looking at the first few dim rays of the rising sun, we took our own Oath of Allegiance to the Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I know of a certainty Mr. McCullum, the men felt the same way as did I myself, it was a somber, reverent moment, we were all aware of the seriousness of the Oath we had taken."

"Why Mount Masada, I ask, while that site is certainly inspirational, could you have not traveled a shorter distance to Appomattox Courthouse instead?" General Tillman was obviously ready for that question! "Indeed we could have easily chosen Appomattox, but we felt it important to impress upon the minds and hearts of every single modernn day Gideon, that ours is a struggle for more then the Confederate Cause alone, we fight the good fight that the light of freedom, our unalienable rights as individuals, shall never be extinguished.

These men are already skilled in precision Close Order Drill, nonetheless they will muster and practice a number of times before making our public debut, expected this spring. We have arranged for four sound trucks to be delivered, which are able to produce in high quality, the desired decimals. The masses of the people who attend our performances will see and hear the finest, the sound will be just as if they were standing at an ideal range from the Shofars, as they blow their rams horn trumpets."

Excuse me General, but where are you getting all these Uniforms? "Colonel Pendleton will explain it, this is his own project," replied General Tillman! "Yes indeed, Mr. McCullum, you will no doubt like our answer to the Gideon’s uniform situation! The wives and many of the daughters, old enough, of our Gideon’s wanted to help, so they formed a private Uniform and Accoutrements Company, which will produce nearly everything, including uniforms and flags, just to name a few of their products.

We located a number of men who were partially disabled or else 'to senior in age' and unable to go on the march with us, but plenty healthy enough to form a Shoe and Boot Company! These people have among their numbers professional designers, tailors, machine operators and the like, all top quality professionals. We have all the skills necessary to produce uniforms, shoes and boots in as good a quality or better then any now under contract by the U.S. Armed Forces. Presently we are producing a high quality Combat Style Uniform, but later a Class A Dress version will be ready!"

"What about the money for all of these things," I asked? "Already taken care of through donations and a little private fund raising," stated General Tillman! "The Combat Uniform is like nothing else available today, designed and created specifically for the Gideon’s and uniquely confederate", replied Colonel Pendleton. "We do expect to have our Gideon Battalion Class A Dress Uniform ready in time, so as to hold a spectacle for the world to behold, on 3 June, Jefferson Davis's Birthday. The Class A's will be of such a nature, that even WestPoint will stand in awe!"

Thursday 11 March 2010
The Montgomery Campaign


After our meeting in January, the General broke the news to the Confederate Legion General Staff, along with a firm choice, all Legionnaires will carry out orders or leave the organization. This sounded extremely hard line to some, but it was necessary inasmuch as we were now entering a new phase, it was urgent that all orders by our new Chief of Staff be carried out without hesitation and without excuse. Regretfully of the five members of the General Staff, not counting General Tillman himself, three quit, only one of them gave prior notification!
General Tillman and Colonel Pendleton quickly replaced them with two others, a Major General and a Brigadier General, both were like unto Tillman himself, War Veterans, and men who had taken the same Oath of Allegiance as did the other Gideonites, and at the same location. But more then this, General Tillman, as well as his new General Staff, in cooperation with Colonel Pendleton, moved forward with their plans and preparations, much faster then expected.

On Thursday 18 February General Tillman called me, then made the official announcement, both to the Confederate Legion as well as to the mass media, the Confederates have returned and this time the world would learn of its significance. The date for the Gideon Battalion's public debut was scheduled for 11 March in Montgomery Alabama, in commemoration of the 149th anniversary of the Confederate States Constitution.

On the morning of Thursday 11 March all 466 Gideonites mustered at the front side of the First Whitehouse of the Confederacy at 12:15 P.M., which stands across from the street to the east of the Alabama State Capital Building. The General Staff mustered in Uniform along with the Founder, on the steps of the Capital Building! As I stood there on the steps with them, I could see off to our left the 300 Gideon’s Commanded by Colonel William Pendleton, plus the 144 Reserves mustered separately.

We were all trading comments when General John Tillman's car pulled up, driven by Mrs. Tillman; he exited the automobile walked up the sidewalk toward the steps smartly, according to his long years as a soldier. His uniform was impeccable, he looked like a Confederate Warrior, and indeed a warrior sent from the Almighty God Himself, all of us which had worked so hard to see this day knew, he was here not because of us but because of God's own calling.

As he reached the steps he carefully climbed up to join us, stopping to receive a salute from his General Staff and to render a salute to his Founder, one I accepted and returned out of military courtesy, knowing it was God Himself which deserved the glory. "Good to see you again Mr. McCullum; the General said, you are pleased, are you not?" Indeed I am, I replied, I was not forewarned that the men, their uniforms and their accoutrements would turn out to be so awe inspiring."

There were four Color Guardsmen and 12 Shofars having fallen in by ranks of four, totaling 16, which were preparing to 'Present the Colors' before the General Staff! The men's uniforms were indeed unique to the Confederate Cause, being a type of multi Gray Camouflage with splotches of black in their pattern. The Officers wore a yellow dress parade type scarf, the Enlisted Personnel wore a light blue, they all wore a Third National Flag patch at the top of their left sleeve and a Confederate Chaplain's Flag patch on their right.

The Officers wore a non-metallic square C.S.A. Belt Buckle, the Enlisted Personnel wore a buckle having an oval shaped, each member had a Gideon name tag over his left side chest pocket! The Gideon’s all wore special designed, non-metallic combat style Black Boots and were equipped with a Chrome Plated Combated style Helmet, with an Officer Rank Insignia or else a Confederate Great Seal on the front, as appropriate to their rank.

It was astonishing to see the 300 Gideon's carrying modern Parade Rifles, which naturally fired only blanks, and having Chrome Plated rifle butts! But no listing of uniforms and equipment carried by the Gideon Battalion could accurately describe what was now unfolding in front of the First Whitehouse of the Confederacy; the Shofars had fallen into columns of 4, which were 3 ranks deep, plus the 4 Color Guard falling in behind them. Then came the 300 men of the Gideon’s Precision Drill Team, lead by their Commander, Colonel William Pendleton!

But there was more, much more! The General Staff and the Founder had lined up on the fifth step up from the entry sidewalk, while the five remaining Officers of the Gideon’s lined up on the sixth step, just above them. The General then gave a hand signal and the process was underway! The Color Guard and the Shofars did a series of precision maneuvers so as to position themselves in the middle of the street on the far east end.

The 300 Gideonites under the Command of Colonel William Pendleton then did their own maneuvers and lined up to their rear, they then proceeded to march directly west so as to place themselves on the street, at the end of the Main Entrance sidewalk of the State Capital Building. They then halted, the Shofars did a very sharp maneuver so as to line themselves up on the street, directly at the end of the sidewalk facing the building, having lined up in a single rank of 12 they blew the rams horns, which was broadcast by sound trucks positioned, one on each of the four sides of the building.

The trumpets were blown twice in unison, once facing the building, then again facing outward, symbolizing a call to the State Government as well as a call to the population at large. The entire corps receiving a salute from their General, then smartly reversed their precision maneuvers which placed them as they were and returning them to their place in the ranks of the Gideon’s. It was customary for the Shofars to march ahead since they represented a Call from God, the Color Guard second, then the 300 Gideon’s third in the formation.

The ancient Hebrews under Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho once for seven days, then on the seventh day seven times, the modern Gideonites would march around the State Capital Building seven times on the same day. Then the Shofars would blow their trumpets seven times, three Shofars in position on each of the four sides of the building. As the Gideon Battalion marched smartly around the building, and on the sixth round with their chrome plated parade rifles, they did all manner of maneuvers, the Shofars fell out three on each side.

The Gideon’s paused at the front side of the building after the sixth encirclement, then the Shofars were heard for what must have been miles in every direction, as their rams horns sounded off seven times. By this time heavy crowds were gathering and the mass media was present and paying very close attention! The Governor was at that very moment in conference with the leaders of the Alabama State Senate and House, but even he could not ignore the commotion outside. 

Culmination in Montgomery


The Governor sent one of his Aides outside to inquire as to what all this parading and trumpet blowing was about, the Governor's Aide and two assistants had drawn the General's attention, so he seeing them at the top landing turned, then climbed the steps to the top. However by chance he stopped directly upon the Star at the top, where Jefferson Davis stood to take his Oath of Office as the Provisional President of the Confederate States of America. As Founder, by this time I walked up to the top landing, so as to be present when the General Tillman took whatever action he deemed necessary.

The Aide, a Miss Michelle Blankenship asked of the General, "What is this about, what do you people want here and who are you? "I will speak to the Governor not his Aide; when he is ready let him speak for himself and I will listen. A visitor standing nearby, which was only present by-chance of having visited the Capital Building that same day was heard to say; "He speak like some one having authority; who is this General, that he should speak in such a manner?"

General Tillman, still standing upon the Jefferson Davis Star at the top landing, looked out over the massive crowd now gathered, as well as a number of mass media cameras pointed his way, all no doubt pondered the same thoughts as the by-chance visitor then ask, "Who is this General and these Gideon’s that have come here? The General who may or may not have realized, he was being telecast by every major network including several foreign networks, which had gradually gathered round about since the proceeding began.

The General looked toward the end of the walkway at the Gideon Battalion and the Color Guard, still mustered on the street, having paused after the sixth encirclement of the Capital Building, looking directly at Colonel William Pendleton who was awaiting the command, a hand signal was given and the seventh encirclement began. As the Gideonites turned the first corner on the southwest side, the Shofers began to blow their rams horns, pausing between each blowing of their horns.

The Rams Horns would be heard for blocks and would be blown seven times, timed so that the seventh blowing would be heard just as the Gideonites turned the fourth corner on the southeast side. The three Shofars, after blowing for the seventh time did a precision march around the building, joining up with each group of three until all 12 were back in 3 ranks of 4 each, and had rejoined the Gideonites and the Color Guard at the Capital Buildings main entrance.

A camera crew had made their way to the top landing where General John Tillman stood upon the Jefferson Davis Star! A news journalist ask the general a question; "General, you haven't stated your purpose in being here and who made you a Confederate General? The Confederacy lost the war and was dissolved 145 years ago! "You madam represent the mass media of an earthly kingdom, while I come in the name of the Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

These troops you have lined up on the street, stated the journalist, they do not move! "They will not move madam, until I command them to move, replied General Tillman!" The General gave another hand signal and the Gideon Battalion portion of the corps under Colonel William Pendleton gave an about face, a right flank, then another about face, thereupon the crowd witnessed the finest demonstration of precision drill to be seen anywhere.

They snapped their rifle buts on the pavement in unison, marched several steps and an about face in time to retrieve their rifles before they fell to the pavement, which was only one among many maneuvers they did during the spectacle. They then marched up the sidewalk, gave an about face, and an Order Arms, whereupon 300 rifles at precisely the same instant fired blanks cartridges! Colonel Pendleton then gave the orders, which would place his men on the lawn at the left side, as one enters the grounds facing westward, he then positioned himself front and center of his command.

The Governor finally relented and exited the building, confronting General John Tillman on camera and before the entire world! All right General I will ask the same questions as did my Aide, What is this about, what do you people want here and who are you? "Let us speak of a truth, you need to speak to me, I do not need to speak to you, nonetheless I will answer your question in a manner not unlike Moses, who Commanded Pharaoh; Let my people and nation go, that they might build upon this land a just and honorable society."

General, spoke the Governor; I am a State Governor not the President of a Nation, I have no such power! The General replied; "If you have no power Governor, it is because your government as well as yourself have been for too long on bended knees before the Empire, that you have not the courage to stand upon your feet and exercise your State Sovereignty. You will henceforth either serve the Empire and suffer their final epitaph or else you will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, in liberating and restoring the Confederate States of America.

You ask who we are Governor, we are those women and children who were raped, robbed, murdered and burned out of their homes, cities and nation, we are the Men in Gray that were forced after the surrender, to take an Oath of Allegiance to an Empire, under threat of imprisonment or execution. Finally Governor we are the Empire's worst nightmare, for we are those Men in Gray, which fought, suffered, bleed and died in agony, for our unalienable right, the right to decide for ourselves, what manner of society, government and nation shall be ours."

Before answering, the Governor looked out at the massive crowd, which had by this time gathered, seemingly including more media then could be found at a Presidential Inauguration, and he could see this wasn't merely a protest rally or an historical commemoration. This man was obviously different then all the others, which had come to Montgomery to 'petition the government for redress of their grievances' this man, General John Tillman, held the power of effective and total command, not only over his own Gideon’s, but in some strange way, over the masses of the people.

The Governor stood there with a stunned, gaze in his eye for a moment, within himself he knew history had come full circle, that great and terrible war, fought so long ago, was now concluding itself, but on a totally different type of battlefield. The United States had over the years been transformed into an Empire, corrupted itself and now faced the same demise as did every other arrogant Empire throughout history. It was becoming self evident even to him, the Stars and Strips above his own Alabama Capital, would soon be replaced by the Blood Stained Banner of the Confederacy!

Thursday 11 March 2010
The Montgomery Campaign

After having turned my attention away from the Rabbis for what could not have been more then a few seconds, I looked their way again, but they had somehow disappeared! I was certain my attention was not drawn away long enough for them to have walked through the crowd. I scanned the crowd, and as distinguishable as they were, these men were no where to be seen; had they been a vision that only I could see or even more, could they have been Angles from Heaven; maybe it wasn't Rabbis that my wife and I had met in Jerusalem after all, but rather visitors from the Realms of Heaven's Glory.

General Tillman and Colonel Pendleton quickly replaced them with two others, a Major General and a Brigadier General, both were like unto Tillman himself, War Veterans, and men who had taken the same Oath of Allegiance as did the other Gideonites, at the same location. But more then this, General Tillman, as well as his new General Staff, in cooperation with Colonel Pendleton, moved forward with their planning and preparations, much faster then expected.

On Thursday 18 February General Tillman call me, then made the official announcement, both to the Confederate Legion as well as to the mass media, the Confederates have returned and this time the world would learn of its significance. The date for the Gideon Battalion's public debut was set for 11 March in Montgomery Alabama, in commemoration of the 149th anniversary of the Confederate States Constitution.

On the morning of Thursday 11 March all 466 Gideonites mustered at the front side of the First Whitehouse of the Confederacy at 12:15 P.M., which stands across from the street to the east of the Alabama State Capital Building. The General Staff mustered in Uniform along with the Founder, on the steps of the Capital Building! As I stood there on the steps I could see off to our left the 300 Gideon’s Commanded by Colonel William Pendleton, plus the 144 Reserves mustered separately.

We were all trading comments when General John Tillman's car pulled up, driven by Mrs. Tillman, he exited the automobile walked up the sidewalk toward the steps smartly, according to his long years as a soldier. His uniform was impeccable, he looked like a Confederate Warrior, and indeed a warrior sent from the Almighty God himself, all of us which had work so hard to see this day knew, he was here not because of us but because of God's own calling.

As he reached the steps he carefully climbed up to join us, stopping to receive a salute from his General Staff and to render a salute to his Founder, one I accepted and returned out of military courtesy, knowing it was God himself which deserved the glory. "Good to see you again Mr. McCullum; the General said, you are pleased, are you not?" Indeed I am, I replied, I was not forewarned that the men, their uniforms and their accoutrements would turn out to be so awe inspiring."

There were four Color Guardsmen and 12 Shofars having fallen in by ranks of four, totaling 16, which were preparing to 'Present the Colors' before the General Staff! The men's uniforms were indeed unique to the Confederate Cause, being a type of multi Gray Camouflage with splotches of black in the pattern. The Officers wore a yellow dress parade type scarf, the Enlisted Personnel wore a light blue, they all wore a Third National Flag patch at the top of their left sleeve and a Confederate Chaplain's Flag patch on their right.

The Officers wore a non-metallic square C.S.A. Belt Buckle, the Enlisted Personnel wore a buckle having an oval shaped, each member had a Gideon name tag over his left side chest pocket! The Gideon’s all wore special designed, non-metallic combat style Black Boots and were equipped with a Chrome Plated Combated style Helmet, with an Officer Rank Insignia or else a Confederate Great Seal on the front, as appropriate to their rank.

It was astonishing to see the 300 Gideon's carrying modern Parade Rifles, which naturally fired only blanks, and having Chrome Plated rifle butts! But no listing of uniforms and equipment carried by the Gideon Battalion could accurately describe what was now unfolding in front of the First Whitehouse of the Confederacy; the Shofars had fallen into columns of 4, which were 3 ranks deep, plus the 4 Color Guard falling in behind them. Then came the 300 men of the Gideon’s Precision Drill Team, lead by their Commander, Colonel William Pendleton!

But there was more, much more! The General Staff and the Founder had lined up on the fifth step up from the entry sidewalk, while the five remaining Officers of the Gideon’s lined up on the sixth step, just above them. The General then gave a hand signal and the process was underway! The Color Guard and the Shofars did a series of precision maneuvers so as to position themselves in the middle of the street on the Far East end.

The 300 Gideonites under the Command of Colonel William Pendleton then did their own maneuvers and lined up to their rear, they then proceeded to march directly west so as to place themselves on the street, at the end of the Main Entrance sidewalk of the State Capital Building. They then halted, the Shofars did a very sharp maneuver so as to line up on the street, directly at the end of the sidewalk facing the build, having lined up in a single rank of 12 they blew the rams horns, which was broadcast by sound trucks positioned, one on each of the four sides of the building.

The trumpets were blown twice in unison, once facing the building, then again facing outward, symbolizing a call to the State Government as well as a call to the population at large. The entire corps receiving a salute from their General, then smartly reversed the precision maneuvers, which placed them as they were and returned themselves to their place in the ranks of the Gideon’s. It was customary for the Shofars to march ahead since they represented a Call from God, the Color Guard second, then the 300 Gideon’s third in the procession.

The ancient Hebrews under Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho once for seven days, then on the seventh day seven times, the modern Gideonites would march around the State Capital Building seven times on the same day. Then the Shofars would blow their trumpets seven times, three Shofars in position on each of the four sides of the building. As the Gideon Battalion marched smartly around the building, and on the sixth round with their chrome plated parade rifles, they did all manner of maneuvers, the Shofars fell out three on each side.

The Gideon’s paused at the front side of the building after the sixth encirclement, then the Shofars were heard for what must have been miles in every direction, as their rams horns sounded off seven times. By this time heavy crowds were gathering and the mass media was present and paying very close attention! The Governor was at that very moment in conference with the leaders of the Alabama State Senate and House, but even he could not ignore the commotion.

Culmination in Montgomery

The Governor sent one of his Aides outside to inquire as to what all this parading and trumpet blowing was about! The Governor's Aide and two assistants had drawn the General's attention, so he seeing them at the top landing turned, then climbed the steps to the top. However by chance he stopped directly upon the Star at the top, where Jefferson Davis stood to take his Oath of Office as the Provisional President of the Confederate States of America. As Founder, by this time I walked up to the top landing, so as to be present when the General Tillman took whatever action he deemed necessary.

The Aide, a Miss Michelle Blankenship asked of the General, "What is this about, what do you people want here and who are you? "I will speak to the Governor not his Aide; when he is ready let him speak for himself, and I will listen. A visitor standing nearby, which was only present by-chance of having visited the Capital Building that same day, was heard to say; "He speak like some one having authority; who is this General, that he should speak in such a manner?"

General Tillman, still standing upon the Jefferson Davis Star at the top landing, looked out over the massive crowd now gathered, as well as a number of mass media cameras pointed his way, all no doubt pondered the same thoughts as the by-chance visitor then ask, "Who is this General and these Gideon’s that have come here? The General who may or may not have realized, he was being telecast by every major network including several foreign networks, which had gradually gathered round about, since the proceeding began.

The General looked toward the end of the walkway at the Gideon Battalion and the Color Guard, still mustered on the street, having paused after the sixth encirclement of the Capital Building, looking directly at Colonel William Pendleton who was awaiting for a command, a hand signal was given and the seventh encirclement began. As the Gideonites turned the first corner on the southwest side, the Shofers began to blow their rams horns, pausing between each blowing of their horns.

The Rams Horns would be heard for blocks and would be blown seven times, timed so that the seventh blowing would be heard just as the Gideonites turned the fourth corner on the southeast side. The three Shofars, after blowing for the seventh time did a precision march around the building, joining up with each group of three until all 12 were back in 3 ranks of 4 each, and had rejoined the Gideonites and the Color Guard at the Capital Buildings main entrance.

A camera crew had made their way to the top landing, where General John Tillman stood upon the Jefferson Davis Star! A news journalist ask the general a question; "General, you haven't stated your purpose in being here and who made you a Confederate General? The Confederacy lost the war and was dissolved 145 years ago! "You madam represent the mass media of an earthly kingdom, while I come in the name of the Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

These troops you have lined up on the street, stated the journalist, they do not move! "They will not move madam, until I command them to move, replied General Tillman!" The General gave another hand signal and the Gideon Battalion portion of the corps under Colonel William Pendleton gave an about face, a right flank, then another about face, thereupon the crowd witnessed the finest demonstration of precision drill to be seen anywhere.

They clicked their rifle buts on the pavement in unison, marched several steps and an about face in time to retrieve their rifles before they fell to the pavement, which was only one among many maneuvers they did during the spectacle. They then marched up the sidewalk, gave an about face, and an Order Arms, whereupon 300 rifles at precisely the same instant fired blanks cartridges! Colonel Pendleton then gave the orders, which would place his men on the lawn at the left side, as one enters the grounds facing westward, he then positioned himself front and center of his command.

The Governor finally relented and exited the building, confronting General John Tillman on camera and before the entire world! Alright General, I will ask the same questions as did my Aide, What is this about, what do you people want here and who are you? "Let us speak of a truth, you need to speak to me, I do not need to speak to you, nonetheless I will answer your question in a manner not unlike Moses, who Commanded Pharaoh; Let my people and nation go, that they might build upon this land a just and honorable society."

General, spoke the Governor; I am a State Governor not the President of a Nation, I have no such power! The General replied; "If you have no power Governor, it is because your government as well as yourself have been for too long on bended knees before the Empire, that you have not the courage to stand upon your feet and exercise your State Sovereignty. You will henceforth either serve the Empire and suffer their final epitaph or else you will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, in liberating and restoring the Confederate States of America.

You ask who we are Governor, we are those women and children who were raped, robbed, murdered and burned out of their homes, cities and nation, we are the Men in Gray that were forced after the surrender, to take an Oath of Allegiance to an Empire, under threat of imprisonment or execution. Finally Governor we are the Empire's worst nightmare, for we are those Men in Gray, which fought, suffered, bleed and died in agony, for our unalienable right, the right to decide for ourselves, what manner of society, government and nation shall be ours."

Before answering, the Governor looked out at the massive crowd, which had by this time gathered, which seemingly included more media then could be found at a Presidential Inauguration, and he could see this wasn't merely a protest rally or an historical commemoration. This man was obviously different then all the others, which had come to Montgomery to 'petition the government for redress of their grievances'. This man, General John Tillman, held the power of effective and total command, not only over his own Gideon’s, but in some strange way, over the masses of the people.

The Governor stood there with a stunned, gaze in his eye for a moment, within himself he knew history had come full circle, that great and terrible war, fought so long ago, was now concluding itself, but on a totally different type of battlefield. The United States had over the years been transformed into an Empire, corrupted itself and now faced the same demise as did every other arrogant Empire throughout history. It was becoming self evident even to himself, the Stars and Strips above his own Alabama Capital, would soon be replaced by the Blood Stained Banner of the Confederacy!

The Conclusion

The Confederate Cause had finally achieved what it lacked before strong, charismatic leadership, and the advantages would now begin to shift in its favor! As I scanned over the crowd, in total amazement, my eyes were drawn to five very special Rabbis standing just about the center of the crowd. Then and there I looked upward into heaven and prayed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, "Precious Lord and Master, I said, you have truly vindicated the Confederate Cause this day, and I thank Thee oh Lord that thou hast heard our prayers."

After having turned my attention away from the Rabbis for what could not have been more then a few seconds, I looked their way again, but they had somehow disappeared! I was certain my attention was not drawn away long enough for them to have walked through the crowd. I scanned the crowd, and as distinguishable as they were, these men were no where to be seen; had they been a vision that only I could see or even more, could they have been Angles from Heaven; maybe it wasn't Rabbis that my wife and I had met in Jerusalem after all, but rather visitors from the Realms of Heaven's Glory.

The Confederate Cause has an effective and dynamic leader, my services henceforth would be mostly ceremonial and I knew it, so once again I spoke to our Lord and Savior "Oh Lord, I said, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." {II Timothy 4:7}. God had sanctioned the leadership of General John Tillman and I was convinced, his arrival among our numbers, was a Calling from the Almighty God Himself, for a purpose greater then anything we could have imagined.

General John Tillman possessing of an exceptional military demeanor, turned and began descending down the steps of the Alabama State Capital, the Governor still consulting with his Aides, while at the same time the General Staff came to attention and parted their ranks, allowing the General to continue unabated. As he did so Colonel William Pendleton brought the Gideon Battalion to attention, ordering a 'show stopping' series of quick precision rifle commands, clicking their rifle butts on the ground and bring them to attention at Right Shoulder Arms.

The Colonel, still facing this command did an about face and prepared to make a report to his Commanding General, rendering a salute, which was immediately returned! General Tillman then gave the order to close the ceremony, which had been rehearsed many times. The Gideon’s still being at attention were given a Left Face Command by Colonel Pendleton, while the General stepped back and joined his Civilian Commander, Founder George McCullum.

Then came a portion of the closing of which I had no forewarning; General Tillman turned to me and said, "Mr. McCullum, I'd like your wife as well as yourself to join my wife and I in our new Confederate Legion Staff Limousine." The General pointed toward the end of the sidewalk just as the brilliant white Limousine was even then pulling into place along the sidewalk. The General's lovely wife Kloe joined my wife Alice, then preceded to the Limo, even then waited along side while they talked briefly!

My attention was immediately drawn to the white Limousine's dacor, bearing the Great Seal of the Confederate States of America! The vehicle displayed on the front two corners of the vehicle our National Flag, the Blood Stained Banner, as well as the Confederate Chaplain's Flag, which was also born by the Gideon Battalion. As the General and myself approached, the driver exited and rounded the vehicle, opened the rear door and invited the ladies to enter, afterwards General Tillman and myself.

The Limousine drove away as the Gideon’s made their closing maneuvers, while at the same time the General turned to me and said something, which will inspire me always; "Mr. McCullum, he said, we are all but servants of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, instruments of His Divine Providence. All that we have become, including our vary lives’ and experiences, have pointed toward this hour, for this purpose were we born. These events and more were known of the Almighty God, long ages before the foundations of this earth!

God save the Confederacy
