Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Confederate Leader

Will such a leader appear?
What will he be like?

"The march of Providence is so slow and our desires so impatient; the work of progress is so immense and our means of aiding is so feeble; the life of humanity is long; that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope." --- General Robert E. Lee
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During my lifetime I've sensed an undertow or current of thought, howbeit subdued at times. The thought is obviously centered on a very special national leader, which is expected to appear.  A leader having extra-ordinary talent and skills!  No doubt the man whom the vast majority may have in mind, will be a scholar or else a successful merchant, who is revered and loved by those who know him.

This man will have no notion or desire to become the leader of a movement in any way, shape or form.  Still unknown to himself he has a date with destiny!  When his time shall have fully come, he will walk across the stage altering history for all time, becoming a legend among his people. Yet at the same time, little will be known about him and very little will be learned after his passing from the scene.  He will come upon the scene and depart, like the wind acroos the land.

There appears to be a certainty that such a Confederate States patriot and nationalist leader, will indeed appear, but only when his time has fully come.  And there is little doubt this leader, which is yet to come, will surely arrive only at a time chosen of Almighty God.  The Lord God no doubt awaits some situation, perhaps a particular event or series of events, which will unfold before his chosen leader steps forward.

This leader will then do what he has been commissioned of Almighty God to do, afterward depart the scene in a similar manor, as he arrived.  He will not be a man who seeks to walk in the halls of power, as do many in our time.  He will be a kind, mannerly, humble God fearing family man, and a scholar.

We will know him above the others when he arrives, inasmuch as the power of the living God, will fall upon him.  He will be a somewhat reluctant leader, yet at the same time empowered by God with an enormous charisma, and commanding presence.  Coliseums will not hold the crowds, which will gather about him, wherever he goes.  He will be both loved and hated more then any man of his time.  An attempt will be made upon his life, which will completely fail.

This event will only serve to strengthen his resolve, while increasing the attraction of the masses of the people, which throng about him.  He will arrive out of obscurity, and return back into obscurity, after his work is completed.  One could detail his reasons for coming, but in essence, it will be to set history back on course.  Knowing the wrong side won, the War for Confederate Independence!

Sometimes we as a people and nation, tend to become over anxious, and this is to be expected.  More often then not, our people are doubtful.  However we should remember, the Almighty God is not suspended in time, like unto we ourselves, thus the passing of time has no effect upon him.  That a nation or empire has proven the victor, or has been vanquished in the past, doesn't necessarily mean those same conditions, cannot be reversed by future history.   Israel was vanquished 2,000 years ago, by the Romans.  Only to rise again, standing as a powerhouse and an Ally in the Middle East.  Where are the Romans?

Read the quotation above by General Robert E. Lee one more time again, then consider the handy work of Almighty God.  Note how he often works across generations, even milliniums of time, in order fulfill his purpose.  Almighty God has heard the cries of our people, who have prayed with blood, sweat and tears, for some it has meant agony.   God will surely answer, all in due course of time!  The Confederate Leader we pray for will come, and we shall all recognize him, when he arrives.  And he will be recognized by both friend or foe!

There are those who firmly believe, there is no need for such a leader, and are against the entire concept, and this also is to be expected.  None-the-less, he will arrive on the scene, all in due course of time.  When he finally arrives, so many people will be proven wrong, as time moves forward.
For without national leadership, we are like unto sheep scattered abroad, each going their own way.  Without a strong leadership as depicted here, the Confederate Cause falls prey to the changing the winds of a degenerated society.  Entrapped by those who often mean well, but accomplish precious little, save to aide in the entrapment of our people under subjugation.

We have witnessed the result of our lack of such leadership, in a divided and ineffective movement.  Otherwise we would have been well on the way to victory, nearly a century ago.

God save the Confederacy

1 comment:

  1. "Victory is for those with the persistence and fortitude to resist the temptation to withdraw or whose resolve has been tempered, when conditions worsen and the cost rises; it is not for the weak hearted, nor those who are softened by the ease and comfort of a gilded cage, provided by the enemy at the cost of liberty. It is for those who continue to fight the good fight, even after others who have gone before, having faced overwhelming numbers and firepower found themselves unable to complete the mission." --- Jay Buckner

